The best rat bait: ways to exterminate rodents

The best rat bait: ways to exterminate rodents
The best rat bait: ways to exterminate rodents

Not only are rats voracious rodents and can destroy food and non-food items, but they are also carriers of various infections. Man has been fighting them for a long time, inventing devices for trapping and poisoning them. But the existence of various traps and traps will not play any role if the attraction of the animal is not provided. That's why rat bait gets a lot of attention.

Types of lures

Baits produced for rats and mice are divided into the following types:

  • grain mixes;
  • granular lures;
  • soft briquettes;
  • hard lures in briquettes;
  • rodenticide foam.

In addition, gels are also produced, very similar to baits in briquettes, and powders, but inconvenient for home use.

Poison for rats
Poison for rats

Anticoagulants are added to baits for mice and rats, whichblock blood clotting. As a result, after 3-7 days, the death of the animal occurs. The delayed effect of the drug on the body of rodents provides a significant impact:

  • they cannot determine the danger of what they eat and warn their fellows;
  • no rejection, thus a fail-safe effect.

The main thing for a bait is to be seductive for a rodent, so manufacturers pay a lot of attention to the aroma and taste of the feed. For this, special substances are specially used that excite the receptors of animals. Flavors with the smells of chocolate, cheese and cream with vanilla are often added to the bait. In addition, the feed is reliably protected from mold, it is stored for a long time without loss of quality and maintains a good appearance.

Features of grain mixtures

Grain is the most common food for mice and rats. It is made using wheat or oats, and mixtures of cereals are also possible. Being highly effective, the poisoned grain can cause death in a rodent if it eats poison within one day.

Grain baits are also good because rats and mice drag cereals into their holes, stocking up for food. And there, pregnant females and young shoots feed on these supplies, which leads to the mass death of pests. Grain baits for rats and mice are used outdoors and indoors. They are laid out in small portions near water and in places of their frequent presence. In pet rooms, poison is best used in bait houses.

Granular baits

Baits with granules work on the same principle as grain baits. The difference is that they are made from a special mixture containing grains, flour and sweets adored by rodents, and then formed into granules. They are convenient for eating and carrying by rodents. They are used indoors and outdoors.

Poison in granules
Poison in granules

They do not crumble, do not soak in water, do not give in to mold, and remain attractive to pests for a long time. It is very important that baits in granules are several times more effective than grain baits and more economical to use.

Baits in soft briquettes

Soft briquettes are a favorite treat and one of the best baits for rats. Rodents like doughy food, which they prefer to grains and eat it mostly completely, and this significantly reduces their population.

Soft baits also work well against mice. For 4-6 days of use, rats are completely destroyed, and mice - by 90%. In briquettes, the optimal dosage is selected, and they are packed in edible paper. They are easy to apply, laid out in certain places, and it is easy to follow the eating. The poison contains a bitter ingredient that repels pets.

Hard briquettes with bait

Hard baits, thanks to a special composition with the addition of wax, are waterproof and are used in rooms with high humidity or in open areas. Both mice and rats like to chew on hard objects and do not pass by briquettes that attract them.flavors. The dosage of one briquette is 10 g. It is convenient to lay them out, and then control eating.

Rodenticide foam

Rodent poison foam is contained in a pressurized canister. When leaving it, it acquires a dense mass that does not lose shape for a long time. This new type of bait has a double effect. It is poisonous in itself, besides, when used, it fills all the cracks where rodents are found. Having smeared in it, rats eat a poisonous substance when cleaning the skin.

animal rat
animal rat

Poison is convenient in that it can cover pipes and walls, and when used, a person does not come into contact with it. The foam is applied directly into holes or onto substrates. It retains its shape for a long time and is readily eaten by rodents. Which bait is better to buy depends largely on the place of application and the choice of the buyer.

