Prichelina: what is it and where is it used

Prichelina: what is it and where is it used
Prichelina: what is it and where is it used

Since ancient times, a wooden structure has been the main type of housing. If you look at the hut, which was built over a hundred years ago, it is significantly different from today's buildings. One of the characteristic features is the presence of a large number of carved elements decorating a wooden house. Each part has a name and carries a specific meaning. One of such decorations of the wooden facade is the prichelina. What it is, you can find out if you turn to the old building technology.

Meaning of the word "prichelina"

The word "prichelina" refers to a board that has been carved in a certain style or decorated with overlays. To understand what the prichelina looks like, you can imagine the modern decoration of the facades of the building. This is an inclined board that covers the ends of the roof.

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The main task of the prichelina was to protectwooden elements from exposure to the environment, moisture. In addition to decorating and preserving wood, the decoration of a wooden house carried an ethnic meaning. Is no exception and prichelina. What is it that the ancestors could tell, who knew many ways to protect the house from evil spirits.

Legend of the Sun God

When decorating a wooden house, different methods of decoration were used, but each element had its own purpose and history. What explains the appearance of such a decorative element as prichelina? What it is in the ethnic sense can be understood from the legend that speaks of the sun god. It is he who is symbolized on wooden houses in the form of a horse that looks like a bird. This image is an ancient image of the Sun. It was installed on the upper central log, so from the side it seemed that the roof slopes looked like wings.

The mythological meaning of the end board

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The elements decorating the slopes of the roof were called sky abysses. This is the lure. What is it and how to understand the meaning of these words? People of that time believed that above the earth is the sky, in which the Sun and the Moon flaunt, and above are the abysses of heaven. It was they, according to beliefs, that were considered the place from where water spilled onto the earth.

Unusual ornaments on the ends of the roof slopes emphasized the figurative representation of heavenly water. Thus, prichelina was not only a symbol of protecting the hut from evil spirits, an ethnic element that attracted prosperity to the house, but also protected from heavenly rain. Butit is worth noting that the end decoration is not a separate structural element of the hut. This is a component of the entire ornament of a wooden house, which together emphasized the true beauty of the building, which carries a certain mythological meaning.