Wood is a material that will never lose its relevance. And do-it-yourself crafts for a wooden house are always appropriate, especially now, when people are trying to surround themselves with everything natural and environmentally friendly. Today we will touch on this particular topic: we will consider options for wood processing, types of crafts and much more that is at least somehow connected with this topic.
The tradition of decorating various rooms with decorative wood panels on the wall has migrated to our modern life from the depths of forgotten times. In previous centuries, it was customary to hang some kind of amulets (talismans) on the walls of the dwelling, which brought prosperity to the house and good luck to people in all their affairs.
Nowadays, a wooden panel on the wall is an exclusively aesthetic decoration, although if we are talking about offices and trading floors, and not about residential premises, then here you can find products that also have an advertising and informational purpose, beyond the aesthetic.
Panel execution types
Most often found carvedrelief type (bas-relief technique). In this case, the image is formed by various raised elements. The peculiarity is this moment: some details on the panel are partially hidden under others, often they are made slightly reduced or performed in a flatter form. This is necessary in order to create an additional overall effect of volume.
There is another technique - it lies in the fact that the panel itself is made in the form of something. For example, in the form of a fish, a cat, a bird, a basket with berries, a bath tub with a birch broom, a guitar, and so on. Such options are selected for a specific room (kitchen, sauna, living room, etc.).
Mosaic made of wood is a novelty that has taken root very well in modern designs. Such ornaments or even whole paintings look very original and impressive. Many people replace wallpaper, ceramic tiles and plastic panels with wood mosaics, decorating entire walls and even rooms in this style.
Today there are several different types of mosaic woodwork, all of them have their own differences in terms of execution. Among them, the following options can be called the main ones:
- classic mosaic;
- block mosaic;
- inlay;
- intarsia;
- marquetry (parquetry).
Need to say a few words about each technique:
- Classic is a composition that is made up of multi-colored and plain parts of wood or in combination with other materials (stone, mother-of-pearl, etc.).
- For a block style, a sketch is first drawn and then donemosaic. In the course are bars of multi-colored wood. Together they represent some kind of three-dimensional mosaic image. The bars have different cut angles relative to each other.
- Inlay - decoration and decoration of products with wood elements. This technique is most often used when working with furniture. The point is that a decor is cut into the wood surface (for example, a pattern of butterflies is cut into a smooth countertop). It is understood that the embedded elements are made of precious wood of a strictly different color compared to the main product.
- Intarsia is a special technique that is similar to inlay in many ways. The difference lies in the fact that the insert elements in the wood base differ from it in their coloring or texture.
- Marquetry is a set of any images that are made from pieces of veneer, as well as decorative colored plywood or specially painted wood. This is the easiest way to implement a wooden mosaic. At the same time, it should be noted that products made using this technique look very impressive and original.
- Parquetry is the gluing of any individual parts of the mosaic tightly to each other on a pre-prepared base.

Crafts for a wooden house with your own hands
For someone it is a hobby, but for someone this activity is a successful business. Both options are acceptable. Interest in such a case is instilled in boys at school in labor lessons. It was then that the children were taught to make various crafts for a wooden house.with their own hands (cutting boards, boxes, chess, etc.). I must say that this is a very useful and exciting activity. And if you approach the issue with soul and seriousness, you will get very useful handicrafts made of good quality wood.

Modern crafts
Of course, 99% of people have a phone these days. And it is very logical to make a phone stand out of wood. It will be very stylish and original. You can make such a craft for yourself, or you can present it to someone as a gift.
The easiest way is to take a cylindrical workpiece and make a straight cut on one side of it (the base on which the finished product will stand in the future). The other side needs to be cut at an angle of 45 degrees. In the middle of a workpiece with an oblique cut, it is worth choosing wood so that a phone can be inserted vertically there. You need to choose wood to such a depth that the phone enters this recess by about a third of its length or half. All parts of the product must be well processed.
You can also drill a hole through the workpiece - this is done in order to make the stand more practical. It will be possible to put the wire from the mains charger into the hole. This is one of the options for useful crafts for a house made from saw cuts of a tree.
Good preparation is half the success of the future product. It should be without large knots. If knots are still present, then they should be small. Also, the workpiece must be chosen dry, without cracks. If speechIf we are talking about crafts from saw cuts, then raw wood should be dried with the bark removed.
It is also worth mentioning that if you are new to such matters, then it is better to start with simple crafts, otherwise you may simply be disappointed if you simply cannot do something. You need to come to difficult things gradually, this applies not only to crafts for a wooden house with your own hands, but also to everything else.
The important point is the tool. A good tool will help you create great crafts, but sometimes it costs a lot of money. Therefore, its purchase is a decision that must be made consciously. If you are sure that you will not abandon this business in the near future, then it is worth buying a quality set of woodworking tools. If you assume that this is just a temporary hobby for you, then you can work with simpler tools.

