The bathroom requires the selection of special materials when carrying out repairs. They should be not only aesthetic, but also moisture resistant, not susceptible to the development of various pathogenic bacteria, fungus. Therefore, the choice of materials for ceilings in the bathroom should be taken responsibly. There is a wide range of finishing options. They will be discussed in detail in the article.
Requirements for materials
Before starting repairs, you need to choose which ceiling in the bathroom will look spectacular. At the same time, it must be durable and practical. Therefore, the materials from which it will be made are subject to increased requirements.

It's damp in the bathroom. Therefore, materials that absorb water will not work here. It should be a finish that will repel her. This will extend the life of the materials. Finishes that will absorb moisture will deteriorate quickly.
Choosing which ceiling is best in the bathroomroom, it should be noted that even on moisture-resistant materials, ugly stains and s alt spots may appear on the surface. Therefore, the finish should be easy to wash. Its practicality is not the last factor when choosing the type of ceiling. In this case, it is unacceptable to use materials that are susceptible to corrosion.
It is also worth paying attention to the resistance of ceilings to high temperatures. They should not deform when it is raised. At the same time, toxic chemicals should not be included in the composition. Don't skimp on quality. However, the price of the ceiling when choosing is not the last factor.
When deciding which ceiling is best in the bathroom, you should also evaluate its aesthetics. The material should be not only durable and practical, but also in harmony with the entire interior decoration. Therefore, before going to the store, you need to read the advice of experts. They will tell you which finish is right for your bathroom.
Reviews on finishes
To choose a ceiling in the bathroom, you need to consider the existing options for such finishes. They differ in appearance, resistance to adverse environmental factors and cost.
Today, whitewashing is rarely used to finish the ceiling in the bathroom. However, this option does exist. This is one of the cheapest finishing options. However, it is also the most short lived. Whitewash correction will be carried out frequently. At the same time, the appearance of the ceiling looks unfinished, too simple.

If requiredrepair the ceiling with minimal cost, it is better to give preference to paint. It must be moisture resistant. Acrylic paint is most often used for this purpose. It allows you to create spectacular designs.
Considering reviews of ceilings in the bathroom, it is worth noting that some owners use vinyl wallpaper for decoration. In this case, the design will be interesting and original. The material is moisture resistant, but may warp at elevated temperatures.
Siding is also suitable for the bath. However, its choice of shades is not as great as that of paint. Wood flooring looks much more impressive. To do this, you need to choose special types of wood that have been subjected to chamber drying. Larch is best suited for these purposes.
Also, according to reviews, many owners use drywall to finish the ceiling. It is easy to install. Stretch ceilings made of PVC look more effective. This option provides a wide range of designs.
You can mount a suspended ceiling in the bathroom. It can be tiled or slatted. The choice depends on the design of the room, the taste preferences of the owners.
Considering bathroom ceiling design ideas, many owners of apartments and houses opt for painting. This type of finish has a lot of advantages. In addition to the democratic price, it is worth noting a large selection of shades of colors. You can choose the option that suits the existing interior optimally. If desired, you can diversify the coating by applying stencils.

At the same timeceiling level remains virtually unchanged. This is extremely important for those rooms that do not differ in spacious dimensions. If suspended structures are used, the ceiling level will be reduced by at least 5 cm.
Painting is used if the base of the ceiling is relatively even. Otherwise, you will need to carry out additional puttying. The more uneven the ceiling, the more this material will need to be applied to it. This increases the cost of the job.
When choosing how to make a ceiling in the bathroom, some owners of apartments or houses claim that painting looks boring. However, the design can be varied. This will require the use of imagination. You can combine several colors (better than neighboring ones). You can also make a geometric, floral ornament using stencils or special relief rollers. According to the template, any pattern can be applied to the ceiling that can harmoniously fit into the interior.
Painted ceiling does not require restoration within 10 years. If neighbors flood it from above, ugly stains remain on the paint. In this case, repairs will be required.
The disadvantage of painted ceilings is their low resistance to the development of fungus and mold. Therefore, ventilation in the room should be forced. However, surface care is not difficult. Even over time, when the ceiling darkens a little due to the dirt accumulating in the pores, it can be painted again. The surface will be fresh and bright again.
Plastic panels
One of the most popular finishes isplastic ceiling. The ceilings in this type of bath are made of PVC. It is completely waterproof. At the same time, it is highly durable. Such material is easy to install. In this case, you can create a finish not only of a different shade, but also of texture or pattern. PVC allows you to make the design of the ceiling original. Panels can simulate the look of the sky, reflections on water, natural materials (wood, leather, etc.).

