Ficus Binnendijka: home care

Ficus Binnendijka: home care
Ficus Binnendijka: home care

Each of us is used to seeing ficuses almost everywhere. These plants are often found both in office space and in apartments. Most often we meet with ficus Binnendijk. It is quite common in home floriculture.

There are several varieties of this plant. Outwardly, it is slightly different from other ficuses, undemanding and unpretentious in care.

Unusual ficus

This plant bears the name of the person who first discovered this species. Ficus Binnendijka belongs to the mulberry family. It has a tree shape.

ficus binnendeyka ali
ficus binnendeyka ali

The birthplace of the plant is Southeast Asia, Indonesia. There are tropical rain forests here, which are ideal conditions for the growth of this type of ficus. This plant is also found in Vietnam, Philippines, Sumatra, Borneo.

Because of the special shape of the leaves, this plant is often called willow ficus. Another name for the plant is ficus Ali.

Description of ficus

Ficus Binnendijka is an evergreen plant that can reach a height of 15-20 meters in natural conditions. But growing indoors dramatically affects the height of the plant. Home ficus reaches 1.5 m in height.

Ficus is characterized by a powerful root system. Under favorable conditions in nature, the plant can occupy large areas. Thus, the ficus becomes aggressive towards other plants.

Young shoots are characterized by light green bark, but the lignification process is fast. Plants of middle age are characterized by a dark brown color of the bark with small strokes of white. The surface is slightly rough.

Branches penetrating. The leaves are narrow, belt-like, pointed at the tips.

The color of ficus Binnendijk directly depends on the variety of the plant and its place of growth. Coloring can be both monophonic and variegated. The width of the leaves varies from 5 to 7 cm, and the length - up to 30 cm.

pruning ficus binnendi
pruning ficus binnendi

A vein is clearly visible along the leaf. She bends the leaf, as if dividing it in half. Lateral veins diverge from it in different directions, which are less visible.

Ficus Binnendijka, like all representatives of this genus, when cut or broken, it secretes a sticky whitish milky juice. This ornamental plant is characterized by a fairly significant increase. For a year, a ficus can grow from a few centimeters to tens. Growing requirements are minimal, making it ideal for growers with little experience.

Location and lighting features

The plant requires good lighting. Should choose wella well-lit place with bright but diffused light. A pot with loose-leaved ficus must be placed at a distance of 2-3 m from the window. A container with ficus is not recommended to be placed on the north side. Ideal south facing location.

Air humidity and watering

Compliance with the rules of watering and humidity in the room is the basis of proper care. Ficus Binnendijka needs to be watered according to the season. In summer, the plant will feel comfortable with moderate soil moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to wait until the upper part of the soil dries out a little. After watering is carried out again. Most often, this procedure should be repeated every 4 days. In winter, watering is reduced, spending it once a week. In this case, the soil should practically dry out.

adult ficus binnendeyka ali
adult ficus binnendeyka ali

Willow-leaved ficus can tolerate a strong drying of an earthy coma. But high soil moisture can quickly lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, after each watering, after 20 minutes, it is necessary to drain all excess water from the pan that has escaped through the drainage holes. This will protect the plant from possible rotting of the root system.

Remember to use clean, soft water at room temperature for watering.

Humidity is also important when growing ficus Binnendijk (Ali). It should be average. In the spring and summer, flower growers recommend spraying the deciduous part of the plant once a week. In winter, this procedure can be carried out more often, because heating devices are turned on inindoors.

The leaves are additionally wiped with a soft damp cloth. If the size of the plant is small, you can arrange a shower wash for the ficus once a week. Remember that at this point the soil must be covered with a plastic bag.

Air temperature

Willow-leaved ficus does not tolerate high temperatures. In summer, the ambient temperature should be in the range of 18–23 0С. In winter, this figure is slightly lower - within 15 0С. If the room temperature is above the norm, it is necessary to increase its humidity in various ways.

luxury ficus binnendiyka ali
luxury ficus binnendiyka ali

Transplant and soil for ficus

Many flower growers know that young ficus grows quickly. For this reason, it must be transplanted annually into a new pot with a renewal of the soil mixture. This procedure is performed in the spring.

