Tile bathroom countertop: design options, installation method, photos and advice from masters

Tile bathroom countertop: design options, installation method, photos and advice from masters
Tile bathroom countertop: design options, installation method, photos and advice from masters

A beautiful and well-made countertop can create a special atmosphere in any interior. A tile countertop in the bathroom will make the room cozier, more thoughtful, give a sense of harmony and completeness. By design, it can be absolutely any, but products whose surface is covered with ceramic tiles look especially good.

Why choose tiles

Ceramic tiles, like any other material, have their advantages (compared to analogues):

  1. Affordable cost. Not everyone can afford to install a marble or natural stone countertop in the bathroom, so ceramic tiles are an excellent alternative for many.
  2. Versatility. The tile fits perfectly into any interior, regardless of its stylistic orientation. It can be both classic and modern style. Not every material has this property.
  3. Practical. ceramicthe tile has a high degree of water resistance, strength, long service life and resistance to mechanical damage. In addition, it perfectly tolerates temperature changes and the effects of abrasive detergents. The tile is unpretentious in care, easy to clean and wash.
  4. Assortment. With regard to this point, the tile can rightfully be put in first place in the ranking of the diversity of the assortment. No other finishing material can boast of such a number of shapes, sizes, textures and shades. This allows you to use tiles to create truly unique projects.
tile bathroom countertop
tile bathroom countertop

Choosing the type of countertop

Tile bathroom countertop can look like this:

  1. One-piece construction with sink. This option looks very stylish and concise. The room will look more spacious and easier to clean.
  2. Built-in design. This type is the most common. A sink built into a tiled bathroom countertop opens up a wide range of stylistic possibilities.
  3. Tabletop with overhead sink. It looks very original, given the variety of sinks. Ideal for those who decide to make a bathroom countertop from tiles with their own hands, since installing a countertop sink is the easiest.

Mount options

There are several ways to install the countertop:

  1. Mounting with support on the floor. The tabletop can be installed on a cabinet or legs. This method isthe most reliable and sustainable.
  2. Suspended structure. The device is attached to the wall on pre-installed brackets. Such a countertop in a tile bathroom looks modern and stylish, creating an effect of lightness.
countertop in the bathroom
countertop in the bathroom

Tile sizes

The choice of ceramic tile size depends on a number of parameters. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the room itself. If the bathroom is quite spacious, then you can take large-sized material - 3030 or even 6060 centimeters. These tiles are more convenient to lay, besides, they are not whimsical to care for.

But few can boast of the large size of this room, therefore, most often, small-sized products are used for facing countertops - 1010, 1515, 2020 centimeters. The small size of ceramic tiles visually expands the boundaries of the room. In addition, she looks much more logical in a small bathroom than large blocks.

Color solution

The assortment of tiles presented in stores is very diverse. The variety of color palettes and patterns makes it possible to choose the material for any stylistic decision.

The most popular colors for decorating tile bathroom countertops are white, blue and all its shades. The nautical theme is always popular in the design of the bathroom. This trend is still in high demand today. These include turquoise, azure shades, aqua and other rich and dull tones. The tabletop can be made exactly to match the wall and floor, or,on the contrary, become the main focus in the room. To do this, the product is made somewhat darker or completely contrasting.

make a tile bathroom countertop
make a tile bathroom countertop

No less popular are the neutral and practical shades of ceramic tiles - beige, sand, black and gray. These colors go well with furniture and harmoniously fit into any interior style.

The bathroom countertop under the tile sink can be made in monochrome or combine several colors close in shade. The most daring choose products in which two or more contrasting tones coexist. Black and white, aqua and white, red and black are perfectly combined with each other.

Tiles of brighter shades are selected when the tile countertop in the bathroom (the photo is presented in the article) is made to match the wall and ceiling. For example, if the room is decorated in lilac and white, then the sink table can be made in bright purple.

As for the choice of print or pattern, it all depends on the style of the room. Most often, plain canvases are laid out or those that combine no more than two contrasting shades. Some make a choice in the direction of a multi-colored mosaic, but you should be careful here, since it is only appropriate to use this material if it is already present in the interior.

Selection and installation of bathroom countertops

The mounting system and the height of the countertop are determined by the level at which the sink and plumbing are installed.

Designing a bathroom with a tile countertop opens up a wide range of possibilities for creating a stylish interior. In addition, it allows you to hide communications and a washing machine. The wash area becomes more comfortable and there is a functional area for storing accessories and other details.

tile bathroom countertop
tile bathroom countertop

Having decided on the style of the product, you can install the countertop under the tiles in the bathroom with your own hands. When choosing a finished design, you will not need special abilities and skills for installation. After studying the instructions below, you can easily do the work yourself.