PVC panels are practical. They do not require special care. The surface is simply cleaned with a damp cloth. Hanging lamps can be mounted in this ceiling. In this case, the base of the ceiling may be uneven. Panels allow you to hide all the flaws of the base. At the same time, various communications can be hidden under suspended and stretch ceilings.
The ceiling in the bathroom of PVC panels has a number of disadvantages. It consists of strips, between the joints of which dirt accumulates. Periodic cleaning allows you to remove such deposits. However, this procedure will take more time. With poor ventilation, fungus can develop in such cracks. It will be much more difficult to withdraw it.
PVC panels are installed on the frame. It consists of a metal profile. Over time, such material may rust due to high humidity in the room. Even the galvanized coating that is applied to it does not save the situation. At the same time, restoration is quite difficult. The panels will need to be completely dismantled. Plastic fades. Therefore, it is better to perform a complete replacement.
Rack type structures
Rack ceilings in the bath are often mounted. This is a type of suspended structure. She is also going to the frame. The trim is long, narrow stripes. They are made from different materials. It can be plastic, aluminum. There are also steel rails. However, of the metal varieties, aluminum is still more practical.

Ceiling design may vary. Ceilings that imitate silver and gold look spectacular. Also, slats can be monotonous or patterned. The choice of design is great. This also makes slatted ceilings popular. The assembly of such a design does not cause difficulties even for a beginner. Surface care does not require much effort and time.
Rack ceiling in the bathroom can often be found. Its components are flexible. This allows you to make the ceiling curvilinear. It looks original. At the same time, the surface of the rails, which imitates precious metals, can be polished. It will be almost like a mirror. This allows you to visually expand the room.
The disadvantages include the accumulation of dirt between the seams. Cleaning them up will take longer. Among the disadvantages of the rack ceiling can also be called a specific appearance. Due to this, this finish is not suitable for every type of interior.
However, this type of finish will also allow you to install spotlights, hide the flaws of the base. This will save money on the purchase of materials for repairs. Also under the surface of the ceiling can pass electrical wires, ventilationchannels.
Tile and mirror ceiling
Unlike the panel ceiling in the bathroom, tiled varieties consist of individual cells. This allows you to move the panel at any time, to assess the state of communications that are under the ceiling. Such material does not require additional finishing. It is easy to install.
The plates that make up the finish are called cassettes. They can be made from plastic, natural materials (minerals or wood) or metal (most often aluminium). Therefore, the choice of tile ceiling design is huge. Similar plates with backlight will look spectacular.

The false ceiling in the bathroom, assembled from cassettes, has several negative qualities. This type of finish may look too formal. This is due to the frequent use of cassette structures in office and public buildings. However, there are design options for cassettes that allow you to create a cosiness in the bathroom.
A large selection of materials and their design allows you to harmoniously fit such a ceiling into any style of interior design.
One of the interesting varieties of such ceilings is a mirror finish. This material visually expands the room, makes it lighter. However, the cost of such cassettes will be an order of magnitude higher than that of conventional plates.
Similar designs are mounted on a frame. The heavier the plate, the more powerful it must be. This is reflected in the overall cost of finishing. The mirror ceiling is quite difficult to assemble. Soyou will need to seek help from a professional. But this type of ceiling will be durable. Its disadvantage is the fact that the slightest drops of moisture will be visible on an ideal mirror surface. The slabs will need to be cleaned frequently.
You can make a plasterboard ceiling in the bathroom. This material has many advantages. It is mounted on a frame. Most often, metal profiles are used for it. This design can be multi-level. Ceiling configuration may vary. When developing it, you can show imagination. Drywall allows you to create different shapes on the ceiling. They are decorated with lighting, different decorative finishes. Such a ceiling looks impressive.

