Universal insect weapon "Yurax": instructions for use

Universal insect weapon "Yurax": instructions for use
Universal insect weapon "Yurax": instructions for use

Bugs, ticks and other insects can pretty much spoil the life of the owners of apartments and houses. They most often choose small children or the elderly as their victims. And when the population grows, then all household members become the object of attack. In addition to the fact that bloodsuckers are nocturnal and interfere with he althy sleep, and bites itch, these insects are also carriers of various infectious diseases. This is a direct threat to the he alth of the whole family.

Insect control

Scientists around the world are developing drugs that can destroy the population of bedbugs, ticks and other insects. But over time, insects develop a strong immunity to drugs, after some time even the most powerful drugs become ineffective. Science moves forward, creating new tools.

"Yurax" is a new generation drug that was created to fight different types of insects: cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, ants, flies, mosquitoes and ticks. From all kindsinsects that can occupy a house, there is one remedy - Yuraks. Instructions for use, included with each vial, allow you to dilute the solution of the desired concentration to combat a specific type of intruders.

Issue form

Powerful insecticide "Yurax" (25 k.e.), the instructions for use of which are attached to the drug, are available in 500 ml containers for domestic use and in 1 and 5 liter canisters for professional use.

yuraks instructions for use from ticks
yuraks instructions for use from ticks

The active substance is cypermethrin, the share of which is 25%, the rest is solvents and stabilizers. The instructions for use attached to the "Yurax" tool are required to be studied before use!


"Yurax" instructions for use describe as a reddish or brownish liquid, depending on storage conditions and expiration date. The drug has a sharp specific odor.

Dilution of the drug and method of influencing insects

The product in the vial has a high concentration of the active ingredient. In this form, "Yurax" is not used. Instructions for use are on each bottle. It states that the drug is diluted in 1 liter of warm water and thoroughly stirred so that the active substance is completely dissolved.

"Yuraks" from bedbugs instructions for use advises using at a dosage of 2 grams per liter. From cockroaches -4 grams, from fleas, ants, mosquitoes and flies - 2 grams each. "Yuraks" instructions for use from ticks recommends dissolving 2 grams in a liter of warm water. The consumption rate of the finished solution is 50-100 ml per m2.

yuraks instructions for use
yuraks instructions for use

The drug is enteric-contact. Destruction occurs after direct contact of the insect with the "Yurax" agent. Instructions for use ensures that the drug acts on both adult insects and larvae. "Yurax" affects the nervous system of insects, causing paralysis. The drug has no effect on eggs. But due to the prolonged action, which lasts for 2-3 weeks, the hatched larvae also come into contact with the drug and die. Therefore, if the infection of the premises was not strong, then one application is enough. To enhance the effect, the treatment can be repeated after 2 weeks. An earlier retry is impractical.

Processing areas

The diluted preparation is distributed with a sprayer in places where insects accumulate, beds, upholstered furniture, skirting boards, back walls of furniture, cracks and thresholds, carpets are carefully processed. It is important not to forget to spray under the linoleum, behind the batteries, in other hard-to-reach places, because it is in them that insects make nests. If parasites have also appeared in neighboring apartments, then it is better to carry out complex processing.

yuraks 25 ke instructions for use
yuraks 25 ke instructions for use

Work is carried out with gloves, a respirator and long-sleeved clothing to avoidallergic reaction. Only one person should be in the treated room - the one who performs pest control. After work, the room is ventilated for a couple of hours, and you can start cleaning. All surfaces should be washed with cleaning products.

To protect against insects away from home, clothing can be treated. To do this, prepare a solution by adding 5 ml of concentrate per liter of water. 200 ml of solution is enough to process a set of clothes from a jacket and trousers. Clothing will keep protective properties for 2 weeks.

yuraks from bedbugs instructions for use
yuraks from bedbugs instructions for use

One of the best universal means created to fight insects is Yuraks. The unique formula allows you to use it to combat various types of parasites. It is used both in residential premises and for the processing of clothing, land and local area. This drug is harmless to humans and animals, subject to the rules of use and dosage. Using only "Yurax", you can fight almost all insects that live in the house.
