Any capital construction begins with digging a foundation pit and building a foundation. The foundation is called the reference

base, which transfers the load from higher structures to the ground. The durability and reliability of the building itself depends on how well and correctly it is arranged. Therefore, the construction of foundations should be taken responsibly, because correcting errors is a very expensive task. The most correct thing, of course, before undertaking construction, is to prepare a project. But often the owners of suburban areas neglect this rule.
Calculation of the foundation cube
How to calculate the foundation cube? This question has been asked at least once by every novice builder. In the meantime, this is very easy to do. It is enough to know the school course of mathematics and such parameters of the future foundation as length, width and depth. These three indicators are multiplied with each other. All measurements must first be converted to meters. Consider, using a specific example, how to calculate the cubes of the foundation. For example, the length is 25 m, the width is 60 cm, the depth is 70 cm. We translate everything into meters and multiply. It turns out, for fillingsuch a foundation will require 10.5 m3 concrete.

Importance of soil composition
In order to carry out quality work on the foundation, you need to know what types of soil the new building will stand on. So, for example, sandy soils have such a property as subsidence. Therefore, the foundation is laid on them to a depth of 40 to 80 cm. Clay soils tend to freeze, so it is necessary to dig a hole for the foundation to the entire depth of the clay, to another rock. How to calculate the foundation cube in this case. First you need to find out how deep the clayey horizon lies.
The depth to which the foundation must be poured also depends on the depth of freezing of the substrate. And it, in turn, is determined by geographical location.
If the depth of the foundation device depends on the soil and groundwater, and the length depends on the size of the building, then the width depends on how thick the walls will be built. Usually the thickness varies from 20 to 40 cm.
Understanding how to calculate the foundation cube is not a difficult task. It is more important to decide what it will be. There are several types of foundation. The most common are tape and columnar.
The column foundation is cheaper than the strip one. Most often it is used on deep freezing soils. But with its device, difficulties arise with filling the space between the pillars, as well as between the ground and the wall.

Strip foundation - the most common. It is usually erected during the construction of a building with heavy walls, and in private houses - for the subsequent construction of a cellar or basement.
Depending on the materials used, sand foundations, crushed stone, rubble, brick foundations are distinguished. When crushed stone is added to concrete, the amount of the latter will decrease. A professional will tell you how to calculate the foundation cubes necessary for this version of the device. Since you need to know the percentage of adding crushed stone or other material. Also, the question of how to calculate the foundation cube will also arise when using reinforcement. In addition to the above, it is always necessary to take into account the concrete compaction standards and take its amount by 2% more than the calculated one.