Hydrangea: types, varieties, photos

Hydrangea: types, varieties, photos
Hydrangea: types, varieties, photos

Amazing hydrangea, which species are quite numerous, is a small shrub or tree covered with inflorescences consisting of two types of flowers. The first is large specimens that have four sepals. They are completely sterile. The second version of the flowers is quite small, but its representatives perform reproductive functions. This article will consider the types of hydrangeas with photos of their representatives. After all, each of them deserves not only an illustration, but also a separate description.

General information

Hydrangea is a genus of flowers, which includes about eighty species. The greatest variety of these plants can be found in Japan, China, and also in America.

hydrangea species
hydrangea species

Several varieties grow in the Far East. Of course, the types of garden hydrangeas are not so diverse, but still there are plenty to choose from. The family to which it belongsplant called saxifrage. This indicates that this flower is quite strong and hardy. But he, despite all his strength, has a stunning appearance. You can verify this by examining the types of hydrangeas presented in the article with photos that show the beauty of this plant.

Features of flowering

Flowering occurs from spring to late autumn. The inflorescences of this plant are located at the ends of its stems and have the shape of a ball. They are called a shield or panicle. Some species have both reproductive and non-reproductive flowers. They differ in that they have different sizes. Smaller (reproductive) are located in the center, and larger (sterile) along the edge. But the inflorescence can only consist of fertile (fertile) flowers.

types of hydrangeas with photos
types of hydrangeas with photos

Then they will all have the same size. More often, hydrangea, the species of which are so numerous, has a white color. But there may be other shades. You can find plants of red, blue, pink, and purple flowers. Such colors, as a rule, depend on the pH of the soil. In acidic soil, specimens grow, the petals of which turn blue, and in alkaline soil, plants with pink or purple flowers. All types of hydrangeas, garden or wild, have the same fruit. Usually it is represented by a box divided into compartments. Their number can vary from two to five.

Historic moments

The first acquaintance of Europeans with hydrangea took place at the end of the eighteenth century. Exactlythen the first French expedition around the world took place. Its participants brought large-leaved hydrangea, which they discovered on the island of Mauritius, located in the Indian Ocean. This plant, according to one version, got its name in honor of Princess Hortensia, who was the sister of Prince Nassau-Siegen. According to another, more romantic assumption, the French doctor Commerson named the flower, dedicating it to his beloved, who bore the name Hortensia.

In 1739, this plant was studied by the botanist Jan Frederik Grovonius, who gave it the name "hydrangia". It was he who combined two Latin words in the name of this flower. One of them means water, and the other is a jug. These associations were provoked not only by the shape of the seed containers, but also by the moisture-loving nature of this flower. Since then, the hydrangea flower has become more and more famous, the varieties and types of which conquer people everywhere. Before reaching Europe, this plant conquered all of Asia. And this is not surprising. Hydrangea has a number of positive characteristics. She feels wonderful not only at home, but also in the garden. The most famous and popular - garden or large-leaved. But what else is hydrangea (species)? Varieties, photos of which are found in this article, may well be grown in our climatic conditions. And they are not at all afraid of the weather vagaries of the Russian climate.

Recommendations for choosing a landing site

The nature of our region is not too spoiled by shrubs that can bloom beautifully. Such a gap can be filled by borrowedother areas and winter-resistant plants. An example of such a shrub is lilac. She fell in love and took root so much that she is considered "native".

But many of these plants have not received due attention, which is completely in vain. Just one of these is the hydrangea, the species and varieties of which, although very beautiful, are not widespread enough. Although some of them perfectly tolerate a temperate climate and are unpretentious in care.

Unfortunately, we cannot grow any hydrangeas at home. Species and varieties for Russian gardens in the middle lane are somewhat limited. This, of course, is due to the climatic conditions of our area. But for all of them there are general recommendations. Whatever the hydrangea (species), planting and caring for the plant, produced in garden conditions, require some preparation. All representatives of this wonderful flower love to have a lot of light. They feel best in open areas, although they do not favor too bright sun. Therefore, they grow and develop well also in slightly shaded places. Important features when choosing a place for planting are its protection from the wind and constant soil moisture. As well as acidic or slightly acidic soil.

Hydrangea: types and care

The soil in which you are going to grow your flowers must be fertile. He shouldn't get sloppy. Since alkaline soils lead to the development of chlorosis. Hydrangea leaves begin to turn yellow and lose their attractiveness. To prevent this, once every ten days, watering is carried out with saline, which includesthere must be iron.

