The operation of the electrical network in household utility infrastructure is often accompanied by negative factors that can cause damage to equipment and appliances. In particular, it can be voltage fluctuations, impulse drops, electrical noise and surges. You can eliminate such risks with the help of special devices. The most affordable from the point of view of domestic use is a voltage stabilizer for an apartment, which does not take up much space, but at the same time will perform its function properly.

Is a stabilizer really necessary?
Until recently, stabilizing devices were practically not used in everyday life. They were usually used in enterprises, offices and industries where powerful and at the same time sensitive to energy supply equipment is operated, and in most cases it performs quite important tasks. But today more and more often the question arises - do you need a voltage stabilizer in the apartment and can you do without it? Indeed, some of the electrical appliances are resistant to sudden drops and power surges. In addition, fluctuations in the networkoccur infrequently. In turn, the stabilizer still costs money, not to mention the costs and hassle in the installation process. Such investments are justified by the guaranteed protection of refrigerators, TVs and other representatives of household appliances, the filling of which can fail if the voltage is unevenly provided.
Key Features
It should be noted right away that for an apartment or a small private house it is better to purchase single-phase models. Usually they are divided into two segments depending on the range of voltage covered. Entry-level models operate in the 140-160 W spectrum, while standard versions operate in the 160-250 W corridor. The next important characteristic is power. It should be calculated even before buying a stabilizer, evaluating the maximum threshold. A specific indicator is determined based on the total power of the sources that will be connected to the device. On the question of which voltage regulator is best for an apartment in terms of power, it is best to focus on the range of 0.5-30 kW. This potential is enough to service the house with a standard set of modern household appliances. But, if there are non-standard consumers in the apartment, then it is advisable to add another 10-20% to the calculated power for insurance.
Specialists usually divide stabilizers into two types - electromechanical and devices with step regulation. But these two types should be considered separately. A simpler classification divides devices according to the type of construction and the number of possible consumers. WhatAs for the design, the most common is a wall-mounted voltage stabilizer for an apartment, which takes up little space and can be integrated next to the meter for easy monitoring of operating parameters. Also, the floor version, which looks like a surge protector, is becoming more and more popular. But these two devices should not be confused, because they have different functions and the filter does not provide protection to the extent that the stabilizer does.

In terms of the number of energy consumers served, devices also differ, but here the differences are rather individual - for example, there are models with three outlets, five, six, etc.
Electromechanical Stabilizers
These models are based on a small automatic transformer. The functionality of this device is determined by the possibility of voltage regulation due to graphite brushes, which, depending on the characteristics of the electrical circuit, move around the transformer coil. The advantages of such devices include high accuracy in fixing the voltage, as well as a small mass. It is widely believed that mains voltage stabilizers for an electromechanical type apartment have a serious drawback in the form of wear of the mentioned brushes. But this is not entirely true, since even in industrial high-power units, graphite elements have been in operation for years, providing accurate regulatory indicators. Moreover, if the device is purchased for an ordinary apartment, then wear can be completelydon't think.

Models with step control
In this case, the transformer principle of operation is also used, but the regulation itself is carried out according to a stepped system due to switches. When voltage fluctuations are observed, the automatic key eliminates them by moving the turns of the transformer coil. There are two types of switches - relay and digital. In the first case, a conventional mechanical component is used, which, however, is designed for automatic operation, and in the second, thyristors and triacs. We can say that this is the optimal voltage stabilizer 220V for an apartment, since it is characterized by low sensitivity to mains frequencies. As for the accuracy of voltage correction, this indicator is significantly inferior to electromechanical analogues with smooth adjustment. On the other hand, this type of stabilizer benefits from a high speed of primary processing of voltage readings.
Additional functionality
The device is constantly being improved, both in terms of the accuracy of fixing the voltage, and in relation to the overall safety of operation. In advanced devices, for example, developers provide an operating status indication system. Thus, the user can find out the parameters of the output and input voltage, as well as control the parameters due to external control elements interconnected with the indicators. As for safety systems, manufacturers are increasingly endowing stabilizing devices with high strengthenclosures that are also resistant to internal overheating. Experts also recommend purchasing a voltage stabilizer for an apartment with automatic diagnostic modes. This means that in the event of a malfunction, regardless of the current state of the device, the system will give an appropriate signal according to the principle of an emergency button.

