Mice can be a real disaster, especially in a private home. In addition to the fact that they spoil food, gnaw on edible-smelling things, these rodents are also dangerous and unpleasant because they carry a wide variety of infections and crap wherever their path lies. Excrement is not the most useful and desirable thing that should be in the house, and the infection that is brought in is not needed at all.

At the same time, one should not forget that mice breed extremely quickly (in fact, this is why they come to warm and cozy human dwellings). And if you don't want to actually walk on the "carpet" of pets, you should start breeding them as early as possible.
Most people think that the best way to deal with obnoxious rodents is to poison mice. However, is this true? The fact is that poisons do not act instantly, and the animal can hide in its passages and minks during the time until they show themselves. Do you want to openwalls looking for the source of the disgusting smell? At the same time, mice are creatures far from stupid and quite hardy, they can easily ignore baits, survive after consuming certain poisons, and even develop immunity, after which the poison for mice does not work on them.

If we talk about mice in the house, first of all, you should make sure that they do not get there. That is, close up every, even a small, crack both in the walls and in the floors. Undoubtedly, this is not so easy to do - you won’t crawl all over the living space with a magnifying glass. But you will have to make every effort, especially since it will benefit the house or apartment itself. For insurance, you can scatter blackroot seeds in secluded places (if there is an intention to avoid using such a cardinal remedy as poison for mice). The smell of this plant is disgusting to rodents, and they simply will not enter your home.
Methods of struggle
If unwanted neighbors have settled near you, try alternative methods. For example, let it be a cat. Even if she's not lucky enough to be prone to preying on rodents, the feline smell will scare them away, and there's no need for the powerful drugs that mouse poison is.
Regular mousetraps give good results. Of course, they make a heavy impression on sensitive people, but they act, perhaps even more mercifully than poison for mice. Feedback on the successful use of mechanical traps, in any case, has been positive for almost a millennium.

Well, and if it is decided to use poisons, let them be rodenticides, because they are poison for mice and rats at the same time. The subtlety of their use is that they do not dissolve in water, so you have to carefully mix them with products that are attractive to rodents - grains and cereals are more reliable in this regard, since the poison is distributed more evenly among them than in vegetable, meat and fish derivatives (which for the same rats are more tasty). For greater reliability, it is recommended to add a paste to the bait, which will certainly fasten the "food" with the poison.
Definitely a good result is provided by dust (aka "Zoocoumarin" or "Ratindan"), used as a poison for mice.
Well, if it so happened that you couldn’t cope with the mouse problem on your own, your choice is the deratization service.