Crafts for a wooden house: ideas
Now about what else you can make from wood yourself. In fact, wood is such a material from which almost everything can be made. It remains to acquire the necessary tool and connect your own imagination.
The tool has already been said, now let's fantasize about good ideas for crafts. Let's start with the kitchen. The first option is banal cutting boards. It is also easy to make various spatulas, spoons and other things out of wood that can be useful, for example, for turning food on a Teflon pan. Exclusive is dishes (plates, salad bowls, mugs). By the way, homemadesalad bowls and plates made of wood are a fashionable trend in Europe at the present time. As for mugs, this is an original gift, for example, for a man.

Next, let's go to the living room. Here everything is more difficult in terms of execution. Not everyone can make a beautiful wooden clock or a carved coffee table. There are simpler options, for example, a handmade carved curtain for curtains or chess. A wooden candle holder is also a good craft idea and a great gift.

If we talk about the bath, then there is just expanse for a true lover of such crafts. Starting with buckets and buckets, ending with thermometers and door handles. In general, everything related to the bath can and is appropriate to be made of wood.
Laser cut
To some extent, this modern trend can also be attributed to wood crafts. Today, with the help of computer laser cutting on this material, you can create any craft or souvenir. Modern technologies allow even the most complex and intricate patterns to be executed with the highest accuracy.
It should be noted that laser cutting is currently in high demand among buyers. Companies specializing in such services offer the most diverse range of accessories made using computer laser cutting technology.
Let's note the most popular wood crafts in this category. These are, first of all, various covers (bumpers) for mobile phones, as well as picture frames and various festiveparaphernalia (carved words for themed parties, etc.).
It is worth recognizing this niche as very profitable and successful. With minimal costs for materials and one-time financial expenses for equipment, in the end, the master receives a very, very serious profit.

Appliqué made of wood is a kind of panel, but only a smaller and simplified version of it. Its size is comparable to the size of a regular painting on the wall. It looks very impressive when made from cuts of small diameter wood. The most typical option is to make a picture, which will depict, for example, an oak tree. No matter how trite it may seem, but making a tree from slices of the tree itself is always very beautiful and spectacular.
Only masters work with it and get simply incredible decorative crafts for the home. On a tree, a burl is a growth that can most often be seen on the trunk or on its branch, although they also grow on the roots. Professional carvers create real masterpieces from caps.
The growth is very expensive, so you need to work with it carefully, without making any mistakes. Burl crafts are very much appreciated among wood lovers and cost very decent money. Such products can be seen in rich houses.
Cabinet makers
This is a special group of people who work with wood. The best of the best are taken for mahogany, since the price of a mistake is very high due to the considerable cost of redwoods. Masters make carved furniture, household items and much more.another for the we althiest people. To work in this direction, you need to have solid experience and a gift from nature.

Birch bark
Today this option is experiencing a rebirth. The material, which was previously relevant, for some time ceased to interest both the masters and the townsfolk. But today, when everything old is being revived, and everything environmentally friendly comes to man, birch bark products and crafts are becoming popular again. It is worth recognizing that it is difficult to restore traditions, but not in the case of birch bark. Masters who know the correct technique for processing it are still alive and ready to share their secrets with the new generation. You can make a lot of different crafts from birch bark.
Summing up
Wood products are a good decoration for your home and a great gift for someone. What's more, working with wood is a passion that can grow into something more that will start making you money and become your life's work. It follows from this that it is worth trying yourself in this matter. You need to start with simple products and gradually move on to something more complex and exclusive in order to understand for yourself what you do better and where to move on in your development.