Processing apple trees from pests: timing, choice of drugs, features of the work, tips and tricks from experienced gardeners

Processing apple trees from pests: timing, choice of drugs, features of the work, tips and tricks from experienced gardeners
Processing apple trees from pests: timing, choice of drugs, features of the work, tips and tricks from experienced gardeners

In order for apple trees to bear fruit well and delight gardeners, apple trees must be treated from pests.

Professional gardeners inspect apple trees before this process to determine the presence or absence of harmful insects. They also determine the number of pests and the degree of their danger to fruit trees.

Processing apple trees is not easy, because it is done with the help of special preparations. You need to know exactly the amount of application of these drugs on trees, how to do it correctly.

treatment of apple trees from diseases
treatment of apple trees from diseases

Apple processing scheme

Processing of apple trees from pests by specialists occurs according to a certain scheme. They make calculations on how to treat apple trees with a minimum amount of pesticides in order to save the trees and not harm the fruits.

Processing apple trees from diseases and pests occurs as follows:

  1. In March, until the buds have blossomed, you can processtrees with the help of preparation No. 30. It destroys wintering pests that sit in the wood.
  2. In April, the green cone of the tree is sprayed. This can be done using Bordeaux liquid 1%. It protects trees from fungi and bacteria.
  3. In May, buds are being processed. At this stage, we are fighting leafworms and flower beetles.
  4. In June, during the period of fruit growth, apple trees are treated with Topaz and Lepidocin. Then special belts are applied to make it impossible for pests to climb the tree.
  5. In July, the fruits are still growing, and they also need to be protected, but from the codling moth.
  6. In August, the fruits ripen. Here the carrion is collected and the late varieties of apple trees are protected with the help of "Kemifos".
  7. In September, the fruits of many varieties of apple trees still ripen. Therefore, you also need to collect carrion, put on trapping belts.

Thus, the processing of apple trees from pests is carried out for almost the entire growing season.

Step-by-step spring processing of apple trees

It is very important to process fruit trees in the spring. This procedure is considered the main stage in the protection of apple trees. So, spring processing of apple and pear trees from pests is divided into three main stages.

spring processing of apple and pear trees from pests
spring processing of apple and pear trees from pests


This stage takes place in early April. In March, pruning of apple trees is carried out: the removal of dried and infected branches, as well as parasitic branches. These include one-year-old branches growing up or towards the trunk of an apple tree. In these areas, nothere will be apples, and the shoots themselves will take away the strength of the tree.

After pruning, the tree trunk is cleaned of scab, rot and various damage. All wounds of the apple tree, in order to avoid infection, are treated with garden pitch or heated resin. The skeletal part of the tree is whitewashed with garden whitewash to protect it from the bright rays of the spring sun and to kill insects that hibernate in the trunk of an apple tree.


At this stage, spraying begins. You need to start this by blooming the first buds. Usually it is the end of April. Processing will be more effective in calm, calm weather. The first spraying, as a rule, is carried out with a solution of copper sulfate. This mixture kills most pests that overwinter in fruit tree buds.

But spring processing of apple trees from pests is done not only with chemicals. Various infusions are also suitable for this: onion peel, garlic infusion, tobacco dust infusion, you can also spray with a solution of laundry soap.

After spraying the apple tree itself, you still need to cultivate the soil around it.

Usually, these procedures are performed in the evening, so that the solutions do not lose their effectiveness when interacting with the sun.

spraying the apple tree
spraying the apple tree


The next spring treatment of apple trees from pests and diseases is carried out after flowering. During this period, trapping belts are placed on fruit trees, which you can make yourself. Such a belt is made using any wrapping paper, slag or burlap and a small amount of glue. Belt widthshould be about 20 cm, can be more.

Spraying of apple trees during this period is carried out with the help of such preparations as "Marshal", "Nurel D", "Neoron". They kill almost all insects. If careful processing of trees is not required, then you can use lighter means. These are drugs such as "Barrier", "Fitoferm", "Aktofit".

Processing apple trees during flowering with chemicals is not recommended. It can harm the insects that are currently pollinating the trees.

You can spray apple trees in summer, but only if there is a need for it. In this case, it is better to use gentle means.

spring processing of apple trees
spring processing of apple trees

How to properly spray an apple tree

In order for the harvest of apples to be generous and of high quality, you need to properly deal with insects and pests. If the apple tree is not sprayed in a timely manner, then all watering, fertilizers and pruning will be useless. Therefore, it is important to figure out which drugs to use for the greatest effectiveness.

Spraying starts in the spring and continues in the summer during maximum pest activity. In autumn, after harvesting, it is also advisable to spray for prevention.

Spraying: spring-summer-autumn

Spring. Before the buds swell, the first spraying of the apple tree is carried out using a freshly prepared urea solution. Spray the bark of the tree to get rid of hibernating insects. Take 700 g of the substance per 10 liters of water.

Further processing of apple trees in the spring from pests is carried out in April so that insects do not damage the buds of the apple tree. During the flowering period, many gardeners do not recommend processing. It is made from rose buds. This is a measure of protection against moniliosis and scab. You can use "Skor", "Chorus", Bordeaux mixture (1%).

Processing apple trees after flowering from pests helps protect the fruits themselves and prevent the development of various diseases.

