If you want to save space on the site, you should equip a bath in the basement of a private house. This will also provide direct access to the sauna from the living quarters. It is necessary to engage in such work in the case when construction in a separate building is not possible. This may be due not only to limited free space, but also to insufficient funds.
Specialist recommendations
If there is any room on the basement floor, you will have to make plumbing, ventilation and sewage systems from scratch. The chimney device will have certain difficulties. This is especially true if the bath is heated with wood. Making a chimney will be more difficult if the house has two or three floors.
Before you start arranging a bath in the basement of a private house, you need to consider some points. For example, electrical wiring should be done at a minimum height from the floor, as in a saunatemperatures will be very high. You will also need to install lamps that are resistant to elevated temperatures. It is recommended to install an air dryer. This is especially true if you are considering installing a pool. You can also use a traditional split system, but in this case, draining the bath will still be insufficient.
Main work

Bath in the basement of a private house requires insulation. The room will turn out to be very humid, steam will penetrate inside the walls, ending up in the structure of the material, because of this it will get wet. Therefore, an air corridor should be made between the thermal insulation and the wall in order to prevent the destruction of the insulation layer. The width of such a free space should not be too large, 10 cm or more will be enough. This recommendation is also relevant if the basement has limited free space.
When arranging a bathhouse in the basement of a private house, foam plastic should not be used for thermal insulation, as under the influence of high temperatures it will emit harmful fumes. It is better to purchase an insulator specially designed for this. For cladding, it is better to use natural wood. Wood should not be varnished, as any paint at high temperatures will release harmful fumes.
If you want to install a wood or coal stove, then a chimney will be a must. Sometimes its installation is provided for by the project of the house, and adding such a solution to the finished building is difficult.task.
Work on sewerage and ventilation

The operation of the bath usually involves a large amount of water. It is necessary to think over the sewer system in advance. Experts recommend using a pumping station. Sewer pipes will be located below the main sewer system of the house, so the flow of water will not go naturally into the sump.
When considering bath projects in the basement of a private house, you should also pay attention to the ventilation system. Installation of a forced system is required. A good air duct will require a deflector or fan. A modular control system is required. At the same time, stagnant air will be removed from the room in a timely manner, and a new one will come in its place.
Safety measures

The project of a bathhouse in the basement of a private house should provide for fire safety measures. Some other rules must also be followed. It is important to consider that the entire building will suffer from the effects of moisture. If the bath is operated for a long time, some parts of the building may begin to collapse. Whether you are building on your own or trusting it to professionals, you will need high-quality waterproofing of the room. It is impossible to save on materials at the same time.
Humidity can affect the performance and performance of materials. A ventilation system will help here, which will eliminate stagnant air and reduce the levelhumidity in the steam room. When choosing a method for heating a bath, the power of the devices should be taken into account. If this figure is too high, then you risk overpaying. For security reasons, there should be an additional exit from the house in the bathhouse. Often this rule is neglected, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.
Bath at the construction stage of the house

If you want to build a bath in the basement of a private house with your own hands, then you can lay it at the design stage. During the construction process, internal load-bearing walls should be replaced with hollow reinforced concrete slabs. The top layer of soil is removed, after which the marking of the structure is performed. To do this, you need pegs and a level. A crushed stone pillow 10 cm high is laid at the bottom. The material is rammed, then the formwork for the foundation is installed. The difference between the lower and upper points can be 6 mm. It should be level controlled.
Work methodology
It is necessary to lay a reinforcing mesh in the formwork, then crushed stone is poured and well rammed. The mortar is poured into the formwork evenly. The formed layer is closed with a film. It is left to gain strength. The hardened base should be waterproofed using a special mastic for this. Blocks of expanded polystyrene are laid on a waterproofed slab. Their horizontal position is checked by the same building level. Blocks are poured with concrete 15 cm in each layer. The interior walls are built fromselected material. For convenience, a strip foundation can be laid on the constructed slab by waterproofing it with two layers of roofing material.
Features of arranging a bath with a pool

It is better to lay a bathhouse with a pool in the basement of a private house at the design stage. This is especially true if you are considering installing a monolithic bowl. All other structures can be inflatable or prefabricated. The room must have high-quality natural or forced ventilation. It will be required in any case, and this requirement applies to all basements, whether they have a reservoir or not.
Before you make a bath in the basement of a private house with a pool, you should measure the height of the room. It should be 280 cm. This is due to the fact that the ceiling system must be tension or suspended. Under the decorative materials there will be lighting, air conditioning and ventilation systems. The height of the walls will then decrease to 250 cm. But in this case, the bowl is buried in the ground. If its walls are formed above the floor, then you will need to dive into the pool by going up the stairs. The height of the room in this case should be even greater - 3.5 m, while the depth of the bowl will be 1.7 m. When building such a basement, it will be necessary to spend more money.

