For several years now, this direction has been very fashionable. "Handmade" or DIY ("do it yourself" from the English "do it yourself") - crafts from waste materials, products from what you do not need to buy expensive tools and raw materials - decorate the homes of many people. The most interesting and original items are sold at prestigious auctions. Many designers just specialize in eco-style. But crafts made from junk materials are good because they give complete freedom to creative imagination. It is enough to look into the pantry or basement, where cobwebs have been growing for years, where you carried everything that is no longer needed. Or on the mezzanine, where everything that "maybe someday, children or grandchildren" was put together…

Give up sentimentality: for sure, old bags or leather jackets, lamps or ridiculous vases will no longer be needed by anyone in their original form. But creatively recycled crafts from waste materials will be able to please for many more years. So, what exactly can go into action? Practicallyeverything: wooden pallets and boxes, cardboard boxes, packaging film, plastic utensils, old CDs, used clothes and shoes, leather bags and suitcases. Some especially enthusiastic craftsmen even build houses or summer arbors from … glass bottles. And plastic, which accumulate in incredible quantities in any home, can find application in the most unexpected form. Crafts from improvised material using them are furniture (for example, pouffes), and screens, and caskets, and … Fantasy is not limited by anything, and modern needlework magazines vying with each other offer various ideas.

Crafts made from natural materials are even more popular. Photos of such things could be found hundreds. A branch or snag that is unattractive at first glance can become a hanger or a lamp. A large stump is an excellent table for several people or a stool. You can come up with a lot of original things from stones: from small figurines to barbecue grills. It all depends on the scale of thinking and goals. Stones, for example, look amazing as a decor for fountains, alpine slides. Crafts from waste materials are good because the raw materials for them can be found or … saved from the garbage can. For example, a paper napkin with a beautiful pattern can be used for the popular decoupage decorating technique. And rubber boots can become flower pots. Tin cans are also used - you can also make a lot of useful things from them. They can become the basis for desk organizers, candlesticks,for lamps. Decor is entirely up to you and what you have on hand. Paints, old lace, leather scraps, corks and even broken crockery. By the way, the latter, according to the ideas of Feng Shui, is not recommended to be stored at home. But it may well serve to make a mosaic.

With the help of hands and soul, you can give a second life to almost any unnecessary thing. For example, an old suitcase may well serve as the basis for an ottoman or table. The same can be done with wooden pallets. Craftsmen create entire rooms with sofas, beds, coffee tables. And the processing of pallets depends on the artistic concept. You can paint them, you can just sand and varnish. In a word, look in the pantry. What can be resurrected after years of dust?