Summer. Basically, summer care for an apple tree consists in top dressing. Do this with the help of liquid fertilizers, as they are more easily absorbed by the foliage. Chemical treatment of apple trees during flowering from pests is rarely carried out, only in isolated cases, if necessary. It is better to deal with insects during this period by other methods: using trapping belts or planting repellents.

Autumn. During this period, spraying is also carried out, but already for prevention. You can use "Skor" or Bordeaux mixture (2%), but the treatment should be carried out on bare branches (after leaf fall). In addition, in the fall, you need to pick all the dry fruits left on the tree, remove and burn the leaves.

Very often, diseases begin to appear only during the fruiting period. But here it is important to remember that it is impossible to spray apple trees during fruit ripening. This can only be done after harvest. Results will be visible next year.

Preparations for the treatment of apple trees from pests

The following are the most common and effective preparations that are used for feeding and processingfrom pests.

Urea. Pretty common drug. When using it, it must be diluted with water, according to the instructions. Urea is used for various purposes, it will depend on the season. In the spring, during the treatment of apple trees from pests, with the help of urea they fight insects sleeping in the bark of a tree. In the fight against pests that hide in the bark, a more concentrated solution will do. So that it does not burn the leaves, you need to use it only before the buds swell

In the summer you can feed fruit trees with urea. This drug is rich in nitrogen, which affects the yield. When foliar top dressing, you need to take no more than 30 g of the product per 10 liters of water.

means for processing apple trees
means for processing apple trees
  1. Copper vitriol. It is used for the prevention of moniliosis, anthracnose, scab. It also kills harmful insects. To prevent fungal diseases, the apple tree is treated with a solution of copper sulfate in early spring, before bud break. The proportion is 100 g of the drug per 10 liters of water, which must first be heated so that the copper sulfate dissolves faster.
  2. Iron vitriol. Processing an apple tree in the spring from pests and diseases can also be carried out with the help of iron sulfate. It is also used as a fertilizer, as it saturates fruit trees with iron. This trace element promotes growth and abundant fruiting. With the depletion of the soil and the lack of this element, processing with iron sulphate will be very helpful. Spraying with iron sulphate stimulates growth and the formation of chlorophyll. Proportionis 100 g of substance per 10 liters of water.
  3. Colloidal sulfur. This drug is used in the fight against powdery mildew, ticks, various fungal diseases. Colloidal sulfur cannot be dissolved in water, but it can be stirred, turning it into a suspension. Before use, sulfur is usually soaked in water to make it easier to dilute it later. It does not harm a person, but evaporating under the sun's rays, it has a detrimental effect on pests. To prepare the solution, 1 sachet is mixed with 10 liters of water.
apple pests
apple pests

Preparing for processing

The processing of apple trees from pests today is carried out by all kinds of systems: both manual and electric, with and without a compressor. Of course, some gardeners still use a bucket and a broom, but this spraying is not the most effective.

For high-quality processing, you need to use a pump. In this case, the nozzle for the pump must be selected correctly so that the liquid is well sprayed. Droplets when spraying should be as small as possible. This will save the solution and evenly process the trees.

Before starting the procedure, you need to check how the pump works, whether the length of the hose is enough to get to the very top.

Next, it's worth moving on to inspecting the tree: if there are moss and lichens, they are removed with a brush. After that, you can prepare a solution - homogeneous, without lumps. It is important to stir it well so that fruit trees are sprayed evenly. During the processing itself, the solution must be shaken.

Features of the processing process

When the mortarprepared, you can proceed to the processing itself. You need to spray evenly over the trunk, branches and leaves, so the treatment of apple trees from pests will be as effective as possible. The distance from the pump tip to the tree should be 75-80 cm. It is necessary to spray the leaves of the apple tree very carefully - the solution should also fall on the back sides of the leaves. After treatment, the apparatus must be thoroughly rinsed with cold water. For the most effective spraying, do not selectively treat trees. It is better to process the entire garden at once. If pest control is being carried out on one particular tree, then it is better to process the neighboring ones so that the parasites do not spread.

Processing safety

Apple trees are treated from pests in the spring with the help of special tools and materials: a piston pump or a special compressor, a respiratory mask (or a multilayer gauze bandage), rubber gloves, eye protection goggles. It is also advisable to think about clothing that will protect the body as much as possible from sprayed substances.

When spraying, you need to be extremely careful, as some drugs can harm your he alth. When the procedure is over, you need to wash your hands and face well with soap. In this case, it is better to use the most ordinary soap, which does not contain extraneous additives. These additives may react with the active substance of the solution remaining on the skin.

The mouth should also be rinsed with clean water. It is important to remember to spray when the weather is calm and calm.

how to process apple treesduring flowering
how to process apple treesduring flowering


There are a lot of pests in fruit trees. The most common are described below.

  1. Apple beetle is a small black-brown beetle with light stripes and an arched proboscis. It hibernates in tree bark and fallen leaves. The bugs themselves feed on buds, and the larvae feed on buds. They fight with the flower beetle, cleaning the old bark, and using special trapping belts.
  2. The fruit moth is a small butterfly with light-colored wings that have a fringe around the edges. She eats out buds, a leaf plate. They fight it with drugs "Fitoverm", "Vertimek", "Oleukuprit".
  3. Winter moth is a reddish-gray butterfly. Its caterpillars are very voracious, feeding first on buds and then on foliage. They fight the butterfly with the help of trapping belts.
  4. Apple glass is a butterfly with a dark blue body and transparent wings. They fight it with modern insecticides.
