How to wash a stretch matte ceiling correctly?

How to wash a stretch matte ceiling correctly?
How to wash a stretch matte ceiling correctly?

Stretch ceiling is considered not only beautiful, but also durable coating. However, if it is used long enough, the surface may lose its original appearance. The situation will be saved by cleaning and proper care. It is important to remember that matte and glossy ceilings require different care.

Features of care

how to wash stretch matte ceiling
how to wash stretch matte ceiling

Before you wash the stretch matte ceiling, you need to deal with the variety of tools for such work. Some believe that nothing special needs to be done, it is enough just to keep the external cleanliness. However, there is another opinion that says that the ceiling needs careful periodic cleaning and tightening of the sagging canvas. If you were deciding how to wash a matte stretch ceiling without streaks at home, but you could not achieve a positive result, and the material was damaged, then in the future it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the technology of work in more detail. It is noteworthy that even if the ceiling sags,It can be removed and then hung again. But in this case, you can't do without the help of professionals.

Ceiling cleaners

how to wash stretch ceiling matte
how to wash stretch ceiling matte

If you are faced with the task of how to wash a stretch matte ceiling, then it is important to decide which cleaning products to use. It is also important to understand what technology to use. Not every tool is suitable for caring for a matte ceiling. For example, abrasive and harsh chemicals should not be used as they could damage the material. Among the abrasives, dry powders and substances that are intended for use in a dry form can be distinguished. They may scratch the material. Even if diluted in water, they do not cease to be dangerous due to the presence of insoluble elements.

Active substances are acids, solvents and alkalis, they are also banned. It is important to familiarize yourself with the ingredients of the mixture, among which there should not be acetone, which will simply melt the film. The best tool is a special composition, which is recommended by the manufacturer. You can buy it at hardware stores. If there is no such product on sale, but you still intend to wash the ceiling, then you can use the usual soap solution, which does its job perfectly.

Before you wash the stretch matte ceiling, you can prepare a means for cleaning mirrors and glasses. Some of them contain ammonia, but if there are no other harmful substances, then you can use them. The simplest solution would be to use dishwashing detergent, which is presented in the form of a solution or gel. The main task before using such compounds is to check the mixture for the absence of active chemical compounds. Moreover, the use of such products should be accompanied by dilution with water until a small amount of foam can be obtained. It is easier to apply to the surface, and you can use a soft cloth. With it, you will eliminate stains, bubbles and traces of foam on the surface.

Cleaning Method

how to wash a matte stretch ceiling without streaks at home
how to wash a matte stretch ceiling without streaks at home

Many owners of private houses and apartments are thinking about how to wash the stretch matte ceiling. Before starting work, you must remove all jewelry from your hands, including rings, bracelets and rings that could damage the coating. Not all cases require complex techniques, often simpler measures can be dispensed with, this is especially true for matt coatings that can be easily cleaned with water or a conventional vacuum cleaner. On such surfaces, water will not leave streaks, and care for the hostess will be much easier.

Before washing the matte stretch ceiling, you can prepare a brush from a vacuum cleaner, which simply walks over the surface, in most cases this is enough. It is better if the brush is as soft as possible, while taking care not to touch the canvas with the sharp edges of the nozzle, as there is a high risk of tissue damage. If you can't get rid of contaminantscompletely, it is necessary to take a more serious approach to resolving the issue. You can wash the fabric by first checking how the detergent works on the fabric in the corner of the room. If damage occurs, it will not be conspicuous.

Expert Tips

how to wash matte stretch ceilings
how to wash matte stretch ceilings

If you are still thinking about how to wash the matte stretch ceiling, then you need to start work after checking the product on a separate section of the ceiling. Once you are sure that the detergent composition is safe, it can be applied to the entire base of the canvas, making circular movements. Do not press on the coating, as the film may be damaged. Glossy surfaces are best not to be cleaned using this technology, as stains may remain on them. In order to exclude their appearance, you can use gels for washing mirrors, and with the help of ammonia it will be possible to achieve an attractive shine and remove grease, which most often occurs in kitchens. After it was possible to wash the matte stretch ceiling without streaks at home, you can treat the surface with a dry rag that does not leave lint on the base.

Care for matte fabric ceilings

wash matte stretch ceilings without streaks
wash matte stretch ceilings without streaks

If fabric matte ceilings are installed in the rooms of your apartment or house, then caring for them will be the easiest. It is not necessary to use special detergents, in addition, it can be dangerous forappearance of the coating. Dry cleaning will suffice. Experts advise using the most minimal amount of water, and if you use a sponge, then it should be squeezed well. Otherwise, it may leave streaks on the film. It is most convenient to use a stepladder for this, but you should not be afraid that cleaning will be required very often. It is enough to clean the base every six months, regardless of whether a cheap or expensive type of material was used in the repair. The exceptions are the premises, the conditions of which are characterized by a high degree of pollution, such as bathrooms and kitchens, where the cleanliness of the ceiling must be monitored more often.

Nuances of the work

how to clean matte stretch ceilings
how to clean matte stretch ceilings

If you are faced with the question of how to wash a matte stretch ceiling, then you must determine the material at its base. If we are talking about a vinyl coating, then it will easily endure the effects of products intended for the care of PVC products. This includes "Mr. Muscle", which is produced for the care of plastic windows. With it, it will be possible to clean the matte film, excluding the formation of streaks. This does not require re-polishing. However, you still have to wipe the surface dry each time, otherwise wet marks will leave hair that will change the color of the ceiling after drying.

Quite often housewives think about how to properly wash matte stretch ceilings. If you do this once every six months, then you should notignore small spots. They can remain, for example, after an awkwardly opened bottle of champagne. If you notice a yellow spot on the ceiling, then you can’t wait for it to dry, it will be easier to wash fresh dirt. Manufacturers advise to immediately blot the dirt with a tissue.

Features of washing the ceiling in the kitchen

how to wash matte stretch ceiling in the kitchen
how to wash matte stretch ceiling in the kitchen

Before you wash the matte stretch ceiling in the kitchen, you should not stock up on any aggressive substances, since the coating in this area of \u200b\u200bthe house is cared for using the same technology. The only difference is more frequent washing procedures. It should be remembered that fabric matte canvases are less durable than PVC coating, so they must be treated with the utmost care and care. Sometimes glass cleaners penetrate the structure and change the color of the surface, so it is best to abandon such substances in favor of plain water. For heavy soiling, it is recommended to use a powder solution. However, the particles must be completely dissolved. It is also important to consider that the same area should not be rubbed for an excessively long time, as it may be damaged, and after drying, the color may change.

What else you need to know about kitchen ceiling care

It is far from always possible to wash matte stretch ceilings without streaks, but only if the manufacturer's recommendations are not followed. If you decide to ennoble the kitchen with a stretch fabric, then it is better to accompany the repair work.installing a hood, as it will eliminate greasy soot, which most often settles on the surface of the ceiling. Through an open window, street dust can also enter, which also contributes to surface pollution. In addition, you should not smoke in a room where there are stretch ceilings.


After cleaning with special products, rinse the surface with clean water and then wipe dry. If you are still thinking about how you can wash matte stretch ceilings in the kitchen, then some experts advise using dishwashing detergents.
