How to get rid of aphids at home?

How to get rid of aphids at home?
How to get rid of aphids at home?

Any flower grower is very careful about his plants and worries if something happened to them. It is very good if they rarely get sick, grow well and bloom luxuriantly. It's nice to walk past such a home garden. But there is one trouble that appears out of nowhere and spreads at lightning speed. This aphid is a small insect that can quickly destroy the entire flower garden. Therefore, it is important to know how to get rid of aphids at home.

house aphid how to get rid of
house aphid how to get rid of

How infection occurs

In the summer, when the windows to the garden are open, ants can bring it. So your plants are completely safe in winter? Yes, if the soil collected in the fall was well calcined and treated with boiling water. In addition, if you buy or borrow plants from someone, it is very important to keep them in quarantine for several days. Better yet, immediately transplant into your soil and at the same time in detailexamine each leaf. Then you won't have to think about how to get rid of aphids.

Be careful with the presented bouquets. In them, insects often move to a new place of residence. But it is impossible to foresee everything. How can you tell if insects are on your houseplants and how can you control them?

What an aphid looks like

This is important for every grower to know. Only in this case you will be able to understand in time what is happening with the plant, and take measures to treat it. Since it is not easy to get rid of aphids in advanced cases, it is important to start the fight as early as possible.

This is a group of sucking insects. Most pests are very small, up to 2 mm. But there are individual individuals that grow up to 7 mm. Their color is different: green, gray and even pink. All aphids are equipped with a proboscis, which they immerse in the leaves and suck out the carbohydrate-rich juice. Parasites multiply very rapidly. In a month, three generations can grow, and these are hundreds of thousands of insects.

If you do not know how to get rid of aphids, then you need to urgently learn. Having bred, the pests suck out more and more juice from the plant, and some of it is released in the form of sweetish drops on the surface of the leaf. This becomes an excellent breeding ground for soot fungus, which looks like a dark spot on the leaves.

how to get rid of aphids on flowers
how to get rid of aphids on flowers

Symptoms of defeat

By what signs can you determine that aphids have settled on plants? It is not too difficult to consider it, because it conducts its activities on the surfaceshoots and leaves.

  • Check all plants regularly. If it seemed to you that the leaves do not look quite the same as before, then you need to make sure that insects are not hiding on their inner surface.
  • If the colony has grown a lot, then it is not difficult to see them. In this case, the undersurface of the leaves looks fluffy from insects.
  • Aphids attack young shoots. By sucking the juice out of them, she contributes to their curvature, yellowing and drying.
  • Shiny droplets are visible on the stems. These are aphid secretions.
  • If the aphids have chosen the buds, then the blooming flowers will be ugly.

So it's obvious how many problems domestic aphids can cause. How to get rid of it quickly and effectively, let's talk further.

First Aid

A careful grower knows the condition of his plants well, and regularly sprays them and wipes the leaves. Therefore, you can simply collect aphids by hand. A good way if you immediately notice that aphids have appeared on indoor flowers. And how to get rid of it once and for all? This is a more difficult task.

Many of you have come across the fact that in the evening you looked at each leaf, and in the morning a new insect sits on the bud, or even more than one. This is because the aphids have had time to lay their eggs and now they are hatching. To exterminate the entire population, it will take quite a long time to perform mechanical cleaning of the plant every day.

mechanical assembly of aphids
mechanical assembly of aphids

Folk ways

These are simple and affordable tools that are usually available toeveryone at hand. They haven't changed much in the last century. Feel free to ask your mothers and grandmothers how to get rid of aphids on indoor flowers, and get comprehensive answers. We present some of them:

  1. Using soap. In fact, you can take any. But most often recommended economic. It has a higher percentage of alkali and less fragrance. To prepare the solution, it is required to dilute 200 g of soap in 10 liters of water. With this solution, you need to process each branch of the plant. This is especially true of those places where aphids sit.
  2. Ash. It can be problematic to find it in a city apartment. But if you have friends in a private house, then you can ask them for a little. To prepare the ash solution, it is required to sift 300 g of ash, pour two cups of boiling water and boil for 30 minutes. Dilute the solution with 10 liters of water and use to treat the plants themselves, as well as the soil.
  3. Ash-soap solution. These two components complement each other well.
  4. Vinegar. It is both prevention and treatment. Constantly treat the plants with a solution of vinegar. A liter of water will require a tablespoon of vinegar.

These are proven methods of insect control. If you are urgently looking for a way to get rid of room aphids, then pay attention to them. Available, cheap, they will be reliable assistants.

soap against aphids
soap against aphids

Support result

After you rid the flower of adult insects, it is necessary to ensure that new individuals do not appear from the larvae. It's quiteperhaps, because you already know how quickly aphids appear on house flowers. How to get rid of this scourge? To do this, it is necessary to treat plants for a long time with the following means:

  • Iodine. To do this, mix 100 ml of milk and a bottle of iodine, and then dilute it with a liter of water.
  • Baking soda. 10 liters will require 75 g of soda.
  • Tincture of garlic. Take a liter of hot water and add 200 g of garlic cloves to it. Infuse for at least a day.
  • Onion peel. For 10 liters you will need to take 200 g of husk. Infuse for 12 hours.

Usually, treatment with any drug for 2-3 weeks allows you to completely rid your flower garden of voracious invaders. Just in case, growers are advised to keep periodic treatments up to a month.

garlic from aphids
garlic from aphids


The choice of drugs is usually determined by the value of the plant. If ordinary chlorophytum is affected, then you can simply wash it with soap. If it is not possible to save the whole plant, then you can wash one outlet well and grow a new one out of it by changing the soil.

The situation is radically different when insects attack an expensive decorative flower. In this case, comprehensive information is collected on how to get rid of aphids at home. And of course, from all the abundance of funds, you need to choose only the most reliable. One of these is a drug called Fitoverm. It is recommended to use it in the garden or in the greenhouse, but it does a good job with its functions at home. killsinsect solution not immediately, but within 5 days. Aphids eat plant sap and die. Re-spraying should be done after 20 days.

chemicals for aphids
chemicals for aphids


Another inexpensive but very reliable drug. It contains the same active ingredient as the previous one - aversectin. The concentration is somewhat different, the aphid dies within 8 hours after eating. The tool works up to three weeks. After that, you can re-process. Usually this is where the need to fight aphids ends. The period is too long for new generations of pests to hatch.


This is a systemic insecticide. It helps not only against aphids, but also from other insect pests. This is a transparent emulsion, which is sold in ampoules or vials. The active substance is absorbed into the stems and shoots. After the insect has eaten the juice of the plant, it has difficulty breathing. They die within a day or so. Protective functions remain the same for another seven days. After that, you can repeat the processing. If your plant is not only ornamental, but also fruit, it is recommended to wait 20 days before harvesting.

aphid spraying
aphid spraying

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know how to get rid of aphids on flowers. Of course, there are other ways to fight. For example, buy or take fragrant pelargonium from someone. Her very presence in the room allows you to remove aphids in just a matter of days. if youif you don't like her scent, you can return it later.

Aphids do not like the aroma of citrus fruits, so feel free to place dried orange and grapefruit peels in pots. Tobacco is excellent for insect control. You can grow it in a separate pot. An elegant plant, with interesting leaves and flowers, it will be an excellent solution in the fight against insects.

But if the defeat is very serious, then you can not do without chemicals. These drugs can be used at home. They guarantee quick aphid control and reliable plant protection.
