On a site with a slope and a rather intricate relief, a do-it-yourself retaining wall is very often arranged, allowing you to create special terraces for growing various plants. Such structures on a flat area allow you to designate an elevated part of the garden, visually dividing it into separate functional zones. Thus, it is possible to create excellent conditions for shrubs and trees in places with a close occurrence of groundwater. When a wall is made with your own hands, in any case, an original relief with a voluminous garden is obtained. It is quite possible to combine such a structure with the basement of the house, achieving a great aesthetic effect.

Most often, a retaining wall is made by hand, having a height of no more than one and a half meters. It belongs to the category of lightweight structures, so it is incredibly popular with beginner gardeners. The construction does not require colossal financial costs - in contrast to the situation with capital terracing. Such structures can be made from almost any material at hand. However, lightweight structures are characterized by a low load-bearingability associated primarily with the lack of a quality foundation.

The simplest retaining wall, built with your own hands, can be done quickly enough, especially when it comes to a wooden structure. This option involves the use of even logs with a diameter of up to 200 mm. The lower part is treated with special antiseptic agents to protect the structure from decay. Logs are driven into the ground next to each other. The minimum depth should be at least forty centimeters, which, in turn, will allow the structure to carry loads.

A retaining wall made of stone is much less often arranged, because it requires significant labor and financial costs. In this case, a high-quality foundation is needed that can withstand the weight of the material and the onslaught of the soil. First you have to prepare a trench that follows the contour of the structure. Next, concrete is poured, and after it hardens, stones are laid out. A very important role is played by the masonry method, which has a direct impact on the strength of the entire structure. Experts recommend abandoning the option with the formation of cruciform seams. It is best to use the classic method, when the joints are overlapped by the central part of the stone of a certain row.
Also, it is quite rare to build a retaining wall with your own hands from concrete, which is a single face or a multifaceted structure. This option assumes the presence of a reliable foundation in the form of a strip foundation. The structure can be integral or consist of separate elements, which makes it possible to organize interesting architectural delights. Concrete walls do not always have a reinforcing frame, therefore, in order to improve the strength characteristics, it is recommended to strengthen the seams with metal wire.