Diy bathroom tile countertop

Designs covered with ceramic tiles for the bathroom are very popular because of their practicality. But not everyone has the opportunity to pay for the services of a builder for the installation of a product. Therefore, many do this work on their own and do not lose anything.

To mount the countertop you will need:

  1. Metal corner.
  2. Level.
  3. Roulette.
  4. Eye protection goggles.
  5. Construction knife.
  6. Screwdriver.
  7. Electric jigsaw.
  8. Comb spatula.
  9. Silicone spatula.
  10. Sponge.
  11. Bulgarian with a nozzle for polishing stone (turtle disk).
  12. Tile cutting machine.

Required materials:

  1. Ceramic tiles 3030.
  2. Plywood sheet, 19 mm thick.
  3. Cement particle board, 6-13 mm thick.
  4. Screws.
  5. Paint tape.
  6. Tile paste.
  7. Grout.
  8. Sealant.
tile countertops in the bathroom photo
tile countertops in the bathroom photo

Creating a plywood base

Don't know how to make a tile bathroom countertop? First you need to prepare the frame. The base formation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Dismantling the old countertop. You can assemble the basis for the structure yourself new or leave the old one if it is in good condition.
  2. Checking with a spirit level if the cabinet is installed straight.
  3. Preparing the surface for laying tiles. It is necessary to take plywood and cut out a frame that will be attached to the base. Expert advice: if you plan to lay heavy tiles, then it is recommended to lay plywood in two layers or strengthen the first one with stiffeners.
  4. Fastening the frame. The cut sheet must be fixed to the base with screws, corners or plates from the underside.

DSP installation

Due to the high coefficient of thermal expansion, you cannot lay tiles directly on the plywood surface. Plywood is sheathed on top with DSP. Work steps:

  1. Preparing a piece of DSP according to the shape. You can cut the desired shape with a grinder, but in this case there will be a very large amount of dust. It is better to use a knife - make grooves of 2–3 mm and break off along the contour around the corner of any surface.
  2. Fixing the DSP. The finished sheet is attached to plywood withself-tapping screws. The holes must be countersunk so that the stud heads are “sunk” into the surface.
  3. Processing the end face of the countertop. It is necessary to cut a strip from the DSP, 5 centimeters long and fix it at the end under the upper part.
  4. Fixing DSP sheets with fiberglass mesh.
  5. Preparing the sink hole. You need to take a jigsaw and cut a hole where the sink will be installed. Most modern sink models come with a template. Before you start cutting, you need to drill a hole exactly in the middle of the tabletop with a drill, into which the jigsaw blade will be inserted.
tile bathroom countertop with sink
tile bathroom countertop with sink

Various photos of countertops in the bathroom under the tiles are posted in the article. They can also be used as an example or sample.

Laying tiles

The process of laying tiles on a countertop is similar to working with other surfaces. It is performed as follows:

  1. It is necessary to take a small spatula and apply tile adhesive to the smooth surface of the comb. Next, it must be evenly distributed over the surface of the countertop. The serrated side of the comb removes excess. This is done in such a way that even grooves of glue are formed. Expert tip: The mixture should be applied in patches, as it sets quickly and loses its plasticity.
  2. Starts laying out elements from the first row. It should protrude slightly beyond the edge of the base, so that after laying the tiles on the end, the surface is even. Also, instead of the initialrow, you can install special elements-corners.
  3. When laying ceramic tiles, seams are made, so it is imperative to use plastic crosses.
  4. It is recommended to constantly check the evenness of each tile using a level. This is done so that you can correct the shortcomings before the glue hardens.
  5. After the solid elements of the tile are laid out, you need to take a tile cutter and make adjustments (substitute or cut pieces).
  6. As soon as the surface of the countertop is ready, you need to move on to facing the end. Glue 5 cm wide pieces with tile adhesive and temporarily fix them with masking tape.
bathroom tile countertop
bathroom tile countertop


Despite the fact that the joints between the tiles should have been minimal, the seams still need to be sealed with grout. It is applied with a rubber spatula, and the excess is removed with a wet sponge.

Advice from an expert: it is recommended to additionally "walk" along the seams with a protective agent. To do this, you can use Ceresit CT10 or "Atlas Dolphin".

At the end, you need to install the sink, pre-treating the place with sealant, and you're done!