Paint is one of the very first and at the same time the main finishing materials used by man. The desire to draw has appeared in people since ancient times. This is evidenced by the painting of the walls and ceilings of the caves in which the ancient man lived. Already at that time, he sought to decorate gray stones using ocher, charcoal and animal blood.
Thousands of years have passed, but people's desire to paint has not diminished at all. They strive to change the color of almost everything that comes their way. Cars and houses, hair, pet hair, etc. are painted. That is why recently the number of varieties of this material has increased several times.

No repair can do without paint. But everyone who makes it dreams of keeping a decent view of the walls or ceilings for a long time, that way for twenty years. That is why it is important to know what types of paint exist, what characteristics they have. This will allow you to choose the right finishing material that will last as long as possible.
Paint manufacturers include at least threecomponent. It is a pigment, an astringent and a solvent. The color of the paint depends on the first of these components. The binder does not allow the applied layer to crumble after it dries. The solvent is designed to dilute too thick paint, which makes it easier to apply. Often, a variety of fixatives, stabilizers and other additives are added to the mixture formulation.
Depending on the characteristics and quality, there are different types of paint. Let's take a closer look at them.
What is paint? Types of this finishing material according to their purpose are divided into universal, as well as for interior and exterior work. All of them have some differences in their characteristics. Thus, paints used for outdoor work are highly resistant to moisture, sunlight, temperature fluctuations and other external factors. However, they are very toxic and therefore prohibited for indoor use.

To renovate apartments and rooms, a different kind of paint is needed. It must be designed for indoor use. Such material is extremely sensitive to external factors, therefore it is not used for exterior decoration of houses.
The third type is universal paint. The types of the first two finishing materials, as mentioned above, have different characteristics. Universal paint can be used not only for interior, but also for exterior work. It is water-based and therefore non-toxic.
According to the characteristics of the solvent included in the composition, all paints are divided into:
-oil;- emulsion.
Oil paints
This finishing material is made on the basis of white spirit, drying oil, turpentine, gasoline or alcohol. All of these substances are organic solvents.
On what basis is the oil paint you purchased made? GOST will help to understand this. It regulates the brands of this finishing material, depending on the type of foaming component used. So, the symbols MA-021 indicate that the composition of the oil paint contains natural drying oil. If MA-025 is combined, etc.

The main advantage of such paints lies in their durable waterproof layer. But these materials also have a drawback. Drying, the oil paint releases all the organic solvents in it. Indoors, this can cause intoxication.
Used oil paint for wood, metal, cement plaster, gypsum putty and many other surfaces. You can even apply it on a water-based emulsion layer.
Oil paint for wood can be used as a primer. To do this, it is additionally diluted with turpentine, white spirit, kerosene or other solvents.
In the old days, oil paint was used everywhere. It was used for finishing surfaces. Today, however, other, more modern materials have become more widespread. The fact is that oil paint can dry up to several days, while releasing such harmful substances that peoplestarts to have a headache. In addition, the applied layer does not allow the surface to "breathe". This leads to the appearance of cracks and peeling on it after a short period (from three to five years). In addition, drying oil turns yellow, the surface loses its original color.
However, despite such significant shortcomings, oil paint continues to be produced today. GOST strictly certifies this finishing material, designating its various types with combinations of numbers and letters. Customers purchase this inexpensive and affordable paint for doors and window frames, radiators and other surfaces. It is also used as a primer.
Emulsion paints
This finishing material is made by mixing fillers and pigments with water. And today it is increasingly used in the decoration of apartments. The positive side of this paint is that when it dries, it does not emit toxic substances. An important advantage of emulsion paint is also its environmental friendliness.

This material is easy to use. Completely dry, it is easily washed off hands and tools.
What are emulsion paints?
This finishing material is divided into several types. Among them are paints: - silicone.
Water-based paint
It is usually used for finishing interior surfaces. It is an environmentally friendly material,which is in great demand among consumers. Water-based paint, the price of which is quite affordable for all segments of the population, is applied to almost any surface. In doing so, it forms an air-permeable polymer film. Steam can pass through. But she won't let the liquid through. The positive side of this material is its explosion and fire safety.

