How to get rid of aphids on trees? gardening tips

How to get rid of aphids on trees? gardening tips
How to get rid of aphids on trees? gardening tips

Aphid is a small, harmful creature from the Hemiptera order that feeds on the sap of tree leaves.

how to get rid of aphids on trees
how to get rid of aphids on trees

Invasion of aphids can not only deprive gardeners of the harvest, but also completely destroy the tree. That is why the question of how to get rid of aphids on trees worries every gardener. Methods may vary. You need to choose not just the most effective, but those that bring the least harm to the human body.

How to get rid of aphids on trees? Method one: vintage but harmless

spraying garden trees
spraying garden trees

Even when the garden is heavily infested with aphids, the trees are not immediately affected entirely. Therefore, in small areas it is possible to do without the use of chemicals. To begin with, you can protect the tree from the invasion of ants, because they breed aphids. Ants are very fond of the sweet liquid that these insects secrete. The tree trunk can be wrapped with foil from below, leaving a “skirt” of a few centimeters. Antsbad gymnasts, so such an obstacle will not be overcome. If the tree was not protected in time, and the aphids nevertheless began to appear, then you can cut off the affected leaves with your hands and destroy them. This method requires constant effort, but it is absolutely safe.

How to get rid of aphids on trees? Method two, also harmless

tree spraying
tree spraying

Aphids can only breed on trees with juicy green leaves: they feed on sap. Such trees can grow only on rich nitrogenous soils. If you slightly change the composition of the soil, the leaves will not be so juicy, the aphids themselves will leave the tree. You can, of course, scatter purchased chemicals such as potassium sulfur or potassium chloride under the trees, but later they will definitely get into the fruits, and then into the human body. Therefore, you can do it differently: scatter ordinary ash under the trees. The measure here is simple: the more aphids, the more ash. In order for the aphids to leave faster, you can spray garden trees with a solution of ash. Aphids do not tolerate ash, so some of the insects will die, some will simply leave the site. Before the procedure, the foliage must be well moistened. Such spraying of trees is especially effective in places with a large accumulation of insects. You can also treat the trees with an infusion of tobacco, laundry soap and water. Aphids do not like infusion of hot pepper, onion peel, garlic and dandelions.

How to get rid of aphids on trees? Method three, the most common, but not the most useful

how to get rid of aphids on trees
how to get rid of aphids on trees

Most gardenersuse chemical methods to control aphids. As mentioned above, you can change the composition of the soil using potash sulfur or potassium chloride. They must be used very carefully: the compositions are poisonous. In addition, some of them are absorbed by fruits, which does not benefit a person. Rules for the use of such compounds should be written on the packaging. You can spray trees with chemicals. Often used "Karbofos", "Aktellika", "Karate", "Inta-vir". The composition of all these chemicals includes pyrethrins, which paralyze the nervous system of insects, leading them to death. But all these chemicals are absorbed by the fruit, which does not benefit the person.
