A wall is a masonry element that serves to support other building parts. Depending on what material is used, the partition should be made of a similar one to enhance the power of the building. There are several masonry options that provide support for other elements of the house. Most often, the construction of a wall is done during the redevelopment of housing in order to enhance sound insulation.

Brickwork method
A wall is an opportunity to change the look of a room and make a niche there. There are several ways of brickwork, which depend on the base material. To create a brick wall, the craftsmen advise using a standard brick.
The height of one and a half rib will be about 80 mm, and the double rib will be 140 mm. Half-brick laying is also popular, it is more compacted, which allows you to create a reliable support. The wall is not only an element for strengthening, but also a decorative part of the construction.
To increasesoundproofing, a whole brick is used, which increases the wall by 25 mm. Due to this, the cost of construction increases. Experts advise, in order to save money, to put a brick on edge. This will reduce material consumption.

Creation process
The wall is an element of the outer and inner frame of the building. Regardless of where it is placed, the brick must be installed correctly and use a reliable scheme.
In the process, three external vertical seams in the masonry are allowed to match in height. Then there should be a partition in the form of a brick and again a repetition. The bonding row is laid after three spoon lines.
A plumb line and a level are used to check each row. This will help to avoid bumps and create the perfect surface. Although later both the walls and the pillars are processed with additional elements and the surface goes through the plastering stage, one should not forget about evenness, because the result will depend on this.

A prerequisite is the use of mesh for reinforcement. It should cover the surface, but at the same time not go beyond the parameters of the wall. If the width of the element is up to one meter, then the laying process is three-row. If the width is more than 4 bricks, then a multi-layer system is allowed.
Material costs
To determine the exact amount, one must not only take into account the size of the room, but also navigate the parameters of the future wall. To do this, experts carry out measurements of bricks and the mostpartitions. With seams with standard dimensions of 1-1.5 cm, there are 51 standard bricks per meter of brickwork. If the dimensions of the joints are increased, then the number of bricks may decrease.
But such savings are not justified, because the endurance and stability of the finished wall may not be sufficient for operation and additional support. You should not save on the size of the walls, because the level of sound insulation and the supporting capabilities of the element depend on it.
Masonry in one brick will require 102 pieces per meter. If the elements are one and a half, then about 78-80 bricks. And for installation on the edge - 38-40. After measuring the height and width, the quadrature is calculated by multiplication. Next, you need to add another 5 percent to the total amount and round up. The result will be the required amount of material.
Draft stage
Even if the load will not be increased by the pressure of the ceiling, it is necessary to take into account its weight for the floor. If there is no confidence in exposure, then the wall can be strengthened using a special reinforced mesh.
The grid must be even so that the wall does not end up with a curve. Be sure to use a waterproofing and sound absorber. To increase the quality of their performance, experts advise folding the material in half and making small allowances around the edges to securely fix the elements.
When laying a wall, the use of these elements will help to achieve good results in terms of sound insulation. To fix the walls, you need to purchase corner brackets in case it doesn’t work out perfectlyembed them into wall corners.
The rough laying process will help to avoid bumps and calculate the right amount of materials. It must be performed immediately before the start of the main process. Vertical angles must be exactly 90 degrees.

Making a mortar
The preparation of the mixture for laying the pier takes place in advance, so as not to be distracted by this in the process. Although there are dry mixes for external masonry, the task here is only to hold the material together without additional protection from moisture, sudden temperature changes and unstable environmental factors.
For cooking, 4 parts of sand, part of cement and part of water are used. The proportions increase depending on the needs and size of the wall in the house. It is advisable to use construction sand, but if it could not be found, then ordinary sand may be suitable.
Expert Tips
Before starting work, you need to prepare all the necessary materials, taking into account their quantity. It is impossible to combine different options for the wall in the process, since the result depends on the integrity and proper masonry.

Creating an element using a wall photo will not give a reliable result. Moreover, each house has its own layout, as well as the level of endurance. For decorative design, you can create walls from alternative materials to brick, which have sufficient strength and endurance.
You should not use different types of masonry in the process, becausethis can affect the quality of work and the evenness of the wall. Each layer must be measured with a level to end up with an even wall.