The place of paint and varnish coatings in finishing activities remains significant even despite the expansion of the range of alternative finishing materials. However, the compositions of building and decorative emulsions also do not stand still and are being improved, which allows them to compete with other means of decorating various surfaces. Quite quickly, silicone paint, represented by compositions for both interior and exterior finishing work, also got used to the market.
Features of silicone paints

A distinctive feature that determines the characteristics of the coatings formed by such paints is the content of silicone resins in the composition. If we compare the effect of this component with acrylic polymers, then the lack of thermoplasticity will come to the fore. This means that under conditions of increasing temperature, the structure of the paintwork will not soften. At the same time, there are many differences within the family of such compositions. For example, silicone wall paint has self-cleaning properties, which makes it easier to care for the coating. In turn, facade models are oriented by manufacturers to protective qualities - primarily from mechanical damage. It is worth noting thatalmost all compositions are well combined with mineral paints. That is, the silicone coating can be applied to a cement-lime base, brick, concrete or fiber boards.
Performance of silicone paints

Among the characteristics that stand out against the background of other paints and varnishes, one can note a fairly high vapor permeability, moisture protection and elasticity. The ability to interact with steam allows the composition to actively penetrate the structure of the rough surface and, over time, maintain optimal adhesion qualities. As a result, the coating will not peel off, but only if it adheres reliably to the surface of the old layer. The waterproofness that silicone paint possesses is not a unique quality, but it is its natural property, which, unlike other products, is not achieved through modifiers and special additives. In practice, this means that the silicone composition can even act as a waterproofing on the roof. As for elasticity, this property determines the ability of the coating to easily mask defects on rough surfaces. Actually, this quality determined the priming nature of the use of some silicone-based products.
Compounds for facade

Modifications for outdoor use are represented by different lines of silicone paints. Conventionally, they can be divided into two categories - protective equipment and primers. First categoryDesigned for finishing plasters, damp walls, porous cladding and heat-insulating structures. In such works, the main requirement for paint is the ability to form a durable water-repellent coating that tightly fills micropores.
Silicone facade paint with a primer function has similar qualities, but its task is still aimed at mechanical surface preparation without a decorative effect. A typical primer strengthens the substrate by penetrating deeply into the surface, then providing a waterproof coating that keeps out s alt, moisture and steam. It should be noted that facade modifications are used not only for walls, but also in work with concrete plinths, curbs and other structures and structures that have special requirements for external protection.
Interior silicone paints

This category of paintwork is also called interior. These are products that can be used for walls, ceilings and other indoor surfaces. The main advantage of all interior paints is decorative. However, silicone modifications do not greatly benefit from competitors in terms of aesthetics of the final result. First of all, the choice of such a tool for interior decoration is beneficial in terms of physical and operational properties. It is recommended to use, for example, silicone ceiling paints for the reason that the coating is resistant to dirt. The upper surface is considered the most problematic withfrom a maintenance point of view, application of such a formulation would provide the benefit of practicality. The same applies to restoration paints of this type, which do not accumulate dirt and dust.
Special Purpose

The established restrictions that apply to the choice of finishing materials for rooms with high humidity are gradually eroding. If earlier it was impossible to imagine the presence of a wood finish in direct contact with water, today it will not be difficult to find a moisture-resistant laminate on the market. Silicone paint for the bathroom, which is part of the group of water-based compositions, has also become widespread. Latex and acrylic modifications are presented in the same category, but they are not so good in terms of ease of application and practicality of use. The silicone base, as already noted, is not demanding on the rough surface. That is, even in conditions of a high humidity coefficient and the unsatisfactory condition of the walls in the bathroom, the user can count on obtaining a high-quality result. And in the future, the applied paint is characterized by sufficient adhesion and mechanical strength.
Silicone Paint Reviews
Users of such compositions note, first of all, the ease of care. The coating is easy to clean, is not sensitive to cleaning agents and is itself reluctant to collect dirt particles on the surface. The obvious advantages of such funds in relation to painting work are also emphasized. To prepare a rough base, the coating requires minimalefforts, which also expands the range of advantages that silicone paints have. Reviews regarding wear resistance so far do not give reason to doubt the durability of such coatings, but it is important to note one nuance here. Since silicone formulations appeared on the market not so long ago, few users managed to check their operational life in full.

Traditionally, Tikkurila brand appears in the lists of leaders in sales of paint and varnish coatings. And in the case of silicone compounds, the same situation is observed. The manufacturer offers both specialized and universal tools of this type, however, at high prices. Those who want to save money should pay attention to the Elkon line. Despite the relatively low cost, silicone paint of this brand provides a full range of characteristics inherent in water-based coatings. Especially for finishing ceilings, it is recommended to refer to the products of "Oreol" and Dufa. According to reviews, even on a worn surface, the coatings hold confidently and are easy to clean.

In the list of consumer qualities of paint and varnish coatings, users are increasingly making such a characteristic as environmental friendliness. Improving the compositions almost always involves the introduction of new additives, plasticizers and other inclusions, which do not have the best effect on safety indicators. From this point of view, silicone paint will not disappoint either.demanding buyers. Of course, much depends on the integrity of a particular manufacturer who develops the technology and monitors the manufacturing process of the composition. But the example of high-quality Tikkurila and Dufa paints confirms that the chemical safety of silicone coatings is quite real.