The hydrangea shrub, the types and photos of which are presented in this article, prefers the following version of the soil mixture for growth. This is a combination in equal proportions of peat, sand, as well as sheet and sod soil. It is best to plant hydrangeas in early spring. When planning a landing, fifteen to twenty days before it, they dig a hole. The width and depth should be about half a meter. The pit should contain fertile soil, and the neck of the root should be located at the level of the soil. After planting, the hydrangea is well watered and the ground near the trunk is covered with peat.

As for fertilizers, it is better to use potassium permanganate in solution or slurry. At the beginning of summer and all spring, it is better to fertilize hydrangeas with acidic nutrients, and in July, August and autumn - with phosphorus-potassium.

Yearly, the plant requires spring pruning. If it is not produced, then the bushes are pulled out until they simply break off under the influence of their own weight. Propagation of hydrangeas is done by cuttings. They are cut when they are already flexible, but not yet stiff. Bushes begin to form at least at the age of three.

Hydrangea: types, varieties, photos of representatives

Some of the species and varieties of hydrangeas that exist in nature are able to grow and even delight with their flowering in temperate gardens. Tree and paniculate are best suited. Bretschneider's hydrangea and petiolate develop somewhat worse. Therefore, they require special care.

And here are the numerous types of hydrangeaslarge-leaved practically do not take root. We can please ourselves with only some of its varieties, with all their diversity. The largest number of species of this wonderful flower is found in the nature of East Asia. So, let's figure out what types of hydrangeas are in our gardens.

Hydrangea tree is most often represented by the following varieties. Variety "Annabel" has the appearance of a shrub, the height of which does not exceed one and a half meters.

types of garden hydrangeas
types of garden hydrangeas

The diameter of its crown can reach three meters. The leaves are large, juicy green. They do not change their color even in autumn. Flowering begins in June and continues until the end of September. Inflorescences are white.

The next variety is Grandiflora. This spreading type of shrub is densely covered with cream flowers. This beauty lasts from June to September.

And one more, no less beautiful variety "Sterilis". It has a longer flowering period. Whitish-green inflorescences, under the weight of which the branches bend, cover the bush until the end of October.

Paniculata hydrangea varieties are also very beautiful. This is a real decoration of the garden. This species also has a variety called "Grandiflora". Its inflorescences are pyramid-shaped and reach a length of thirty centimeters. Flowers change their color. Initially, they have a creamy tint. In the active phase of flowering - white. Over time, the inflorescences turn pink, and by autumn they become greenish-red.

types of garden hydrangeas
types of garden hydrangeas

Tall Kyushu shrub has a very unusual shapecrowns - in the form of a fan. Its inflorescences are white and fragrant. A distinctive feature is resistance to frost. The flowering period continues from mid-July and captures half of October.

Another variety "Symphony of Color" blooms from early July until the end of September. Requires shelter for the winter. Over the entire flowering period, its color changes from pale cream to wine red.

A plant in our area rarely exceeds a meter in height. The types of garden hydrangea, the photos of which can be found in this section, are very beautiful and change color depending on the level of acidity of the soil in which they grow. The variety "Early Blue" has very strong stems and does not need a garter. During flowering, it can bloom about six inflorescences at once.

hydrangea species varieties photo
hydrangea species varieties photo

Their color is bright blue. It has a powerful root system, thanks to which it can feel quite comfortable in a tub. The flowering period begins in July and continues until the end of September. In the climatic conditions of our area, wintering is possible only under the condition of shelter or in a winter garden.

Petiole hydrangea is a shrub in the form of a liana. It has suckers and aerial roots. Thanks to these adaptations, this species is able to conquer heights up to twenty-five meters. The flowers are white-pink in color and are collected in large loose inflorescences. This hydrangea is able to develop and grow quite well in shading conditions. Although it blooms better in open areas. Requires wind protection. This view is perfect for decorating gazebos orwall decorations.

One of the most resistant species is the Bretschneider hydrangea. She courageously endures not only winter, but also a long drought. Its inflorescences have a milky hue. At the beginning they are greenish, and in the end they become purple. Flowering occurs every year and continues throughout the summer, starting in June.

Large-leaved hydrangea: care features

Japan is considered the birthplace of this plant. It is there that this type of hydrangea is able to reach a height of four meters. Unfortunately, the large-leaved hydrangea is not very resistant to cold and can only hibernate in a state of shelter. Previously, this species was grown only as a house plant, but more frost-tolerant varieties were later developed, which allowed this plant to move from the windowsill to the garden.

The soil should have an acidic environment and consist in equal parts of peat, humus, sand, leaf and sod soil. This hydrangea is very sensitive to the appearance of lime in the soil. It should not be planted under trees, since in this case it will be deprived of both moisture and nutrition. The place of growth should be slightly shaded.

