Repairs in a small kitchen can cause many problems for the owners of the apartment. However, even in a small room of a standard Khrushchev, you can create a beautiful design by visually expanding the space. To do this, you need to take the advice of experienced designers. There are several popular kitchen remodeling options. They will be discussed in detail later.
There are different options for renovating the kitchen (a photo of one of the successful layouts is presented below).

You can leave the dimensions of the room the same, using several tricks to visually enlarge the room. You can reschedule if you wish. The choice of option depends on the preferences of the owners of the house.
First of all, you need to create a project for the future premises. First, the exact dimensions of the kitchen are applied to the plan. Next, choose the type of layout. It can be in the form of the letter "G". This is a classic small kitchen design. A possible option is to arrange furniture along twowalls. This option is less preferable, since the kitchen area in this case looks visually smaller. Also, for a small kitchen, the O-shaped arrangement of furniture is irrelevant.
If the owners of the apartment want to redevelop, you can create a studio kitchen. In this case, it is combined with the next room. It is advisable to install a refrigerator on a balcony or in a corridor. The dining table will be moved to the living room. The kitchen in this case will be used exclusively for cooking. You can combine the kitchen with a balcony.
A few tips
When considering options for repairing a small kitchen in Khrushchev, you should pay attention to a few tricks. They are used by designers during the creation of the interior. When creating a plan for a small kitchen, you need to rationally distribute every centimeter of space. The key elements of the scheme will be a sink, a work surface and a stove.
To save space, you can purchase a horizontal refrigerator instead of the usual vertical one. It can be used as a work surface. The free space under the sink also needs to be used rationally. You can install a washing machine or dishwasher here.
Instead of a stove, it is desirable to install a hob. The oven in this case will replace the microwave. You need to choose a model with the appropriate function. Instead of a window sill, you can install a wide tabletop. She will replace the dining table. Each element of the kitchen needs to be carefully considered. Light should be distributed smoothly throughout the room.
Should the kitchen be combined with the room?
Existing popular kitchen renovation options in Khrushchev often involve the creation of a studio. In this case, the room is combined with the living room. This option has both advantages and disadvantages. They need to be considered in detail in order to make the right decision.

The advantages of the kitchen-studio include the expansion of the area of the room. This opens up more possibilities for creating a spectacular design. This solution allows you to bring a refrigerator from the kitchen. At the same time, such a solution will practically not affect the comfort of using household appliances. The dining area is also transferred to the living room. The kitchen has more space for things needed for cooking. Furniture and kitchen utensils are placed rationally.
The disadvantage of the studio kitchen is the spread of odors during cooking throughout the apartment. You need to install a powerful hood. The repair is quite difficult. The wall will need to be demolished. As a result, a lot of construction debris appears. Repair costs are on the rise. In this case, redevelopment will need to be legalized. The wall to be demolished must not be load-bearing.
Kitchen-studio layout
Choosing among the options for renovating a small kitchen, many apartment owners combine this room with a living room. In this case, you need to take into account several nuances. The wall between the living room and the kitchen can be completely or partially demolished. A similar solution is advisable in an apartment with two or three rooms.

If the wall was completely demolished, you need toperform zoning using finishing materials. Wallpaper, floor should be different in color and texture in the living room and kitchen. However, the finish must be in harmony. You can zone the room differently. A small podium is made between the kitchen and the living room. You can leave part of the wall by making an arch out of it.
You can zone the premises with the help of lighting. Different lamps are selected for the kitchen and living room. The bar counter can also separate rooms. It should leave enough room to move between rooms. The bar counter can also serve as a dining area and a place to store some things (glasses, cups, saucers, etc.).
Choice of furniture
The budget version of the kitchen renovation does not involve the demolition of the wall. Therefore, the layout in such a room must be thought out carefully. If the kitchen is small (only 5-6 m), it is quite possible to create a cozy corner here. So, you need to abandon massive headsets, dining tables.

Modular lockers should be placed on one wall. They should have an elongated shape if the ceilings in the apartment are low. Floor cabinets are installed under the hanging modules. It is better that the furniture is closed. The abundance of objects visually reduces the space.
On the other hand, you can install a kitchen corner with a light table. When food is being prepared in the kitchen, the table is moved close to the corner. So the space in the kitchen becomes more. At dinner, the table is pushed into the center of the kitchen. You can also make a folding table, install stools next to it. Furnitureit is better to choose light. Glossy facades will visually increase the kitchen area.
Preparing for repairs
After considering and selecting design options, the kitchen renovation moves on to the next stage. You can start taking action. First you need to prepare the room for future work. Everything must be done gradually, stage by stage.

