Kitch in the interior: description of style, combination of colors and textures, photos

Kitch in the interior: description of style, combination of colors and textures, photos
Kitch in the interior: description of style, combination of colors and textures, photos

An example of mass culture and an object of low-grade production - this is how kitsch style is characterized. He combined the combination of the incongruous, representing uncomplicated chic as the basis of style. It can be found where extraordinary and courageous people who deny any traditions like to be. They feel quite comfortable in all the pretentiousness of the kitsch style in the interior, considering it quite favorable for living.

History of the origin of the style

This is a relatively young style that originated at the end of the 19th century during the industrial revolution. A young bourgeoisie appeared, mastering urban life, but having no need to master urban culture. Therefore, the homes of we althy inhabitants were filled with imitation of antiquity and luxury. In kitsch interior design, "artistic" items stamped in series have appeared, having both low cost and low artistic qualities.

Kitchen interior in kitsch style
Kitchen interior in kitsch style

Simply put, consumer goods poured down on the inexperienced consumer. Often the apartments were filled with all kinds of figurines, postcards and souvenirs, which were given the best places in the rooms. Naturally, without even a hint of the authenticity of real art, kitsch in the interior (the photo in the article is an example of this) immediately became synonymous with bad taste and primitivism. By the way, this is the literal translation of the German word kitsch.

Varieties of style

The kitsch-style interior is divided into three areas:

  • Lumpen (beggars) style is an indicator of a low standard of living with outdated shabby furniture and cheap trinkets.
  • Pseudo-luxury kitsch - involves imitation of both natural materials and luxury items. The owners of these items have the desire to appear richer and more solid than they really are. A variety of this direction can be attributed to the incompatibility of objects, for example, a country-style fireplace with expensive oriental vases, velvet curtains and a modern stretch ceiling with fluorescent lamps. The result will be subliminal pseudo-luxurious kitsch.
  • Designer kitsch irony. Hooliganism, irony and subtly mocking the classics of design can only be afforded by experienced designers. We can say that this is a competent parody, and the interior itself looks thoughtful in detail. Designers like to experiment in kitsch style in popular places: the living room, youth cafe, kitchen, where you can demonstrate the charisma of the room and the contempt of the creative person, that is, the owner of thispremises, to generally accepted rules. In their works they beat the two previous varieties of this style, skillfully emphasizing their highlights.
Bedroom in kitsch style
Bedroom in kitsch style

Style features

The kitsch style in the interior has its own characteristics, traits and attributes, by which it can be recognized by a non-specialist, and which should be attributed to:

  • Imitation of everything expensive: paintings, decorative elements and furniture, passed off as a rarity.
  • The use in the interior of products with a clear marriage, claiming to belong to antique items.
  • Bright colors and flashy combinations like purple and neon lime.
  • An excess of romantic attributes: bows, soft toys, hearts made of artificial materials.
  • Saturation of space with decoration elements: rugs, paths, paintings, pictures, badges, medals, postcards. This also includes sets of assorted figurines and figurines.
  • Chaotic order of elements of different styles, opposite in significance, purpose and spirit.

Style color scheme

The most extravagant and unpredictable in the interior is kitsch style. The photos posted in the article are a vivid confirmation of this. Kitsch is a challenge to the canons of harmony. He attracts attention more than others. About the design of the room in this style, we can say that the principle "the brighter the better" confirms that there are no restrictions on the color scheme. The decor contains bright saturated and aggressive colors: red, blue, green, purple, correspondingeyeball terminology.

Graffiti on the bedroom wall
Graffiti on the bedroom wall

Walls and ceiling can be painted with bright colors or pasted over with applications from various wallpapers. A rare exception is the uniform color of the walls. By the way, instead of wallpaper, they can be pasted over with magazine or advertising sheets and posters. Careless painting of the walls is welcome, with an imitation of its drips. Walls with graffiti and various cartoons are acceptable.


When selecting fixtures, there are two trends: too much or too little. Again, it all depends on the variety of kitsch style in the interior of the apartment. In the photo below in the article, the interior is in a pseudo-luxurious style. The room is decorated with huge classical-style chandeliers, candlesticks on the fireplace, and electric sconces on its sides. There are also candlesticks on the table, and in the corner there is a floor lamp, the stand of which is decorated with gilding. Explicit search with lighting.

Kitsch interior lighting
Kitsch interior lighting

For example, for a lumpen style, a lamp hanging from the ceiling or a budget lighting solution - an old-fashioned floor lamp with a wooden or wire frame, even without a lampshade, is suitable. That is, minimalism and a clear lack of lighting.

Designer kitsch is played in a more interesting way. The exhibitions demonstrate a lot of accessories made of disposable plastic items: spoons, forks, plates and cups. It turns out surprisingly original sconces and chandeliers, which are the best suited to this catchy style.

Floors, windows and doors

In lumpen kitsch, the floor can be uncoated, in the formordinary old boards. In the designer and pseudo-luxurious subspecies of style, a material such as linoleum, carpet or laminate can serve as a coating. In a kitsch interior, the wooden floor can be painted with cheap floor paint. To give it an aged look, the unpainted floor is sanded or brushed. As a rule, brushing is also used for aging windows and doors. The lumpen style welcomes the presence of cheap graffiti-painted windows and doors in the apartment.

Kitsch floors
Kitsch floors

Kitch in the restaurant

There are artists who make kitsch their medium of expression. For example, Japanese visual artist Sebastian Masuda created his own kitsch style in the interior of a restaurant. He filled the space surrounding visitors with flashy yellow, red, pink installations.

Restaurants and bars pay great attention to decoration. In addition to reasonable prices for dishes, you need to be able to surprise the visitor. It can be lampshades with a kitsch vibe, chairs that don't match in size, shape or upholstery, graphic wallpapers, a hanging chair and much more that gives you the opportunity to relax in such an unusual restaurant.

Restaurant interior in kitsch style
Restaurant interior in kitsch style

Kitch in the interior

Kitsch style will not leave anyone indifferent, it strikes and impresses or causes rejection. Its very concept varies depending on people, cultures and countries. What is kitsch for some is a way of life for others. Many people think that this is a style of mood, but not everyone can be in rooms decoratedlike this, for a long time.

Essentially, kitsch is an accumulation of heterogeneous objects perceived as trivial, old-fashioned, or popular. It includes old portraits, bright colors, glitter and gilding (how could it be without it?), plastic, folk motifs, mixtures of styles and patterns, artificial flowers (everything that is artificial in general), little knick-knacks. This list can be continued for a long time. And, most importantly, that all items should not merge with the situation. They should be catchy, standing out against the general background with their color or shape.

Kitsch design
Kitsch design

Looking at all these objects, concentrated in one space, there is a feeling of gathering and greed, with which the owners of the dwelling gather up all kinds of souvenirs. But, oddly enough, this is the essence of this style, which is a caricature of tradition in design. In it, elements of decor coexist, highlighting each individual style. A win-win option for kitsch will be the interior of the room with a large number of all kinds of pillows with ruffles, Chinese or Japanese vases, figurines, a huge chandelier, the presence of soft toys and fake gilding.

Summing up

Having de alt with all the intricacies of the kitsch style and determined that not everyone can get rid of it, since it accompanies people everywhere, you need to prudently perceive that this is a culture, and this is a style. In any case, kitsch is good when it makes sense. That is, when not a fake, but genuine items bought at flea markets or found at grandparents will bring theiraccent in the interior of the room. Many houses have something kitsch. It's all about the dosage of interior items. Light, barely noticeable kitsch will never spoil the interior, on the contrary, this little introduction of "bad taste" can make the atmosphere interesting.
