Brick ovens for baths are an essential element. In ancient times, it was called the heart of the bath, and it depended on the stove-heater whether it would be a rite of strengthening he alth or a banal washing off of dirt. The oven must keep warm, otherwise the steam will be damp and no positive effect should be expected. That is why the construction of a brick oven for baths is given such close attention.

Russian bath is considered not just a place where you can wash yourself. Visiting the bath is a tradition: even our grandfathers said that it improves he alth. Modern society understands that a bath is an integral part of our culture, but for practicality and convenience, modern equipment is often used - electric heaters, heaters. But believe me, none of the existing devices will replace an ordinary brick oven. Heaters and heaters are not able to stably keep heat, maintain optimal humidity.
Stoves made of bricks for a bath must be laid out from high-quality material, they must be equipped with a closed chamber that heats the stones, which, in turn, contributes to obtainingoptimal pair. Getting steam is its main purpose. Brick ovens for a bath must be made of high-quality material of good firing, regular shape, without chips and cracks. The quality of a brick is determined elementarily: the color of a poorly burned brick is pale pink, and the sound when tapped is deaf. When dropped, it breaks into small pieces.

When building a stove for a brick bath, it is not necessary to use new material, you can use recycled materials obtained from old partitions or stoves. But this is the case if it does not have significant defects. Before using such a brick, it must be cleaned of old cement and soot. In no case should you use hollow and silicate, as they give uneven heating and quickly collapse during operation. As for the lining of the brick sauna stove, it is better to use refractory Gzhel bricks. The advantage of this design is that it does not need to be plastered, it fits perfectly into the overall "wooden" interior of the bath.
It should be remembered: do not heat the stove immediately after laying, as this can lead to its damage. It must dry before use.
There are also certain requirements for stones for a brick oven for a bath. Heavy, strong, smooth, without cracks, rounded, ranging in size from 50 to 150 millimeters - compliance with these requirements when choosing a material is mandatory. The order of their laying starts from the largest and ends with the smallest. The number of stones depends onsteam room sizes. During operation, soot settles on the stones, and therefore they must be cleaned periodically, and if cracks and destruction begin to appear, the stones are replaced with new ones.
It is very important to choose a place for the oven. It is desirable that it heats both the steam room, the washing room, and the dressing room. During its construction, do not forget about fire safety: do not install near flammable elements.

Banya is everything for a Russian person. Being a continuation of the traditions of our fathers and grandfathers, baths remain the place where we not only wash ourselves, but rest our souls. Birch brooms, hissing water on stones, heartfelt conversation over a mug of cold kvass - all this is priceless.