Mimosa is a favorite flower, deeply associated in our minds with the association with the holiday of March 8th. For many generations of our country, the appearance of this yellow beauty at the sellers of flower shops meant the approach of spring, warmth and holiday. Of course, today the flower market is replete with all sorts of spring heralds: hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses and tulips. But mimosa is in no way inferior to its competitors in the matter of choosing a spring bouquet. Therefore, lovers of "yellow happiness" are interested in the question of how to store cut mimosa.
"Correct" mimosa
First of all, it must be said that the flower that we usually call mimosa is not one. The real Mimosa pudica (bashful mimosa) grows in South America and looks completely different from bouquet branches. This is a small evergreen shrub, which reaches a height of a meter at best. The analogy of using the name "mimosa" is justified by similar inflorescences and leaf shape. True, real mimosa flowers are larger in size and different in color.

Own name"shameful" she got because of the leaves, which "react" to any changes that arise from fluctuations in temperature, lighting, and, most importantly, from touching them. Flower growers can breed this cute plant only indoors or in a greenhouse. And to the question of how to save a sprig of mimosa, only one answer is in a pot.
Where are you from, pretty?
The plant that brings the news of spring to our region and gives us a sunny mood is called silver acacia. Like a real mimosa, it belongs to the legume family and has more than 1000 species in its arsenal. Acacia is a thermophilic plant. It first appeared in Europe in the 19th century.

The acacia was brought from the Australian continent to the French Riviera, where it has successfully taken root and is currently in full bloom from early February to mid-March.
Mimosa, open your face
The leaves of the silver acacia - now we will call it mimosa - resemble the green of ferns. They are just as sharp and delicate. It was the color of the leaves, from silvery green to blue silver, that determined the academic name of this species. Small balls-flowers, consisting of fluffy stamens, are collected in inflorescences resembling a panicle. The number of golden stamens is so great that they turn the flowers into tender and airy peas.

In early spring, the branches of the mimosa bush are covered with fragrant yellow caps resembling golden fans. It is clear that nature preserves this beauty for as long as it should be. And how you want to bring this fluffy gold into the house and enjoy this miracle longer. Is it possible to save a bouquet of mimosa? Let's reveal some secrets of this flower.
Mimosa transport secrets
The main thing to know is that mimosa loves moisture, light and warmth. If all three factors are present, then it blooms quickly and the inflorescences bloom actively. The answer to the question of how to store cut mimosa is to eliminate any factor, but rather all three.
If cut branches are to be transported, then save the buds and prevent them from blooming - the main thing is how to store them. Cut mimosa should be cooled immediately. "Cooling" will be a preparatory stage before the transport refrigerator and will not allow condensation to form on the leaves. The cooled mimosa is tightly packed in polyethylene. This will keep the pollination of the stamens that have already appeared. Then polyethylene packages are placed in cardboard boxes. Transportation should take place within a day, as the plant cannot remain without moisture longer.
Mimosa is brought to us from warm latitudes. On the eve of the holiday, there may still be frosty days, so the question of how to save a sprig of mimosa bought as a gift and bring it unharmed is relevant. The answer is simple: thick wrapping paper will save you from the effects of frost and wind.
Indoor acclimatization of mimosa
Getting into the room, the flower will definitely feel the change. Again, there comes a time when you need to remember the comfort factors for mimosa:moisture, light and heat. Do not immediately put it in the water, it must be given the opportunity to acclimatize. Let the branches lie in the room right in the package (20-30 minutes) and only then unpack. Now the next task: how to save mimosa to stand longer?

In order for the mimosa bouquet to become evenly fluffy, the ends of the stems must be crushed and lowered for 1-2 minutes in boiling water. Such a shake for the plant is only useful. It gives impetus to the revival of the buds. If this is not done, the buds may crumble unopened. We fill the vase with hot water and distribute the branches spaciously, “with air”. In a vase, mimosa does not tolerate crowding. To make the buds fluffy, spray the inflorescences with cold water.
Now you know all the secrets of how to store cut mimosa. Prolong the joy of spring mood!