Minimalist kitchen design (photo)

Minimalist kitchen design (photo)
Minimalist kitchen design (photo)

Designers can offer a lot of options in what style to decorate your entire house or any separate room in the apartment. There are at least over twenty different styles that may have similar features, but in general they are completely different. Here is a list of current design solutions:

  • rococo;
  • constructivism;
  • country;
  • loft;
  • techno;
  • roman style;
  • high-tech;
  • vanguard;
  • Egyptian;
  • African;
  • country;
  • Gothic;
  • kitsch;
  • classicism;
  • antique;
  • eclectic;
  • Japanese;
  • renaissance;
  • Empire;
  • oriental;
  • minimalism.
minimalist living room kitchen
minimalist living room kitchen

Let's talk about minimalism?

Let's touch on a topic related specifically to the last style - minimalism. What is characteristic of him, where did he come from, what factors influenced his popularity? Consider also some design options with photos showing the result of applying the style to decorating a living space, andalso some other interesting points.

A bit of history

This is a relatively young style - its origin takes place in the first half of the 20th century, back in the era of postmodernism, and already in the second half of the century it manifests itself brightly, almost the most leading style. At a turning point, when the previous direction began to lose its popularity and the general desire of people to make their homes more functional against the backdrop of technological progress intensified, minimalism was a natural solution. The territory of its origin is Europe. It is so strange and interesting that it is this part of the world that gave mankind the artsy (in the good sense of the word) antique style and its heir - the Renaissance, or gloomy Gothic style, as a result, spreads a new, absolutely opposite minimalism in all respects. And the impetus for this kind of trend was given by Braun, which has been spreading the minimalist aesthetic in the home appliance environment ever since.

Why do many people like minimalism or its characteristics?

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "minimalism" is simplicity and practicality. It is clear that people who are not particularly enthusiastic about practically useless paintings in massive ornamented frames, from huge beds with carved backs, in general, from openwork and a large number of decorative ornate “gadgets”, they will turn to this style.


The use of patterns and decor, detailing of finishes is not welcome here. But this is not a strict indication,certainly. The main thing is that everything is matched to the place. Monochrome and natural textures are several features characteristic of the style in question. But do not confuse simplicity with asceticism. Everything that is done simply should also be cozy, comfortable and beautiful. Many examples of rooms made in this style are simply breathtaking.

Space organization

By whatever means, but the maximum spaciousness in the room is achieved. The partitions that divide the apartment into rooms are removed, and instead one large room is divided into zones using:

  • furniture;
  • light decoration;
  • various colors.

In addition, all doors are removed, and arches are used instead; windows expand as much as possible; partitions are made of glass. In general, everything is done in order to get rid of unnecessary "eaters" of free space and achieve maximum spaciousness of the living space. As a result, the walls do not put pressure on the inhabitants of the house, and the apartment beckons to return to it again and again.


Each thing should be useful for its owner, occupy a certain place, and it's good if there are few of these things, and they do not overload the room. It is preferable to hide small details from view in closed drawers or select them in such a way that they look advantageous in the overall concept. In addition, absolutely everything should be combined in color. This is high art in design - perfect simplicity, and it is not as easy to achieve as it seems at first glance.


The main color for interior design in this style is white, sometimes other very light shades are used. So perfectly stands out and emphasizes any of the subject lines. In addition to white, one or two more colors can be used - black, gray, some shade of brown, other representatives of a bright palette - purple, light green. A wide range of colors is not about minimalism; but do not think of it as sterile and dim. Unusual notes are also allowed here.


For certain parts of the room, it is recommended to finish as follows. For walls, you can use wallpaper that does not have all kinds of patterns. Simple - monochrome, light tone. But the main options are painting or covering the walls with textured plaster. There are also certain requirements for the design of the ceiling - it must be light, moreover, if there is an idea to make interesting lighting in the plans, you can diversify it with a multi-level design. Tile, linoleum, any light-colored wood flooring and a uniform type - this is a list of what you can cover the floor space with. The choice of furniture should be approached taking into account three parameters: it is desirable that these be built-in headsets; materials - natural wood, leather, with aluminum profiles, glass, leather or chrome inserts; solid color with eye-catching contrasting details. Of course, such an alignment can significantly hit your wallet, but do not be upset. There is no prohibition on using materials in a simpler and morecheaper, the main thing is to achieve comfort, free up maximum space and high functionality of the interior.