First, old furniture and household appliances are taken out of the kitchen. Nothing extra should be left in the room. Curtains and cornice need to be removed, the chandelier is also dismantled. When all things are taken out of the room, you need to remove the old finish. Wallpaper or tiles are dismantled. The walls must be thoroughly cleaned of paint, plaster.
Next, the trim is removed from the ceiling and floor. All construction debris is placed in special dimensional bags. This makes it easier to take it out of the house. After dismantling, the premises are cleaned. It is necessary to wash the ceiling, walls and floor several times. There should be no dust in the room.
All existing options for repairing a kitchen in Khrushchev begin with the preparation of communications for the subsequent installation of equipment and plumbing. The layout of the location of sockets, switches, sewer drains and water intake points is thought out even at the stage of creating a kitchen project. You should also provide for a high-quality forced exhaust above the stove or hob in the room.

Next, sewer and water pipes are being replaced. This takes into account where the sink will be located,washing machine or dishwasher. If necessary, the pipes must be extended. Connecting plumbing and equipment in this case will not cause problems.
Electricity deserves special attention. It is necessary to calculate the total load of the equipment on the system. Next, you need to lay the main wire, to which sockets and switches will be powered. If an electric stove or oven is installed in the kitchen, the cable for them is led directly from the switchboard. Do not connect other equipment to this line.
Gas and heating
Many apartment owners are considering options for repairing a kitchen in Khrushchev with a column. Gas equipment requires a special approach to planning. Often a counter is installed in the kitchen in such an apartment. It is also worth noting that the layout plan, which contains gas equipment, must be approved by the relevant services.
The gas utility is considering a kitchen plan. They approve the developed scheme or make appropriate amendments to it. Usually they try to hide gas communications behind furniture. However, it is worth considering that quick access should be provided to them. The counter and column cannot be hidden in a separate cabinet. These nuances are provided in the plan.
Kitchen batteries are small. This room heats up quickly. Therefore, you can install a small convector under the window or provide a warm floor in the kitchen. Ceramic tile is a cold material. Therefore, the electric floor heating under it will be relevant.
Finishing the floor and ceiling
Most often for finishing the flooruse ceramic tiles. Almost all modern kitchen renovation options involve the use of this material. It is practical, easy to care for, as well as environmentally friendly and durable. Linoleum or laminate can not be compared with tiles. The size of the plates should be medium or small. This allows you to visually expand the space. The floor should be one tone darker than the walls. At the same time, he harmonizes with them. The ceiling will be one tone lighter than the walls.
This scheme allows you to visually increase the space of the room. In a small room, it is better to use a one- or two-color scheme. Many shades and colors overload the interior of a limited space.
The ceiling can be made suspended or suspended. In the first case, drywall sheets are used. It is better to choose a material with high moisture-resistant characteristics for the kitchen. A stretch ceiling is created in this room from PVC film. It should be glossy. It also visually expands the space.

Wall decoration
Be sure to consider wall decoration options when planning a kitchen renovation. Light colors are chosen for them. Dark tones in a small room are unacceptable. When finishing, you can give preference to paint, tiles, wallpaper or textured plaster.
The work wall should definitely be tiled. It should be small. If the space needs to be visually increased in height, get a rectangular tile. It is placed vertically. Most tiles are installed horizontally. Tile looks great"boar".
Other walls can be painted with acrylic. The finish of washable wallpaper looks more interesting. On sale are materials that allow you to create different kitchen themes. You can also finish the walls with textured plaster. She is dyed the right color.
Accessories, lighting
Modern kitchen renovation options involve the creation of high-quality lighting in such a room. You can install one small chandelier in the center of the room. Do not give preference to bulky models. The best lighting looks from spotlights. This allows you to evenly distribute the light in the room.
The contour lighting from the LED strip looks spectacular. It is installed above the countertop, along the contour of the ceiling in a special plinth. With the help of different lighting fixtures, you can perform zoning in the room.
There shouldn't be many accessories in the kitchen. They should match in color with the main theme. It is better to put all the dishes in the cabinets, leaving a few concise, expressive accents in the form of a beautiful towel, spice set, etc.
Having considered the basic options for renovating a kitchen, you can design it yourself.