Supporting metal structures are the most durable products that can withstand many cataclysms, but not all: unfortunately, even metal cannot withstand the pressure of fire. This is very dangerous, because in a critical situation, buildings can collapse even before the fire brigade arrives, which is fraught with loss of life. To avoid this, metal structures are treated with substances that prevent the effects of fire. In particular - fire-retardant paint "Thermobarrier".

Manufacturer information
The OgneKhimZashchita company is engaged in the production of various types of fire-retardant coatings. Among its products is the fire-retardant paint "Thermobarrier", which was developed taking into account the latest achievements of science.
To test the quality of a product, it is tested in practice. The basis of testing is the carefully studied requirements of the fire requirements of various structures.
Used to improve the fire resistance of steel structures in civil and industrial construction.
Material features

When burning, treated surfaces under the influence of high temperatures emit gases. They perform a dual function: they prevent a strong ignition of a fire and contribute to the formation of a coke layer. It has lower heat-conducting properties, so it does not allow high temperatures to penetrate the metal.
Thanks to this, the destruction of the structure either takes place much more slowly, or does not occur at all - it all depends on the strength of the fire.
The benefits of this substance include the following characteristics:
- The use of paint does not lead to weighting and, as a result, to deformation of the structure.
- After a fire, the protective layer can be quickly restored.
- Apply paint easily with a regular roller, brush or spray.
- Material retains its durability after use for 20 years or more - it depends on the operating conditions. To extend the life in open space conditions, it is advisable to additionally apply a protective layer on top of the paint.
In addition, the coating also has decorative properties, which can be important.

The main feature of the fire-retardant paint "Thermobarrier" is the possibility of its use throughout the year: the substance retains its characteristics and properties at temperatures from +35 to -35 degrees. When applied, the substance forms a dense layer that does not flow even from vertical surfaces. The paint acquires flame retardant characteristics 40 minutes - 2 hours after application: the exact figure depends on the ambient temperature (the warmer it is outside, the faster the drying process).
Due to fast drying and high fire retardant properties, construction time and installation of fire protection systems can be significantly reduced at a construction site.
Distinctive technical characteristics of fire-retardant paint "Thermobarrier" are the following indicators:
- White color.
- Matte surface.
- Inflating type.
- According to GOST R 53295-2009, depending on the type of paint, it can belong to groups 2-5 of fire retardant efficiency.
- Operating temperature limit -45/+45 degrees C.
- Fire resistance reaches a maximum of 2 hours.

The manufacturer of fire-retardant paint for metal "Thermobarrier" recommends following the following rules when working with the substance:
- It is unacceptable to carry out work near open flames.
- Personal protective equipment must be used when working.
- If work is carried out indoors, good ventilation is required for safety.
- The substance must not be allowed to enter the digestive organs, respiratory tract.
- If the paint gets on the skin, it must be washed off immediately with any soap and warm water.
Preparation for work
It is possible to apply fire-retardant paint "Thermobarrier" only on surfaces that have been previously primed. In this case, the primer layer should have a minimum thickness of 50-55 microns. It is possible to spray the coloring matter only after the primer is completely dry and there are no areas with corrosion, peeling, or damage on the surface. In addition, the surface must be dry, without fumes, frost, snow.
Before work, the substance is mixed with a construction mixer until smooth. After the procedure, the material must stand for at least 30 minutes so that all air bubbles come out of it.
Consumption of fire-retardant paint "Thermobarrier" depends on the thickness of the applied layer. For example, with a coating thickness of about 0.60 mm, it will be needed per 1 sq. m about 1 kg of paint, with a layer thickness of 0.85 mm - over 1.25 kg. If the coating thickness is 2.45 mm, for each square meter you will need from 3.6 kg of paint.
Features of working with different surfaces

Working with metal surfaces:
- Prepare the surface. Degree of purification - to pure metal. If there are areas that are loose or have rust on their surface, they are thoroughly cleaned with an abrasive blast device or mechanically. Then solvent degreasing is carried out.
- Apply primer.
Working with primed surfaces:
- Assess the condition of the primer. If defects are found, they are requiredeliminate.
- Remove dust and degrease with solvent.
- When the primer is completely dry, spray fire-retardant paint "Thermobarrier".
Pavement repair work:
- Mechanically remove all damage. If there are signs of corrosion, they are cleaned.
- Prepared surfaces are dedusted and degreased.
- Prepared surfaces are primed.
- After the primer has completely dried (minimum 7 days), paint is applied.
Paint recommendations

The manufacturer recommends applying Thermal Barrier fire retardant paint by airless spray when carrying out fire retardant work of large volumes. If the areas to be treated are small or in hard-to-reach places, a brush can be used. Once dry, the coating will be approximately 0.7mm thick by airless spray and 0.5-0.6mm by brush.
If airless spray is used, the following guidelines are recommended:
- Spray paint at an angle of 30-50°.
- Pressure level - from 20 to 25 MPa.
- Atomizer nozzle must be between 0.50mm and 0.68mm in diameter.
- If necessary, you can add thinner, but not more than 5% of the total.
Storage, transportation
It is unacceptable to store fire retardant paint "Thermobarrier" near open flames. The maximum allowable storage temperatures are from +45 to -45 °C. All the time of storage, during transportation, during loading and unloadingWhen carrying out work, it is necessary to ensure that the container is protected both from damage and from tipping over. Keep the paint packed in the factory container. The best place to save is indoors, out of moisture and sunlight.