Where the design can be applied

This style is suitable for any room. Bedroom, kitchen, living room - in the style of minimalism, everything can look impressive. The main thing is that the characteristics inherent in it, listed above, be congenial to the future owner. And the kitchen in the style of minimalism will be guaranteed cozy for those hostesses who are sensitive to order and cleanliness. After all, everything in it will contribute to this. Here are a few options for what a minimalist kitchen design looks like.

Examples of minimalist work

minimalist kitchens
minimalist kitchens

Option for a large room under the kitchen. As mentioned above, the decoration is done in white, there are clear straight contours everywhere, the furniture is built-in, and there are no hints of something protruding and awkwardly sticking out somewhere. The space is enlarged due to the absence of a wall between the kitchen and the next room. Separation of these two rooms, if necessary, will be taken care of by a specially designed dark curtain in a contrasting color.

kitchens in the style of minimalism photo
kitchens in the style of minimalism photo

The same version as above, with a difference only in the color design. Cream tones are added here, which makes the interior a little softer than just cold white. The minimalist style is clearly expressed in such a detail as a cube in the center of the kitchen. Upon closer examination, it turns out to be a multifunctional kitchen cabinet in which you can storealmost all the necessary utensils.

minimalist kitchen design small kitchen
minimalist kitchen design small kitchen

The next minimalist kitchen design is a small kitchen design. Significantly increases the space by the fact that there is an actual connection with the next room, there is a large window in a color contrasting to the general finish, as well as a special ceiling. The design used in this case creates the effect of a high or even deep ceiling. A visual illusion appears, based on the difference between the lower and upper boundaries of the structure, on the basis of this, it seems that the ceiling is somewhat higher than it actually is. The deep black square, in which the cooker with the hood is placed, stands out in a separate zone due to its contrasting shade against the general background.

The best thing you can do to increase the space of the kitchen is to combine it with another room. If the living space is generally small, the option would be to completely remove the walls as far as possible (an arch can be made in the walls of the load-bearing ones). Of course, it will be inconvenient for a family with three children to live on thirty squares of a continuous undivided space (although one can argue here - everything is in the open space, everyone can be seen and everything is under the control of my mother’s strict gaze), but still such a kitchen interior (minimalist style) will be good for one or for a couple of people.

minimalist kitchen design
minimalist kitchen design

The minimalist kitchen option, the photo of which is posted above, is implemented using bright colors in the interior. Here we see some decoration, butit absolutely does not destroy the style, but perfectly complements it. For a person who is passionate about cooking beyond measure, this is just a wonderful option. In the drawers of existing furniture, you can put any kind of household appliances and a huge number of different utensils. At the same time, everything will be in its place, everything will be hidden from the eyes of strangers, as His Majesty minimalism requires.

kitchen interior style minimalism
kitchen interior style minimalism

The interior of the kitchen in the style of minimalism, the photo of which is posted above, is a characteristic option, made in compliance with all possible requirements. The whole space is zoned with color, only white and a shade of dark wood are used in the decoration, the furniture is also typical for this style. Such a room requires constant maintenance of order if you want the interior to keep its proper appearance for a long time.

minimalist kitchen design photo
minimalist kitchen design photo

The above is a great minimalist kitchen. The photo shows a contrasting design in two colors, where two elements stand out - a white hood against a black wall and ovens against a white background. A great addition in the form of an unusual suspension and small household appliances on white open shelves, matched in black.

minimalist kitchen interior photo
minimalist kitchen interior photo

In the photo above - classic minimalism: the clarity of the contours of furniture without unnecessary details, contrasting colors, a huge glazed doorway. The singularity of the interior is in the neatly executed illumination of the working area, as well as inpartially glazed ceiling. Huge windows give light, which visually turns the kitchen into a huge free space. The design of the kitchen in the style of minimalism, the photo of which is given above, should take into account the presence of a gap between the wall and the glass covering of the ceiling, intended for the curtain. It may be unsafe for children, animals, and even for an adult it can become a traumatic design element.