Annually, the volume of the pot must be increased in diameter by 4-5 cm. When transplanting a plant, pay attention to its root system. If she did not have time to occupy the entire space of the container, the plant must be placed back, replacing the crumbled earth.

Mature plants need less frequent repotting. It is enough to replant the ficus once every 2-3 years until its root system is placed in a container with a diameter of 30 cm. In such a pot, only 3-4 cm of the top layer of soil is replaced.

At the bottom of each container, it is imperative to lay a drainage layer 4 cm thick. It will not only ensure the stability of the flowerpot, but also help remove excess moisture during watering. Asdrainage, you can use expanded clay of medium fraction, on top of which a layer of coarse sand is poured.

Replanting soil must be purchased at a specialized store. The finished substrate should be designed for ficuses or palms. It is characterized by good friability and nutritional value. Soil acidity should be neutral or low (pH 5.5-6.5).

pruning ficus ali in autumn
pruning ficus ali in autumn

Some flower growers make their own soil for the plant, combining greenhouse and leaf soil, river sand, turf in a ratio of 2: 1: 2. A small amount of brick chips and chopped charcoal are also added to this mixture. The soil for a young plant should consist of equal parts peat, soddy soil and coarse sand.

Plant fertilizer

Abundant green mass of the plant is the result of proper care at home. Ficus Binnendijka needs regular fertilization in the spring and summer. The procedure is repeated every 2-3 weeks. For ficus, it is recommended to choose organic preparations. It is desirable that they be in liquid form. In this state, they are easy to add to water for irrigation.

General Care Tips

Always in the photo ficus Binnendijka - luxurious, tall. It is characterized by high growth rate and large size. Many flower growers recommend forming a crown in the spring, cutting off the upper shoots to create a compact, beautiful bush. Often flower growers prune ficus Binnendijk, forming it in the form of a trunk. This method involves isolating onemain stem, while all side branches are constantly shortened.

ficus binnendeyka home care
ficus binnendeyka home care

Young trunks are quite flexible, so they are often woven into bundles or braids. All young cacti need additional support so that the shoots do not sag, but acquire the correct shape.

Crown formation

Particular attention when caring for ficus should be paid to the formation of the crown of the plant. Many inexperienced gardeners are wondering when to prune ficus Benjamin: in autumn or spring? What about Ficus Ali? And what shape can the plant be given?

Many gardeners recommend making a bonsai tree out of ficus. You can experiment and combine several varieties of plants at once: Amstel King, Gold, Benjamin.

Due to the long foliage, Ali's ficus variety is quite well formed. Pruning promotes the growth and development of the plant, so it will not adversely affect it. Often flower growers grow several plants in one pot, from which you can later form a chic lush crown.

So, how is Benjamin's ficus pruned at home step by step? Photos, videos of this process confirm that there is nothing complicated in this procedure.


Remember that it is strictly forbidden to form a crown during the dormant period of the plant. From October to February, it should rest.

Cut off the branches of the plant with a sharp tool. Make sure that hemp does not form on the trunk. Places of cuts at first need to be moistened periodically.

Frequentficus crown design options:

  • Simple stem. First, all side shoots are carefully cut off from a young plant, leaving only 5 central branches. After pinching the top of one, the most important shoot. The sides are cut to form a ball. Consider that the trunk needs additional support, which is removed later.
  • Two-tier stem. The young plant is divided into 3 levels. The upper and lower stems are cut in the form of a ball. In the middle part, all side branches are removed.
  • Ficus weaving. 2-3 seedlings are planted in one container. From 2 you can form a tourniquet, from three - a pigtail. Remember that the weave must be free, because the plant needs a place for further growth. Shoots and leaves that interfere with weaving are removed.
pruning ficus benjamin at home photo step by step
pruning ficus benjamin at home photo step by step


The well-known ficus Ali is an attractive, medium-sized, unpretentious ornamental plant. Visually, the leaves of the plant resemble a small willow. Good care contributes to the rapid and abundant growth of green mass, which will delight everyone with its beautiful view. The plant rarely gets sick, the main reason is improper care.