Installation of equipment
Special difficulties in the process of physical installation of the stabilizer should not arise. As a rule, manufacturers complete devices with special brackets, with the help of which it is recommended to mount them. The only caveat in such an installation is the need to maintain a distance of 30 cm from the ceiling. Most of these models are installed in a separate order, but there is also a voltage regulator for an apartment in a shield, which has small dimensions. It is easy to integrate it into the operating panel of the electrical panel, but it is important to consider the disadvantages of such a solution. Compact models have a minimum level of mechanical protection, and their power level rarely exceeds 10 kW. Again, for comparison, individual stabilizers are able to serve the total power of consumers at the level of 30-40 kW.
Connection nuances
Before connecting the device, it is necessary to check its external condition for damage. Also, if during transportation the external temperature was negative, then it is necessary to leave the stabilizer for 2 hours at room temperature, without doing anything with it.manipulations. Next, you can proceed to the connection. First of all, the so-called "Bypass" mode, if present, is turned off. It is usually provided for preventive work. Then the ground wire is connected to the corresponding terminal on the device. After that, the load wires are connected or a direct connection to the outlet is made. Depending on the scheme used in the installation in the apartment, the voltage stabilizer may have a different degree of deviation from the actual indicators when registering operating parameters. Therefore, it is best to conduct an electrical examination in advance, which will determine the most advantageous place and method of installation with connecting the device.
Maintenance of stabilizer

Usually, manufacturers recommend that the instrument be inspected once a year. During these checks, the user must evaluate the reliability of the wiring connections, which include load, ground, and input voltage. It is equally important to check the external condition of the device. The main thing at this stage is to make sure that the air circulation holes are not blocked by anything and provide free ventilation. Of course, the case itself must be cleaned of all kinds of dirt and dust. By the way, the best voltage stabilizer for an apartment in terms of ease of maintenance is a device provided with a dust-insulated housing. Such models have a special design with a coating based on dustproof material. Alsoif possible, with the help of electrical devices, it would be useful to evaluate the quality of the stabilizer's built-in measuring equipment.
The leader in the domestic market of stabilizers is the company "Resanta". Its products are presented in a huge assortment, and in terms of quality characteristics, some models are not inferior to imported counterparts. Also among the Russian manufacturers of this equipment are the firms "Teplocom" and "Caliber". If we talk about foreign brands, then a high-quality voltage stabilizer for an apartment is easy to find in the Wester, Sturm and Elitech lines. The developers of these companies implement the latest technologies in stabilizers, while maintaining a high level of quality in key parameters.
How to choose the best option?

Technical indicators should be the starting point in the selection. Again, the total power of the household appliances used will determine which range of power potential should be targeted. In addition, it is important to take into account the design features and ergonomic advantages. As for the design, the most convenient way of installation and fastening is determined here. Ergonomics should not be underestimated either, as it will allow you to comfortably use a voltage stabilizer for an apartment. How to choose a model for this indicator? Pay attention to devices with digital control panels and, in particular, those with liquid crystal displays. The fact is thatvisual representation of this kind of data is often accompanied by a wide range of indicators themselves, which the user can control.
Question of price
In the entry-level segment, devices with price tags from 2 to 4 thousand rubles are available. These are the simplest devices that can perform their tasks with high quality, but for the most part they lack additional functionality, not to mention modern security systems. The middle class costing from 5 to 7 thousand is also not particularly pampered in terms of technological excellence, but you can be sure that the manufacturer of such a device has provided a reliable element base. In the upper range, a voltage stabilizer is presented for an apartment worth about 12-15 thousand. These are multifunctional models provided with both LCD displays and improved means of monitoring indicators. In addition, they have an original design.

Even if the local power grid is not characterized by frequent power failures, this does not mean that household appliances are completely safe. The reason for a sharp fluctuation can be a random factor, which in the end can lead to the need for expensive repairs. For just a few thousand rubles, a voltage stabilizer for an apartment will help get rid of such risks. How to choose the optimal model is a simple question. Sometimes a cheap device is enough, the list of duties of which will include the control of one or two pieces of equipment. If the apartment is literally crammed with differentkind of electrical appliances, the need for a stabilizer is greatly increased, causing the need for a more powerful and reliable electrical protection system.