To create a single-level or multi-level design on the ceiling in the bathroom, you will need to purchase moisture-resistant drywall sheets. They usually have a green top layer (and the letters GKLV in the marking). This material has different impregnations. They do not allow the material to gain moisture in its structure. Also, special impregnations prevent the development of the fungus. Moisture-resistant drywall does not rot, does not collapse under the influence of high humidity. The service life of such a ceiling is 5-10 years.
The disadvantages include the relatively high cost. You will need to purchase different materials for the frame and finishing of drywall sheets. They need to be puttied, covered with a layer of paint. However, installation takes a long time.
Gypsum board ceilings can only be used in a spacious room withhigh ceilings. Otherwise, the space will be significantly reduced. It is quite possible to make such a ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands. But it will take a lot of time.
The drywall surface will need to be restored periodically. It is covered over and over again with paint. But the frame structure will last a long time. This type of ceiling allows you to hide the irregularities of the base, to place the necessary communications under the surface. At the same time, the material is non-combustible, environmentally friendly.
Tension structures
Another popular option for renovations is a suspended ceiling in the bathroom. This material is a canvas that is stretched to a special design. This type of ceiling can be made of fabric or PVC film. The second option is suitable for the bathroom. Spots quickly appear on the fabric canvas, which will be difficult to remove from the surface. In a damp room, such materials deteriorate.
PVC film is not afraid of moisture. It not only does not allow moisture to pass through, but can also delay the flow of water from the upper floor. This will protect the repair from being flooded by neighbors from above. Water from the ceiling can be drained. After that, the experts will stretch the ceiling again.
Caring for such a surface is easy. It is simply wiped down with a cloth. At the same time, the material does not brighten, does not lose its attractive appearance for a long time.
The stretch ceiling in the bathroom looks impressive. You can choose any shade. In this case, the surface of the ceiling can be matte or glossy. The second option is preferablefor small spaces. At the same time, canvases with different patterns are on sale. This allows you to create an original interior design.
It is worth considering that it will be difficult to install the film yourself. To do this, you will need to rent special equipment. It's expensive and time consuming. Therefore, most often they turn to specialists for help. They will install such a ceiling in a couple of hours.
It is also worth considering that PVC film does not tolerate mechanical stress. It can be easily pierced, spoiling the appearance of the ceiling. Therefore, the material must be handled with care.
Wooden ceiling
When considering how to make a bathroom ceiling, you need to pay attention to natural materials. One of the most decorative types is wood. It can be made in the form of lining. This material resembles a slatted ceiling. Only in this case the material will be natural. It will emit a pleasant smell.
The lining must be of high quality. High humidity in the bathroom. In such conditions, only the material that has been properly dried will be durable. Otherwise, the surface will be deformed. The wood will crack. Lining in the production process is processed in a special way. Therefore, it becomes suitable for bathing.
If other materials are used, they must be treated with antiseptic compounds. Also, the surface will need to be covered with several layers of a special waterproof varnish.
Ceilings in the bathroom can have a variety of designs. There are even the most originalfinishing options. For example, whole logs are used, from which the ceiling surface is equipped. You can decorate it with original lamps.
To create an old look, boards treated with stain and varnished are used. There are many uses for wood.
Expert Tips
Ceilings in the bathroom are chosen in accordance with the style of the interior in this room and the entire apartment. The style may vary. For example, the design of a white ceiling is considered a classic option. Moreover, you can create such a finish from a variety of materials.
This type of finish will fit well into almost any interior. To make the white ceiling more interesting, you can make contour lighting or install several built-in lights.
Glossy ceiling will also look spectacular. It can be decorated in different colors. However, it is worth considering that the ceiling should be lighter than the walls. The indoor floor will be even darker.
You can also combine different materials. For example, drywall looks good with a stretch glossy canvas. It can be quite bright. Glossy surfaces visually expand the space. White drywall will create a spectacular decor.
Designers claim that PVC-based materials are the most practical option for the bathroom. Tensile structures are especially often preferred. However, the choice depends on the type of interior and the taste preferences of the owners of the house.
After considering the design features of the ceilings in the bathroom, you can choose the best type of finish. A huge number of options allows you to choose the best type of finish for any style of interior.