Many people like to grow beautiful and unusual indoor plants. An orchid is just such a plant. It blooms for a very long time. To be just like that, these flowers must be properly looked after. When growing them, competent watering is of great importance.

So, how to properly water orchids? During active growth and flowering, plants require a lot of water. Watering should be uniform and regular. With a lack of moisture, the flower continues to grow, but the shoots are formed very weak and poorly developed. It is no longer possible to fix this. Water the plants so that the soil is slightly moist at all times. The abundance of watering is determined by the type of orchid and the stage of its development.
For example, flowers such as cattleyas, zygopetalums require periodic drying of the earthen coma, and miltonias like it when the earth is constantly slightly moist. In different seasons of the year, the amount of water needed by the plant is also different. During the dormant period, watering should be significantly reduced so that the flower is not heavily flooded. Phalaenopsis grown under artificial light do not rest, so the ground must be moist all the time.

Water orchids can only be soft water without various chemical additives. To reduce hardness, water is settled or pieces of peat are added to it. About 10 g of peat is placed in a cloth bag and placed in a bucket for a day. The same peat is used no more than three times, then it should be changed to fresh. Also, water can be boiled or purified using a regular household filter.
There are two ways to water orchids. When using a watering can, it is necessary to pour a thin stream evenly over the entire surface of the earth until the water flows out through the lower holes in the pot into the pan. As soon as it all drains, the excess should be drained. After 3 minutes, this procedure must be repeated. When watering, it is necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the plant itself, especially on the growing point and between the leaves. Phalaenopsis are very sensitive to this. If water gets on them, it must be carefully removed immediately.
You can also water orchids by immersing the pot in a large container of water. The flower is kept there until completely saturated, then the excess water is allowed to drain. This method is very well suited for plants planted in baskets. It saves a lot of water, but when using it, you need to be sure that all the flowers are he althy.

Orchids love to bathe in the shower. This should be done once every two weeks, combined with watering. A plastic bag is put on the pot before washing to avoid tap water from entering the soil. They turn on warm water, the pressure is not very strong, so as not to injureflower. After a shower, the plant should be watered and left in the bath until the excess water drains completely. At this time, the air temperature there should be at least 20 degrees. Bathing plants in the shower is much more beneficial than spraying. It effectively removes dust and microorganisms that accumulate on the surface of the flower.
Beginning flower growers sometimes ask: "How often should I water an orchid?". There is no answer to it. This must be done as the earthen coma dries up. If the room is dry and warm, the substrate will dry out faster. If the plant is planted in a plastic pot, then it should be watered less often. Be careful, observe the condition of your plants, and they will definitely tell you when they need to be watered.