Unlike water-based paints, water-dispersion paints are more moisture resistant. This allows you to wipe the surface on which they are applied much more often with a damp cloth.
Acrylic paints
These finishing materials are very elastic and durable. Acrylic resins give them such characteristics. These substances are the main binder component of the composition. Acrylic types of paint have a high cost, and therefore not every buyer chooses them. However, it is a wonderful finishing material. After complete drying, it is able to withstand even the most severe frosts. Acrylic paints have good water resistance. Moreover, this indicator grows as the volume of acrylic resins in their composition increases. Such paints are perfectly tinted. In addition, they form a surface layer that can last for many years.
Latex Paint
This is the most expensive type of all water-based finishing materials. The composition of such a paint, which has increased water resistance, elasticity and strength, contains latex. This material can be used to cover various surfaces. It could be likewalls and ceilings that will dry in 20-60 minutes.
Polyvinyl acetate paints
Produce them on the basis of PVA. Moreover, such water-based paint has been familiar to consumers since the times of the USSR.

Polyvinyl acetate finishing material - environmentally friendly, light-resistant and the most affordable. However, such paint should not be washed frequently. It will peel off the surface very quickly.
Silicone paints
This decoration material is relatively new and relatively expensive. Silicone resins act as a binder in it. This component gives the paint high water resistance. You can buy a silicone-based finishing material for painting any surface, including metal.
Enamel paints
This finishing material incorporates pigments and varnishes. Under different names this paint can be realized. Types of enamel coatings include several different types in their list. These are nitro enamels and enamel paints, as well as alkyd enamels. After they dry, a matte or shiny glossy film is formed on the surface, which has high strength. Several layers of such paint will provide good protection of the coated material from various external influences - sunlight, temperature changes, etc. The enamel is characterized by a high drying speed (15-45 minutes) and sensitivity to mechanical damage.
Facade paints
These finishing materials are different from those used for the interior of theirmaximum resistance to external environmental influences. You need to choose them depending on the properties of the surface to be treated. Wood, brick and concrete need their own paint.
Types of considered finishing materials for facade work are divided into:
-acrylic;- silicone.

Silicate facade paint for outdoor use is made on the basis of polymer dispersions and liquid glass. This material is very durable and reliable. It is the most vapor and breathable, and due to its alkaline reaction it does not allow the appearance of mold and fungi on the walls.
Acrylic paints for the facade have significant differences from the interior. They are more resistant to UV rays and weathering, as well as high spreadability and minimal spatter.
Silicone paints can be attributed to the most progressive and modern ones. They have the best characteristics of silicate and acrylic finishing materials - UV resistance and elasticity.
Modern manufacturers also offer facade perchlorovinyl paints. They are recommended to be used for outdoor finishing work. Such paints are obtained by dissolving perchlorovinyl in a solvent or xylene. The temperature of the mixture is maintained at the level of seventy degrees. The solvents contained in such a composition evaporate during drying, and a fairly solid decorative and protective layer appears on the treated surface.
Perchlorovinyl paints do not allow moisture to pass into the finish. They are made with a high saturation of color tone, which lasts from three to four years.
Tikkurila Trademark
Today, consumers put forward increased requirements for facade paints. This does not allow manufacturers to stand still. They develop such finishing materials that not only give the surface a particular color, but also protect it from dirt and moisture, ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. Tikkurila paint has all these properties.
The brand of the same name, offering its product on the market of paint and varnish building materials, has more than a hundred and forty years of history. The products of this company are familiar to customers due to their wide range and excellent quality.
It's no secret that facade painting is expensive. That is why the finishing material must have such properties that would allow it to protect the surface for a long time and reliably. Tikkurila paint has such characteristics. It is resistant to alkali, impact and abrasion, has exceptional hiding power and high vapor permeability. Such quality characteristics allow this finishing material to provide an excellent look and reliable protection to the facade for ten years or more.