Rozhnovsky Tower: characteristics, price

Rozhnovsky Tower: characteristics, price
Rozhnovsky Tower: characteristics, price

All water towers can be called technical structures. They have been known to mankind for a long time. It should be noted that in the old days these buildings were almost the first to be destroyed during the war. This decision forced the victim to capitulate, as water became unavailable.

At the moment, these buildings are considered important by right. The design, which will be discussed in the article, is needed to supply water and track its consumption. Accordingly, it is easier to check the stocks of the system with its help. As a rule, the tower consists of a tank and a barrel on which it is attached.

Rozhnovsky's tower
Rozhnovsky's tower


In 1936, engineer Rozhnovsky created the idea of a water tower. At that time, similar structures already existed, but they were built of brick and had a lot of shortcomings. Rozhnovsky came up with an excellent solution to a similar problem. The structure is mounted in just 4 days (maximum time). You don't have to spend a lot of money to create it. Moreover, the design is such that in winter it does not need to be heated,to ensure the preservation of the liquid state.

In 1942, Rozhnovsky received the Stalin award for the construction. However, similar buildings were also developed by Zemskov. He concluded that such facilities make it easy to save money. At that time, there was an urgent need to provide water for the railway. Fluid was essential for steam locomotives. Until 1951, this was the only way to use towers.

A little later, these buildings became quite popular among other areas of use, especially in agriculture.

characteristics of the Rozhnovsky tower
characteristics of the Rozhnovsky tower

The purpose of water towers

What is the main function of the towers? Provide constant water, and the pressure must be uninterrupted. Rozhnovsky's towers are especially important for settlements where light industry is actively developing. All such structures are capable of storing a large amount of water. Moreover, if the pumps stop for some reason, then the pressure is still present, albeit not strong. Immediately in the design there is a supply of water, which is used as a backup and fire fighting. Towers are needed for those settlements in which electricity is supplied by the hour or with constant failures. Why? The fact is that electric pumps are unable to work in such conditions.

The Rozhnovsky tower project is in demand, it is considered successful and reliable. All structures have a simple design and a long service life. They are not subject to replacement with similar devices, sinceplay a big functional role.

Rozhnovsky tower price
Rozhnovsky tower price


The design has received a unified certification. Most of the models differ among themselves in the height of the support shaft and the capacity of the fluid reservoir. Its volume ranges from 15 to 30 cubic meters. The height of the tower is 9-25 meters. Which option to use depends on the type of terrain.

When applying pressure, it is required to take into account its strength and how many buildings are served. All calculations should be carried out before designing, since it is impossible to change the design after the tower has been created. It is impossible to build these structures in areas of karst phenomena and permafrost. At temperatures below -20˚С, it is necessary to carry out water exchange. Moreover, this process must be done twice a day. The height of the structure can reach tens of meters. At the very top is a water tank. As a rule, it has a cylindrical shape. How much water is used directly depends on the water supply and its power, as well as the amount of water consumed. For a village or an enterprise, a capacity of several cubic meters is quite suitable. However, if we are talking about cities, then this figure increases hundreds of times. The operation of the tower directly depends on the pipes that are needed to supply and drain water, on overflow parts, systems operating in automatic mode (they monitor the overflow of the tank and turn off the pumps if necessary). It also has a built-in water meter. It is needed for dispatchers to track the state of the fluid in the tower.

In some situations, supportneed not. As a rule, it is not used when installing the head on hills. Often this solution is applicable in mountainous areas.

foundations of Rozhnovsky towers
foundations of Rozhnovsky towers

Additional information

Most often towers are rounded. The height and diameter of the installed structure depend on the technological and architectural features of a particular region. You also need to understand that pressure fluctuations will occur in the system. During the construction of the structure, it is necessary to create an aesthetic appearance, the structure should not differ greatly from the style of the environment. Often in industry, several tanks are installed on towers. They are at different heights.

In order to understand whether the structure is functioning properly, you need to regularly maintain it. Therefore, an external staircase is installed on the tower. If the height of the structure is 20 meters or more, then a special platform is equipped on it.

installation of the Rozhnovsky tower
installation of the Rozhnovsky tower

How does a water tower work?

Installation of the Rozhnovsky tower is quite simple. It must be understood that such a design is able to provide water sampling, as well as help in fire fighting. To do this, two closed valves are mounted during installation. The station, which ensures the operation of the pumps, pumps groundwater into the tower. At the same time, all liquid is filtered and disinfected. After that, from the tank through the taps, it enters the final destination (residential apartments, houses).

The main thing is to correctly determine the height of the tower, and then it willserve well. The tank must be higher than the maximum floor of the serviced building. This is the only way to ensure a normal water supply.

Operation of the pumping station

When creating the foundation of the Rozhnovsky tower, you need to understand that the construction work is very intensive. Why? Water must constantly be recruited and accumulated until its consumption is increased. As soon as there is a need for more liquid, the accumulated supply will begin to be used. The fluid is supplied by pumps. As soon as the water reaches a certain height in the tower, the sensor will immediately start working and the pump will turn off. Given that water consumption is constant and uninterrupted, its level does not drop below a certain mark. As soon as the liquid reaches this line, the sensor will work and the pumping of water will start again. The pump works due to the fact that the pressure in the tower either decreases or increases.

Rozhnovsky tower project
Rozhnovsky tower project

Service technology

The article describes the performance of the Rozhnovsky tower. Therefore, it is necessary to say about the scheduled maintenance. If there is a malfunction, then immediately you need to drain the water that is in the structure. Only then can the problem be fixed. If you follow all safety measures, you can predetermine the time and life of the device.

The price of the Rozhnovsky tower is 40 thousand rubles and more.
