What to do if midges are wound up in indoor flowers

What to do if midges are wound up in indoor flowers
What to do if midges are wound up in indoor flowers

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Today, perhaps, there is not a single house that would not be decorated with indoor plants. However, for good growth and flowering, any plant needs care. It is not uncommon for midges to start in your favorite flower. This usually happens during the winter months when larvae deposited in moist soil begin to develop. But the harm from the midges themselves is not as great as from the larvae, which intensively destroy the root system. How to destroy these small and annoying inhabitants?

Blackflies in indoor flowers - causes of appearance

midges in indoor flowers
midges in indoor flowers

The most common cause of insects in indoor flowers is excessive moisture. It is frequent watering that creates a favorable environment for the sciarid to start active egg laying. Also attractive to insects is the soil in which the process of decay spreads. Sciarids lay their eggs in the ground, which is watered with mullein tincture.

When midges in indoor flowers begin to multiply intensively, they alreadynot afraid of dryness. And if you shake the pot a little or knock on it, then small flies will begin to circle over the flower. There is only one way out - replacing the soil.

How does a midge get into the ground?

Blackflies in indoor flowers can appear in several ways:

- when transplanting into purchased soil, - with poor processing of the soil mixture, - through ventilation, exhaust, if the flower has been standing in the open air for a long time.

The mosquito breeds so fast that in a few days it can occupy the whole house.

What to do?

midges bred in a room flower
midges bred in a room flower

Blackflies in indoor flowers can be destroyed by several proven methods. Take ground hot pepper and pour into the soil, the earth is loosened and slightly mixed. Drugs such as Mukhoed or Gom-2 work well.

If midges are bred in a room flower, simple garlic will help. Take a few cloves of garlic, grind on a grater, mix with water and spray on the flower. The procedure must be done twice a day. The midge will disappear very quickly.

Small midge in indoor flowers will disappear if you water the plant with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. You can also spray the flower with a solution of laundry soap (20 g per liter of water). Household matches that need to be stuck into the ground with their heads down also help.


small midge in indoor flowers
small midge in indoor flowers

In order to prevent such an incident, somepreventive measures.

  1. You can not flood the plants. Excess water from the pan must be removed.
  2. Purchased soil should be spilled with boiling water or put in the refrigerator. Both precautions will kill the larvae.
  3. Wilted leaves should be removed from the pot so as not to feed uninvited guests.
  4. Need soil drainage. If its top layer is kept dry, then the pest will not appear.
  5. The room needs to be ventilated daily.
  6. Blackflies in potted flowers don't like cockroach crayons and are happy to stick to special sticky tapes for flies.
  7. Do not use tea leaves or coffee as a fertilizer. To feed plants, you need to take special preparations that are sold in any flower shop.