The standard way in this regard is the formation of a bowl, the bottom of which is located below the base of the foundation. The ceiling, floor and walls of the room shouldwaterproof. In this case, it will be possible to avoid the appearance of fungus and mold. Waterproofing can be made of a coating ponytail or special membranes. It is necessary due to the presence of a large volume of water in the room and its evaporation.
How to avoid mistakes
After examining the photo of baths in the basement of a private house, you will pay attention to projects that include pools. If you also decide to supplement the sauna with artificial reservoirs, you should not tie the structure to a strip or slab foundation. Otherwise, deformation of the base will occur with all the sad consequences for the integrity of the house.
Pool Construction Works

Even at the stage of designing a house, it is necessary to choose a method for installing a monolithic pool. At the same time, you should decide what materials you plan to use for waterproofing surfaces and joints. It is also important to ensure the sealing of the structure.
The foundation for the pool can be a slab of hydrotechnical concrete. It is important to consider the type of soil. If it is sandy loam or sand, it will be necessary to strengthen the walls of the pit. Equipping a Russian bath in the basement of a private house, where there will be a pool, at the construction stage it is necessary to mark the site. To do this, use: rope, pegs, tape measure, level. This will mark the boundaries.
Find the corner points of the foundation configuration. After that, intermediate pegs are installed. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the lines indicatedlevel. Now you can start marking the pit. The bowl should be 1.5 m away from the foundation walls. Marking is carried out in the same way.
When choosing sizes, consider the dimensions of the basement. Next, the soil is excavated. The pit must be sunk into the ground by 2 m. The thickness of the panel will be 15 cm. The height of the walls of the bowl is 1.7 m. If you plan to make the pool deeper, you should choose the appropriate depth of the pit.
After excavation, you can start strengthening the walls. To do this, using a hand drill, you need to drill holes and install reinforcement bars in them, filling them with concrete. This will allow you to get a perimeter that is reinforced with horizontal piles. The alignment of the walls and the bottom under the pool is carried out at the next stage.
Earthworks and reinforcement
With the help of a vibrating plate and shovels, you can compact and level the soil over the area of the pit. Next comes the shock absorber. To do this, 5 cm of sand are placed on the bottom, which must be compacted. Then comes a layer of rubble. It is somewhat thicker - 10 cm. Next, you can start installing a concrete slab. There is a slab on the backfill. But it is possible to fill with hydrotechnical concrete.
Next, you should do reinforcement, in the process of this, knitting wire is used. When wondering how you can make a bath in the basement of a private house, you should familiarize yourself with each stage of construction. On the next one, you can start building the walls of the pit. For the construction of the bowl, formwork is required. Then the bowl is waterproofed and installedservice equipment.
Effluent disposal
When installing a bath in the basement of a private house, you need to take care of the removal of sewage. If the volume of sewage is large enough, a pumping sewer station should be used. She has storage. The equipment has great power. The pumping station usually handles up to 10 cubic meters. Installing such a device allows you to solve the issue of pumping wastewater from all points that will be present in the underground room.
The design should provide for a grinder that can accept clean and dirty types of effluent. Many models have a system that allows you to cut off return flows. If there is enough space on the basement floor, you can equip a separate room where the technical equipment will be installed. Saunas and pools will require a multi-level pumping system. For this, a storage tank is installed, which will receive effluents. It is equipped with pumping equipment with a sensor. With these devices, the contents of the drive will be pumped into the reservoir.
In conclusion
After looking at the photo of the baths in the basement of a private house, with your own hands you can equip a sauna in your home. However, it is important to provide high-quality water filtration if you plan to install a pool as well. Otherwise, there will certainly be a smell of the basement. For filtration, you will need skimmers, nozzles, equipment for adjusting the water level and a pumping station. If the pool is monolithic, then a recess will be required to install the skimmer. Inflatableand frame structures can also smell, so the filtering equipment is placed on the sides.