Since ancient times, mosaic tiles have been used in the decoration of the walls of temples and palaces. But now it is being used for other purposes as well. Thanks to her, you can transform any room. A mosaic bathroom countertop will transform the room. The rules for creating such products with your own hands are described in the article.
Modern furniture and building materials are constantly becoming more expensive, so the constant renovation of the interior is not possible for everyone. In this case, there is a great solution. Mosaic bathroom countertop allows you to update and decorate the interior for a long time.

Mosaic is called a tile, the dimensions of which are set within 1.5–2.5 cm. The shape of the fragments may be different. It is square, triangular, rectangular, round. Mosaic is divided into:
- Glass. This is the most popular type, which has a low cost and various types of execution (matte, transparent, colored, gold, silver, with different shades andadditions).
- Metal.
- Ceramic. May be cut sheets of porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles.
- Stone - based on lapis lazuli, jasper, marble, travertine.
- Sm alt - an expensive option, but high-quality and reliable.
Mosaic bathroom countertops are distinguished by their reliability and original appearance. Small tiles make up a picture or a beautiful pattern. Such a product has a lot of weight, so it is required to make it reliable, durable and with a stable base.
There are several reasons for decorating a mosaic countertop:
- Stylish look. This decoration shows that the owner of the premises is a progressive person.
- Extraordinary. The mosaic emphasizes individuality.
- Inexpensive finishing option. Although many believe that this is a costly option for transforming a room, but with the right approach, such a finish is economical.
- Durability. With the right choice of material, the overall design lasts a long time.
- Practical. Mosaic cannot peel off, crack.
The countertop is considered the central detail in bathroom design. It allows you to combine different objects into a single whole. Usually, bathroom furniture fits the style of the interior and different details look harmonious. You can make harmony from individual elements - shelves, chests of drawers, cabinets. Therefore, the countertop should fit under all the furniture.

Design data are:
- rectangular;
- angular;
- asymmetric;
- combined.
The width and height of the product are also different. Shells also come in a variety of shapes. The tabletop can be made as an addition to the cabinet or as an independent element.
Top options
These products are:
- With floor stand. This piece of furniture is easy to install and easy to use. You just need to set the tabletop in place, on the legs, adjusting the position. Then the washbasin is connected.
- Wall mounted. It is almost not inferior to the floor view, has a small capacity and installation features. Anchors are used for hanging on the wall.
- Decorative. They do not have cabinets and cabinets, they are floor and wall. The price of these designs is usually high.
Sketch and markup
First, you need to design and mark out the installation site. There are no universal tips for creating a countertop, but there are general rules for its construction.
It is important that the tabletop surface is located at a height of 80 cm above the floor, and its width and configuration is based on the dimensions of the room, the placement of plumbing fixtures. When the installation site is selected, on the wall, at a height of 80 cm from the floor, a horizontal line is drawn along the bubble level, along which the product will adhere to the wall.

Then, based on the width and length of the future table top, markings are made on the floor for the location of the supportlegs. It can also be transverse partitions on which the product lies.
Independent work
From what and how to make a countertop in the bathroom with your own hands? All available materials are listed above. You need to define the placement area. Whichever option is chosen, it will be a great interior decoration.

Perform not only countertops in the bathroom under the mosaic. The disguise of the washing machine, wall decoration and other ideas look beautiful. To create a tiled table, you need dexterity and experience. Concrete, wood materials with moisture-resistant impregnation, waterproof plasterboard surfaces, dense polyurethane are used as the base.
Mosaic bathroom countertop can be made by hand. It is only necessary to create glass fragments that are necessary in shape and color. And glass fragments are obtained from any company that sells consumables and colored glass for stained glass. This is a great way to update the interior.
What do you need?
To make a countertop in the bathroom under the mosaic sink, you need to prepare:
- grout;
- primer;
- putty;
- antiseptic.
Tools required preparation:
- spatula;
- pots for mixing glue;
- grout containers;
- rags;
- sandpaper;
- soft trowel for grouting.
In order for the mosaic tiles to be tightly fixed, specialadhesive mixtures. Experts advise using white plastic mixtures. Any adhesive mixtures are suitable, but only when laying opaque mosaics. Only transparent and white products are suitable for glass tiles. Before work, surface treatment is required so that later defects are not visible on it.
Before you create a mosaic countertop in the bathroom, you need to level the surface with putty. Then it is cleaned and degreased. So that there is no mold and fungus on the surface, it is covered with antiseptic impregnation. The primer is then applied.

The bathroom countertop covered with mosaics is made in much the same way as stained glass windows are created using the Tiffany technique. Before laying out the tiles, they lay them out on the table and form the necessary pattern. This will allow you to evaluate the option and make adjustments if necessary.
Start laying from the near edge of the countertop. If there is a need for trimming parts, it will be done on the far side and will not attract much attention. When a certain pattern needs to be made from a mosaic, then the layout is performed from the center of the tabletop.
How do you make a do-it-yourself mosaic table top? The instruction in this work will be a great helper:
- Primer is carried out in 2 layers.
- Then apply a small amount of glue to level the surface.
- Lay a special mesh, and then tiles. Needlevel (paper can be used instead of a grid, later it soaks and is removed). But before laying it out, you should think over the drawing, draw it on a sheet (scale 1: 1), and then on the surface.
- At the end, the result is covered with grout. With its help, the coating will be reliable, strong, durable. This work is done with a soft spatula on the seams, the grout is carefully rubbed. Leave the surface to dry, and do not use a hair dryer or other heating methods.
- Excess dried composition is removed from the mosaic with a dry soft cloth. If the mixture is very dry, fine-grained sandpaper is used.
- Then the tiles are polished. For this, furniture wax is used. You need to apply it to a soft, lint-free cloth and rub it into the details of the tile.
- Complete drying of the surface is required. It usually takes about a day.
It is advisable to carry out this work with gloves to protect against exposure to the composition. Thus, a countertop is made in a plasterboard bathroom with a mosaic.
If there are no skills in making complex patterns and patterns, then experts advise using a circular pattern. For its execution, it is required to draw divergent circles from the center of the surface. The shape of the parts doesn't really matter, as long as the small parts are closer to the center and the large ones are closer to the edges.

If the base is carefully prepared, the mosaic will be perfect. It is necessary to display even, identical seams alongthe entire surface. You can cut the parts with wire cutters. If a skirting board is attached to the wall, it is possible to leave a gap between the wall and the tile.
The edge is fixed on the glue, if necessary. Then it is necessary to apply epoxy mixtures and latex mastics to the surface to protect against moisture. Expensive tiles can deteriorate quickly.
Mosaic countertops look expensive. These elements allow you to lay out the sink. Mosaic decoration will make any room much more comfortable.
It is necessary not only to choose the right design, but also to familiarize yourself with how to properly care for it. This affects the service life and attractive appearance. Countertop bathrooms are neat and tidy.

Care features include the following:
- If there is a product made of natural stone, then it must be treated with impregnations that create a protective film. So the stone will not absorb water, which is especially important for the bathroom.
- With the glossy surface of the countertop, maintenance will be easy. You just need to handle it with a damp cloth. You can use a soap solution, but do not use abrasives that violate the integrity of the coating.
- Glass products are treated only with special products, since other solutions lead to streaks and stains.
- Wooden structures need to be protected with a special oil. They impregnate all surfaces with preheating, and this procedure is performed for reliableprotection.
- Products made of chipboard and fiberboard are difficult to protect from moisture, because they are resistant to moisture, so after each drying, you need to wipe them dry.
Thus, the care of the countertop is not complicated. It is important to use your own care and protection methods and measures to extend the life of the product.