Every gardener strives to get the maximum yield. When growing tomatoes, activities such as mulching and watering are almost the most important. They provide plants with protection from pests and weeds, and also provide all the necessary minerals for the rapid development of fruits.
Growing tomatoes. Mulching

This is the process by which the soil around the plant is covered with loose organic material. They can be, for example, needles of coniferous trees. As a result of the action of microorganisms, the material rots and turns into humus, while warming and fertilizing the plant.
The process is borrowed by man from nature. In the forest and places where plants and trees are left unattended, a dense carpet of fallen branches and leaves always forms around the trees. Under a layer of mulch, moisture is well preserved, and the roots of the plant develop better and faster. Due to the friability of the mentioned cover and the absence of direct sunlight, the root system is well supplied with oxygen. In addition, mulch is an excellent"home" for microorganisms that turn last year's foliage into fertilizer.

Mulching tomatoes - weeds have no chance!
As you know, weed grass is the scourge of gardeners! But this problem was also solved.
When using mulch, you can not worry that the grass will drown out the tomatoes: mulching will help reduce the growth of weeds by five times - this is at least. To date, the mentioned process is the best way to deal with them. Many gardeners and gardeners prefer to weed weeds by hand, but this takes too much effort and time, and the use of chemicals can adversely affect the plants themselves. Mulch also gives a shadow that prevents the violent development and growth of weeds, but does not interfere with the full life of an adult plant. It also prevents excessive overheating and drying of the soil. On hot summer days, the earth easily heats up to 450 C, which can completely destroy tomatoes. Mulching avoids this trouble and preserves the crop.
Watering tomatoes

In order for tomatoes to develop as best as possible, it is necessary to maintain a constant soil moisture (within 80-90%). The percentage of humidity in the air does not matter at all. If you water tomatoes too often, they lose their flavor characteristics and become excessively watery. In addition, their vulnerability to various diseases increases significantly. On the other side,lack of moisture leads to the fall of the buds and the appearance of cracks on the already formed fruits. That is why it is necessary to carefully control the amount of water and the intervals between its delivery to the plant.
Tomatoes should be watered no more than twice in one calendar week, but the amount of water should be quite large. It should be noted that each bush consumes a different amount of liquid. It depends on its variety and age. So, the highest soil moisture must be maintained immediately after planting seedlings and during the appearance of fruit ovary. The rest of the time, watering should be moderate.
The most important thing to remember for gardeners who decide to grow tomatoes: mulching and proper watering are your best allies and friends.