If you are going to make the creation of pyrotechnic samples one of your hobbies, then the first thing you face is the problem of finding the necessary components for your work. And the most pressing question is where to get magnesium? We will give a detailed answer to it, along the way, having analyzed all the unique features of this element.
Important about magnesium
First of all, let's get to know him. Magnesium is one of the common elements of the periodic table. It occupies 2% of the composition of the earth's crust - this is the seventh place among other components. Its s alts can be found in marine waters, sediments of self-landing lakes.
More than 200 natural compounds containing magnesium are also known. However, in industry, dolomite, magnesite and carnallite are mostly used as raw materials. Their deposits were formed by sedimentary way in the Precambrian period. The largest deposits are located on the territory of the Russian Federation, USA, China.
This is a light white-silver metal. It is characterized by a bright burning of a white hue with the release of a large amount of thermal energy.

How to determine magnesium?
When figuring out where to get magnesium, it is important to know its distinctivefeatures, so as not to confuse this metal with any other.
The main features are as follows:
- Light weight. Magnesium is lighter, for example, aluminum twice. So if you're looking at a part that's remarkably weightless for its size, it's probably magnesium.
- Interaction with acids. When you find a place to get magnesium, be sure to bring 9 percent vinegar and sandpaper with you. Clean the surface of the found part with a “sandpaper” and drop a small amount of vinegar on it. Magnesium will reveal itself by releasing hydrogen.
- Combustion. File a little shavings from the found part with a file, then set it on fire. If the sawdust quickly burned out, leaving behind a characteristic white precipitate, then you definitely found what you were looking for.

Magnesium powder is primarily used in the military and the pyrotechnic industry. It is necessary to create flammable dry mixtures. Because of the bright white flame, it is indispensable for lighting rockets, white fireworks.
Widely used in chemical experimental practice, as it is an active reducing agent in both organic and inorganic reactions. It is also used in the production of hydrogen in laboratories.

Product launch
Those who are looking for where to get magnesium metal will be interested to know in what forms it is supplied by manufacturers. Basically, it is chips or powder. Produced according to GOST6001-79. According to the standard, the magnesium content in all forms should not be less than 99%. The proportion of absorbed water in this case is no more than 0.01%.
There are four main brands: MPF-1, MPF-2, MPF-3, MPF-4. Their discrepancies are only in the size of magnesium granules.
Because the powder is highly reactive, it comes in airtight tin containers. This is a prerequisite for storage, since its interaction with oxygen can lead to spontaneous combustion.

Purchasing powder or chips
The easiest way to "loot" is to buy or order an item. Where to get magnesium powder? You can find a store in your city or order delivery of powder or shavings by mail to your home.
Today, magnesium is sold not only in bulk industrial containers. You can easily order it in a container of any packaging suitable for you. So, for example, 1 kg of magnesium powder will cost you, on average, 300 rubles.
Purchase can be made in the online stores "Alibaba", "Ruskhim", "Russian Metal", "BVB Alliance", Shilanet and others.

Where can I get magnesium at home?
It is not necessary to spend money on purchasing an item for your experiments. Examine your home, yard, yard, attic, or storage of old tools. There you can find "raw materials" for free. We will tell you where to get magnesium probably:
- Snail oldchainsaw "Friendship" - the element is 80% magnesium alloy.
- The engine of the car "Zaporozhets". The composition of its cover and cylinder block is magnesium alloy.
- Magnesium anodes for the boiler. If you can't find them at home, it's easy to buy items at hardware and home appliance stores.
- Metal pencil sharpeners. If you don't have these supplies of your own, you can buy them for a small price at the stationery.
- Any parts bearing the inscription MG-90.
You can go to the scrap metal collection point. Find out about the presence of magnesium and, just in case, aluminum - assemblers often confuse the two.

Industrial mining
The main way to obtain magnesium in production is the electrolytic smelting of anhydrous magnesium chloride in an electrolysis bath. This is how its s alts are split into chloride and metal ions. Periodically, pure magnesium rises from the bath and new raw materials are launched instead.
This method is characterized by the presence of impurities, so magnesium goes through additional purification. This is electrolytic refining under vacuum conditions with special additives - fluxes. The latter attract impurities, resulting in almost pure magnesium (the content of impurities is no more than 0.0001%).
The thermal method is also relevant. Elevated temperature conditions are created in which the chemical reaction of magnesium oxide with silicon or coke proceeds. As a result, highly purified magnesium is formed from dolomite (feedstock) without going through the stageseparation into s alts (calcium and magnesium) and purification. With this method, sea water can also become a source of metal extraction.
Now we know where to get magnesium in industrial and domestic conditions. You can also buy or order a DIY item.