Geyser type coffee maker: description, instructions and reviews

Geyser type coffee maker: description, instructions and reviews
Geyser type coffee maker: description, instructions and reviews

The geyser-type coffee maker appeared in the early 19th century thanks to a famous French jeweler. It consisted of two vessels, which were interconnected by a special tube. The lower part was filled with water, and the upper part had a strainer into which coffee was poured. Then the device was put on fire. With a gradual increase in pressure, the liquid rose into the upper vessel and irrigated the coffee. Then it dropped back down. The process took place as long as the device was on fire. The result was a strong drink.

Over time, this design was improved, divided into 3 sections: for water, coffee and ready-made drink. The liquid passed through the compartment only once, thanks to which the taste and aroma improved.


One of the important advantages is electric heating. The geyser type coffee maker is simple and easy to use. It will automatically turn off after a drink has been prepared. In addition, it does not require the presence of a person at this moment. In addition, a geyser-type coffee maker is an indispensable tool for businesspeople, as the drink is prepared in a few minutes. It's pretty easy to use, and the price is great.

geyser type coffee maker
geyser type coffee maker

Such a device has become an indispensable element of household appliances for people who love a tasty and fragrant drink prepared in a short period of time. After work, the coffee maker does not leave dirt. There are models that are able to prepare not just ordinary coffee, but also cappuccino, latte and many other varieties of it. There are also induction geyser coffee makers, where a delicious drink is prepared using a stove.

The possibility of electric heating is not the whole list of advantages of the device. In such an apparatus, you can fill up a different number of servings, from 1 to 18. The best model is capable of producing up to 6 cups when filling 1 serving. It is also worth noting the presence of a heat-resistant handle, a coffee timer, as well as the ability to maintain the temperature of the finished drink for a long time. It is because of these advantages that such devices have become popular.

Cons of geyser coffee makers

The main disadvantage is the frequent replacement of the filter and gasket. In addition, you should wash the coffee maker after each use. A clogged filter or safety valve affects the taste of the finished drink.

Filter features

Depending on the type of coffee maker, this element can be made of paper or metal. Preparation of a drink using the second type is called Indian. But the paper filter was invented inGermany, thanks to which the process has become much easier, and the finished drink no longer contains harmful substances. They can accumulate on the surface of the metal filter and get into the finished product.

vitek coffee maker
vitek coffee maker

To avoid this, you need to wash the coffee maker after each use or, in the case of paper filters, just replace them.

Geyser type coffee maker - principle of operation

First, you need to pour liquid into a special vessel up to a certain point. Then ground coffee is taken and poured into the filter compartment. Two compartments should fit snugly against each other so that you do not have to wash the kitchen later. The whole structure is placed on the stove or connected to the mains. It depends on the type of coffee maker. After a few minutes of work, you get delicious and aromatic coffee.

Additional information

If you have a geyser-type coffee maker, you should use medium grind coffee. Then the drink will taste better. Another advantage of this design is that you can brew not only coffee, but also herbal teas, and the technology will not differ in any way.

geyser type coffee maker reviews
geyser type coffee maker reviews

How to properly care?

In order for the geyser coffee maker to serve for a long time, it is necessary to replace the rubber gasket and clean the filter. Still need to monitor the safety valve. If it is clogged, then it is washed with warm water, and you should not use different detergents and sponges. In the process of using need:

  • do not fill the vessel with water more than the specified line;
  • don't pour too much coffee into the filter;
  • clean the filter walls after each brewing.

For the manufacture of devices, as a rule, steel is used. Therefore, you can wash geyser coffee makers in the dishwasher. Ceramic models are also produced, which are distinguished by their original design. It is not recommended to use aluminum devices, as the drink will have an unpleasant taste. The most common models of geyser coffee makers are Moka and Vitek.

Moka geyser coffee maker

Such models of devices are made exclusively by hand. During the production process, they go through stages such as painting, cleaning, grinding, etc. All this is done by highly qualified specialists. In addition, the Moka Italian geyser-type coffee maker is available in many colors, making it popular among users. The manufacturer offers both small models with a volume of 120 ml, and large ones with a capacity of 300 ml. The range includes products that are used for induction cookers. Moka is the only manufacturer that produces aluminum devices. Products are shipped to different countries of the world.

geyser type coffee makers price
geyser type coffee makers price

Many users praise the Moka geyser coffee maker. Among the main advantages is the quick preparation of the drink. In a few minutes you can get delicious and aromatic coffee. In addition, they note the original design, heat-resistant handle. With it, you cancook 6 servings at once. Geyser-type coffee makers, which are unfairly overpriced, cause dissatisfaction among users. The first review concerns the valve. With strong heating, it can fly into the air, and all the contents will pour onto the stove. The cost of this device is in the range from 1500 to 5000 rubles. It all depends on the model and the number of coffees dispensed at one time.

Vitek geyser coffee maker

The Vitek coffee maker will definitely appeal to those people who like to enjoy a delicious and fragrant drink every morning. Cooking takes only a few minutes. The design itself is made of high-strength plastic, and the horn is made of metal. It has small overall dimensions and is available in many colors. Thanks to this, the Vitek coffee maker fits perfectly into any interior. The liquid reservoir allows you to brew delicious coffee for all family members. The power of the heating element is 1050 W, which provides fast water heating. In addition to espresso, you can make latte, cappuccino and hot chocolate with this model.

induction geyser coffee makers
induction geyser coffee makers

Users really praise the coffee makers of this company. Cooking is pretty fast. The coffee is tasty and aromatic. The only downside is that you have to wash the device after every use. Clogging of elements will lead to a deterioration in the taste properties of the product. The cost of such a miracle machine is in the range of 2500-6000 rubles. But the money spent will be fully justified. Geyser coffee makertype, reviews of which do not contain significant criticism, is a quality equipment.

How to choose the right one?

Modern coffee makers can have many functions. It all depends on the personal preferences of users. If you need to keep the temperature of the finished drink, then it is better to purchase an apparatus that can leave coffee hot for half an hour.

italian geyser type coffee maker
italian geyser type coffee maker

In their configuration, some models have special digital sensors. In steel and ceramic models of geyser-type coffee makers, you can adjust the strength of the drink. When buying, pay attention to the dimensions. The larger the machine, the greater its power.


Geyser-type coffee makers are high-quality devices for the production of delicious and aromatic coffee. Thanks to their power, the preparation of the drink takes a few minutes. This will especially please business people. The principle of operation is quite simple. All you need to do is pour water into the tank and pour coffee. Then the machine will run. Such devices can please people not only with espresso, but also with cappuccino, latte and hot chocolate. Geyser-type coffee makers fully justify the money spent. When choosing, take into account personal preferences. If you need to prepare a drink for the whole family, then it is better to choose a device with a large volume and significant power.

geyser type coffee maker working principle
geyser type coffee maker working principle

The main disadvantage of coffee makers is that you need to constantlywash the filter and safety valve. It is these parts that contain harmful substances that affect human he alth. The cost of such equipment varies from 2000 to 5000 rubles. Geyser-type coffee makers will delight you and your loved ones with a delicious and fragrant drink.

So, we found out what the devices are, considered their characteristics, as well as the pros and cons. The choice is yours!