Rating of the best rodent poisons

On the shelves of the distribution network there are many different poisons from rodents. What is the best bait for rats? Here is the rating:

  • "Rat Death No. 1" - developed by a Ukrainian company. It is considered an effective and effective long-term remedy. The product is highly toxic, so when using, you should strictly follow the instructions. The poison disrupts blood clotting, but in the first two days the animals do not experience discomfort and bring their relatives to feast on goodies. The peak of the effect occurs on the seventh day.
  • "Efa" - produced in the form of soft briquettes. The poison takes effect on the third day. Briquettes are convenient to lay out and control. The product does not emit toxic substances for a long time, therefore it is recommended for preventive use.
  • "Storm" - highly toxic, produced in the form of small granules with jagged edges that encourage the rodent to sharpen its teeth. The tool is resistant to moisture and mold. Animals die on the sixth day.
  • "Zoocoumarin Neo" - consists of poisoned grains of bright color. The death of rodents occurs 3 hours after poisoning.
  • Goliath is a new rat bait that is gaining popularity. Its uniqueness lies in the drying of corpses, which are subsequently burned. Action comes in 12 days. The poison is highly toxic and is only used by professionals.
Efa's Poison
Efa's Poison

When choosing poison from rodents, you must remember: the best of them acts slowly but effectively. When using, it is important to follow the instructions and destroy the poisoned corpses in time.

Rat catchers

Man is constantly improving ways to fight rodents, and in addition to poisoning, many different devices have been invented to catch an animal. All of them are divided into two types:

  • when caught, the death of a rodent occurs;
  • the pest remains alive but isolated.

Rattraps for the most part have a trap method of action, which consists in triggering a spring device and strongly clamping the animal between two plates or an arc and the base of the mechanism. The upper part of the structure is always metal, and the lower part is plastic, woodenor from metal. The device is used in residential and non-residential premises.

Types of rat traps

Various factory designs for catching rats and mice are on sale, as well as craftsmen. Here are some of them:

  • Mechanical rat traps are convenient and simply arranged devices. Up to 10 individuals are caught per night, depending on the device.
  • Traps are reliable, but not very comfortable.
  • Homemade devices - there are a large number of different designs.
  • Electronic - the most effective and convenient method of catching rodents.
Rat trap
Rat trap

What properties should the bait have?

When selecting bait for a mechanical rat trap, the following characteristics must be considered:

  • Smell. The rat should be attracted to a familiar scent so that it consciously seeks out the source of the treat, rather than accidentally ending up there.
  • A type of treat. For bait, use only a product familiar to the animal. If it is not touched for 2-3 days, then it is not suitable for a rat and needs to be replaced.
  • Consistency. In order for the mechanical interlock of the trap to work, the bait for rats in the trap must be of a tight design so that pulling on the bait causes a slam.
  • When using poison bait, its smell must be interrupted by the aroma of the food base.
  • Size. Take the bait of sufficient size so that it does not cause alertness in the rat.

The bait is usually prepared by yourself using foods you likerats. But it is quite reasonable to use store-bought ones, they are sold in a large assortment.

Rat trap
Rat trap

Bait Products

Rats are omnivorous animals and consume everything that is available in landfills. But they also have favorite foods that they rush to, falling right into the trap with the bait. What rats love:

  • Salo. As a bait for rats in a rat trap, fresh pieces of a smoked or s alted product are used.
  • Sausages. Having a good sense of smell, rats are able to distinguish additives in products and do not want to feast on cheap types of sausages. They like expensive smoked varieties.
  • Vegetable oil. They soak bread, and sometimes a cotton swab. Rodents love the smell of dark, unrefined sunflower, sesame, or peanut butter.
  • Grain and bread products. This is the favorite food of mice, but rats can also enjoy such foods.
  • Cheese. Fermented milk products in animals sometimes cause distrust, but cheese is quite suitable as a bait for rats.

All of these products are suitable for mechanical interlock traps.


For preventive purposes, pests are deprived of food and water. To do this, it is recommended to dispose of food waste in a timely manner and to eliminate the appearance of water in the basements in time. Due to lack of food and thirst, pests move to other places. In warehouses, the cracks that have appeared are covered with a cement mixture with broken glass, concrete floors are made, and frequent windows are installed on the windows.metal bars.

Poison Goliath
Poison Goliath


The emerging rodents in the room are destroyed in various ways, using all kinds of baits. It is believed that the best of them is the one, smelling which, the rodents themselves run to it, and do not die immediately, but bring their relatives there and infect them. And the best bait for rats in a rat trap consists of pieces of meat and expensive smoked sausages, after tasting which, they remain in the cage.
