Cement is a binder inorganic substance in the form of a dry powder, which, when interacting with water, forms a plastic solution, which after a while, as a result of a physicochemical process, turns into a solid state. This material is able to harden and retain its strength both in water and in air.

Cement grade m400
M400 - cement made from gypsum, fine clinker grinding and specialized additives. The number 400 indicates that, after hardening, the mixture is able to withstand loads up to 400 kg / cm.
This building material is produced in accordance with technical standards, and the quality of the finished product is strictly controlled, since concrete structures that include cement must have high stability and reliability.

M400 - cement with high strength, frost resistance, water resistance, durability and anti-corrosion properties. This is perhaps the most popular brand in domestic and industrial construction. It can be used as a binder in mortar or concrete, and also used in the construction of reinforced concrete structures, since the strength is quite suitable for such buildings. This material has received well-deserved recognition from European and Russian builders.

Advantages and disadvantages
M400 - cement endowed with a number of advantages:
- High strength characteristics.
- Resistant to moisture, temperature extremes and corrosive wear.
- Long service life of reinforced concrete structures.
- Possibility of application in any climatic zones, without making antifreeze additives. So, M400 is a cement that can perfectly withstand even critical temperatures.
- Wide range of applications. Can be used for plastering and masonry, building foundations, etc.
- Another important advantage is the absence of cracks even when deviating from technology.
- In addition, the M400 is much cheaper than higher brands, which saves the budget.
The only drawback of the M400 is its strength. It is not suitable for the construction of high-rise buildings. In all other respects, this brand of cement only wins.

Marking "M400"means that the compressive strength of this material is 400 kgf / cm². It also reflects the presence of plasticizers in the composition of cement. Additives increase the anti-corrosion characteristics and water resistance of the mixture, which allows it to be used for the manufacture of high-density concretes that can work in aggressive environments or humidity. The percentage of additives can be up to 20%. This designation is applied to the bags after the letter "D".

As a rule, the features and quantity of additives directly affect the scope of cement. For example:
- D0 is Portland cement without additives. It has a general construction purpose and is used to prepare a standard solution. Most of the concrete structures used in conditions of high humidity are made from such cement.
- D5 - used for the manufacture of load-bearing elements with high density, such as foundation blocks, floor slabs. Such cement is corrosion resistant and more hydrophobic.
- D20 - used in the production of reinforced concrete products (curbs, blocks of prefabricated foundations, paving slabs). Such Portland cement is characterized by a rapid set of strength at the beginning of solidification. Concrete made on the basis of D20 sets after 12 hours.
M400 cement (50 kg): price
The price of the described material cannot be called high, and it depends on the type, type, properties and volume of the ordered batch. To find out the cost of a bag of cement M400, you need the price of 1 tondivided by the number of bags of 1 ton, i.e. by 40.
Each consumer, of course, is interested in purchasing materials at a better cost - cheaper. So what affects the price in our case? Let's see:
- The presence of mineral additives significantly reduces the cost of Portland cement, since its percentage in the mixture fluctuates. So, cement M400 with a high percentage of slag will cost less than without additives.
- Plasticizers, on the contrary, increase its price.
- Another factor is the fineness of grinding: the better the clinker granules are crushed in production, the higher the activity of the mixture, and, accordingly, the higher the cost.
- The cost of a kg of M400 cement is necessarily affected by the manufacturer. Since they are all located in different parts of the country, their transportation costs are different.
- Packaging also affects the price, because selling this material in bulk or packaged in 25 kg or 50 kg bags are completely different things, since the costs of the bags themselves, packaging fees, etc. will be taken into account
Cement M400 (bag) costs 190-225 rubles on average.
Pre-Purchase Recommendations
When buying the described material, it is best to choose Portland cement, which is packaged in bags. Despite the fact that the difference in price will be about 20%, you will be sure of its "age" and quality. The fact is that the shelf life of cement is short - only 6 months, and over time it gradually begins to lose its qualities, and the brand goes down.
Date of production of prepackaged material is applieddirectly to the bag. When buying by weight, you will have to take the word of the seller. Storage conditions are also important, since when moisture enters the cement, an irreversible hydration process begins in it. Protecting airtight bags from moisture is much easier than a piled mound. It is not economically viable to use old, caked cement.