Plant hydrangeas in the garden in the spring, as soon as the threat of frost has passed. If there are several bushes, then a distance of at least one meter must be observed between them. Hydrangea should be watered with soft water. Perfect for rain. After watering, the soil should be mulched using peat or pine needles. Fertilize the ground, as a rule, at the beginning of growth, during the laying of buds and during the flowering period. As soon as the first ones appearfrosts, the bushes should be piled up to a height of about thirty centimeters, and the top should be covered with two layers of film with holes. In November, the branches of the plant should be well bent to the ground and carefully covered with dry foliage. After that, cover the hydrangea with a box. Plant pruning is done in spring and autumn. You can propagate by cuttings or layering.

Paniculata hydrangea: cultivation and care

This type of hydrangea is able to tolerate even waterlogged soils. Abundant flowering of the bush is possible if the ground under it remains wet. All types of hydrangea paniculata grow best in acidic clay soils.

hydrangea types of planting and care
hydrangea types of planting and care

It is better to place the plant near a hedge or near some building. This will protect the hydrangea from the wind. But at the same time, the area should be well lit. This species feels quite comfortable in conditions of gassed air. This makes it possible to plant shrubs along the road. If your region is notable for the severity of the climate, then try to provide the plant with at least a little shelter for the winter.

In general, paniculate hydrangea is a frost-resistant plant. At the very beginning of spring, and preferably at the end of winter, the plant should be pruned. It is important not to miss one point here. During pruning, the dormant period should continue. If it has already ended, then the cropped plant can get sick. If you want to achieve a large number of flowers, then last year's shoots are best cut very short. But gentle pruning will help enhance the growth of the stems. Everytwo weeks should feed the hydrangea with liquid mineral fertilizers. A week after top dressing, organic fertilizer is added. This is done once a month. Reproduction of this species is carried out by cuttings or layering. For the first three years, a young plant should be well covered in winter.

Hydrangea tree

All types of arboreal hydrangea love moist, fertile soil with low acidity. Although this species is quite capable of surviving a certain amount of lime. Flowering is plentiful. It usually occurs from early June to late September. But flowers bloom only on young shoots. Last year's branches are not involved in the process. The inflorescences of this species retain their shape well even when cut, so they often become part of dried flower compositions. In areas closer to the north, it is best to plant this type of plant in the spring, and in the southern area it can also be done in the fall.

hydrangea species and varieties for Russian gardens
hydrangea species and varieties for Russian gardens

If several specimens will grow in your garden, then they must be at least a meter apart from each other. The root system of a tree hydrangea, although not deep, is wide enough. Therefore, the pit prepared for planting should be in the shape of a cube, each face of which is equal to at least thirty centimeters. About a third of a bucket of humus is poured inside the pit and then planted. At the end of planting work, the plant is watered with soft water, and the soil around the trunk is covered with peat.

This hydrangea needs a lot of watering, andalso regular feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers. In autumn, shrubs should be spudded thirty centimeters from the ground. But the most important thing in caring for this plant is pruning. As soon as growth buds begin to swell in early spring, the hydrangea must be cut off. Six to twelve last year's growths should be left in the bush. This type of hydrangea is easy to propagate. This can be done not only with the help of layering and cuttings, but also with root offspring or bush division.

Pests and diseases

Hydrangea, like many other plants, is subject to various diseases, as well as pest attacks. This can be caused by incorrect temperature conditions, violation of irrigation requirements, untimely plant nutrition and even dense planting of bushes.

Very often hydrangea diseases are provoked by high humidity. Under such conditions, downy mildew develops rapidly. This is evidenced by the spots that appeared on the leaves. They are yellow at first and then darken. On the reverse side of the sheet, plaque can be found. Fungicide should be applied immediately if symptoms are detected.

In the summer, hydrangea shoots can be attacked by gray mold. Brown spots appear on them. In that case, all affected areas must be removed and destroyed, and the remaining ones should be treated with a fungicide. Hydrangeas are among those plant species that are often affected by viral infections. Of the pests, these shrubs are most often visited by spider mites, as well as aphids.

Hydrangea species which werediscussed in this article, is a real decoration of any garden. It is not always difficult to care for, and many of its varieties are frost-resistant enough that we can afford to grow them.

If you strictly follow all the rules for caring for this plant, then the reward will be a profusely flowering bush, pleasing not only with large inflorescences, but also with their ability to change color during the entire flowering period. Hydrangea will bring beauty and originality to your garden.
