A plumber cut like a Canadian, dressed in a battered Muscovite, was sawing off a rusted squeegee with a grinder, intending to replace it with an American. Translate such a phrase to an Englishman or an Italian, and he will get lost in the labyrinths of our hero's interpersonal relationships. And only a stern Russian locksmith will only smirk, continuing to open a can of sprat "Finnish". Of all the above international women's plumbing team, let's dwell on the "American".
Ball valves with "American" have been actively used in plumbing, heat and water supply as shutoff valves since the early 2000s. Although, in principle, a valve can be not only a ball valve, but speaking of an “American”, they mean a quick-coupling threaded connection (BRS), which includes three main components: a captive hex nut and two mating threaded fittings (depending on their configuration, it can be used gasket).

Heads. Exodus
Before that, in places where it was difficult or impossible to produceconnection, for the installation of shutoff valves, spurs were used, which can still be found in gas and water supply systems of old buildings. They were a construction of a metal tube with a long thread, a coupling connecting it with a mating thread, and a locknut. The installation of the drive required high accuracy when aligning the axis of the connected elements, bulky tools (gas "butt" key), implied the installation of a seal (tow) and a good knowledge of the Russian language in terms of untranslatable national folklore.
American Beauty
Even an experienced craftsman, not to mention young professionals who have ever tried an “American” faucet in their work, as a rule, forever abandoned the use of surges. The connection of the BRS is carried out with a simple adjustable wrench, by pulling together two self-centering elements. In fact, the ball valve device in general, and the American taps in particular, revolutionized the world of plumbing. