If you want to decide for yourself which ceiling to choose for the bathroom, you should consider several options. A room for this purpose is distinguished by special operating conditions, which are expressed in high humidity and constant temperature changes.
Choosing a ceiling finish

Now you know the basic requirements that apply to materials for finishing the bathroom ceiling. In order to make a choice, you need to consider several options. Putty and paint are fairly simple and relatively cheap solutions. However, this technology is suitable if the base is sufficiently even.
It is important to consider that all materials used for finishing must be waterproof. If there are large differences between the floor slabs, then the alignment process will be labor-intensive, in this case it is better to give preference to other options.
If you decide to finish the ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands, you should take into account that the painted surface does not shine with originality. But if you wishyou can combine several colors. Such a coating will last about 10 years, but only if there is no flood.
It will not be difficult to take care of the formed layer, but it will be impossible to wash off the darkening, because the paint absorbs dirt well. The advantage is the ability to refresh the decorative layer at any time. Such work is not accompanied by complexity. If you wish, you will not be able to embed lighting, but you can purchase a beautiful pendant lamp. You can't hide communications either. You must be prepared for the fact that fungus and mold can settle on the surface over time.
Should I use plastic panels

The ceiling in the bathroom made of plastic panels looks quite attractive. Many consumers today choose just such a cladding option. The coating is absolutely moisture resistant, durable, light and cheap. Installation can be done independently. During operation, the surface does not have to be looked after. But from time to time products are wiped with a damp cloth.
In the design, if desired, you can mount spotlights. If you still cannot decide for yourself which ceiling to make in the bathroom, then you should pay attention to some of the disadvantages of PVC panels. For example, seams will form at the joints, where dirt will accumulate over time. This is unaesthetic, but can be corrected by periodic cleaning. If there is poor ventilation in the bathroom, then a fungus will appear in the cracks, which will be much easier to get rid of.harder.
If you use a metal frame as a base, then over time it may become rusty. Sometimes even a galvanized coating does not help. But corrosion will occur only when there is constant high humidity and poor ventilation in the room. If you want to update such a ceiling, you must be prepared for the fact that it will not work quickly. Old plastic products will first have to be completely removed, only after that you can proceed with the installation of a new coating.
Should I use a slatted ceiling

Rack ceiling in the bathroom is installed quite often. It is based on a frame on which narrow long panels are mounted. They can be made from different materials, namely:
- aluminum;
- steel;
- plastic.
Aluminum products are considered the best. They are waterproof and not afraid of corrosion. The color solution can be the most diverse, the panels are made in the form of one-color, chrome-plated and gold-plated strips. A pattern can be applied to their surface. Even an amateur will be able to handle the installation. This is because mounting looks like constructor assembly.
Caring for such a ceiling is easy. During the installation of products, you will note another advantage of such a system, which is expressed in the flexibility of the slats. The surface of the rails is usually reflective, so the ceiling looks like a mirror. However, some ceiling tiles also have this property.
Why some consumers refuse slatted ceiling

The rack ceiling in the bathroom is installed, though often, but has some drawbacks. Among them, it is worth highlighting the accumulation of dirt in the interpanel seams, as well as the inability to fit the structure into all interior styles.
As for the first factor, you can immediately notice pollution. They appear in untidy dark stripes between adjacent slats. This problem is easy to deal with, you will need to clean the ceiling from time to time.
Using drywall
The ceiling for the bathroom can also be made of drywall. This design is installed on a metal or wooden frame. The latter is used less frequently. After installing the supporting structure, it is sheathed with drywall sheets. When visiting the store, you must choose a moisture-resistant material that contains additives that prevent the formation and development of fungus. Such ceilings allow you to decorate the bathroom in a very original way, because they can be made at different levels.
The location of the lamps in this case is usually played up in an original way. The lighting system is built into the frame. This technology allows you to get rid of irregularities and flaws in the ceiling, and wiring and ventilation communications can be hidden. Such a system will last up to 10 years.
Some disadvantages of plasterboard ceiling

Choosing a bathroom ceilingrooms, you can highlight some of the disadvantages of the drywall system. Installation of this design is not cheap. After finishing the cladding, putty, primer and paint will have to be applied.
If you plan to do the installation yourself, then even in this case, the system will be costly in terms of time and labor. Having applied paint to the surface, from time to time you will need to update it. This is due to the fact that over time, dirt is absorbed into the material, but the design itself will not require replacement or repair.
Suspended tile ceiling
If you want to install a false ceiling in the bathroom, you can choose a tile system that is installed on the frame. In the process of work, you will have to use a suspended ceiling tile, which allows you to get a cellular or cassette type ceiling.
If you compare it with drywall, then you can refuse to apply a primer and paint, which is a definite advantage. Plates are sold in finished form. They have a treated surface and can be made from different materials. To do this, moisture-resistant modules are used from:
- plastic;
- metal;
- Plexiglas.
Mineral stoves can also be found on sale.
Should I install a suspended tile ceiling
If you have not decided for yourself which ceiling to install in the bathroom, you should consider all sides of each of the solutions presented. For example, a suspended tile system does not always fit into a particular environment. Sometimessuch designs look semi-official and cold, in connection with this, they want to be transferred somewhere to a public bathroom. But everything will depend on the interior of the room. If it is decorated in a high-tech or minimalist style, then such a ceiling will fit in organically.
Mirror ceiling
The bathroom ceiling can be mirrored. If you use real mirrors, you can achieve a truly chic effect, but such a design will cost a lot. The frame may be metal. It is reinforced and has approximately the same principle of operation as in the case of drywall fastening.
To fix the mirrors to the frame, holes are made in each of them. Assembly must be entrusted to specialists. But such a ceiling will last for a long time, and you will have to take care of it with all care, rubbing it to a shine. You can install a budget version of the mirror type, the cost of which will be several times less.
You can use shiny plastic panels that are light in weight. They are mounted according to the Armstrong system. Installation can be completed simply and quickly, even a master without experience will be able to handle it. The frame of this design is weak and not resistant to corrosion.
Should I use a mirrored ceiling
Mirror bathroom ceiling has some drawbacks. It creates a large amount of shine, which may not be to everyone's liking. This is especially true when the ceilings in the room are not very high.
In matters of care, difficulties may arise here, as withordinary mirrors. Do not assume that removing dirt from such a surface will be as easy as from a vertical base.
Stretch ceiling and its features
Stretch ceiling in the bathroom is also quite common. It is an excellent option, does not get damp from the flood and is able to protect furniture, as well as floors, walls and appliances. If a lot of water pours onto the ceiling, then nothing will happen. In this case, specialists will be able to drain the water, and stretch the ceiling again. It will not change its properties.
Care will consist of wiping the surface with a damp cloth. Stretch ceiling in the bathroom will look organically with any design. You can choose from a variety of colors and designs. Material can be glossy or matte, plain or patterned, photo printed or embossed.
Should I use a stretch ceiling
Among the main disadvantages of a stretch ceiling, one should highlight the impossibility of carrying out work on its installation independently. This applies to the case when the appropriate materials and equipment are not available. Another disadvantage is that the material is easily damaged. The ability to retain water will then disappear. Therefore, during operation, it is necessary to be careful, and you should not touch the film with sharp and hard objects.
When choosing the best ceiling for the bathroom, you should also take into account the fact that the white canvas sometimes turns yellow over time in those places where the lamps are installed. These stains are impossiblerub off or paint over. If this happens, and you are not satisfied with the appearance of the ceiling, then the canvas will have to be completely changed.
Cost of stretch ceiling
If you decide to renovate a room, then you should be interested in the price of bathroom ceilings. The most common solution is tension systems. For one square meter with installation, you will have to pay from 300 to 350 rubles. This indicates that with a room of 15 m22 you will give about 5,000 rubles. In this case, we are talking about Russian manufacturers.
Foreign suppliers offer stretch ceilings at a higher cost. For one square meter you will pay from 700 rubles. If you want to install an exclusive ceiling, you will have to choose a fabric, texture or suede, which will cost from 1,700 rubles. per square meter, including labor. Such coatings look noble and beautiful, but for an average room you will have to pay about 30,000 rubles.
Installation of slatted ceilings

Installation of slatted ceilings in the bathroom you can do yourself. To do this, guides are installed along the perimeter of the room at the first stage. Their position must be marked with a marker. It is necessary to cut the profile with scissors for metal. This element is applied to the drawn line so that you have the opportunity to drill a hole with a drill.
The entire profile is reinforced in 60 cm increments with screws and dowels. The level checks the position of an element. Now you canproceed to the installation of suspensions. It is necessary to retreat 40 cm from the wall. The suspensions are fixed with screws with dowels. The next step is to mount the carrier rails. The distance between the traverses should be 1.2 m.
Tires are perpendicular to the rails. They are screwed to the hangers with a screwdriver. Installation of the ceiling is carried out in the next step. Reiki are released from the protective film. They need to be cut to size. Products are inserted into the guides and snapped into place along the length of the latches.
Installation of fixtures

Lamps on the ceiling in the bathroom are installed at the stage of system assembly. For installation, a niche is used, which is formed on the ceiling. Recessed LED fixtures have a bluish tint to the lighting. Many do not like this feature, so users are advised to use light bulbs as additional lighting.
The required height should be 7 cm. When compared with traditional incandescent lamps, they will need 12 cm. Some halogen lamps get very hot during operation. This causes deformation of the ceiling. To carry out the work, you should prepare:
- caliper;
- simple pencil;
- electric jigsaw;
- lighting device.
Work in progress
Before starting installation, you should consider how the wiring will be located. After facing, it will be impossible to cope with this task, the structure will have to be disassembled. The use of metal sleeves will facilitate the operation of the lighting system.
The rails indicate the location of the fixtures. They must be drawn with a simple pencil and caliper. To mount the fixtures on the ceiling in the bathroom, you must carefully cut the holes with a jigsaw or a clerical knife.
In conclusion
Waterproof materials must be used for finishing the bathroom. They must be temperature resistant. When installing, it is important to observe the gaps, which are called compensation.
When buying a finishing material, it is important to take into account one nuance: you will have to form a decorative layer that will be easy to care for, because in the bathroom this factor is significant. Ideally, you should wipe the base with a damp cloth from time to time. Aesthetic requirements when choosing a material for the ceiling should also not be missed.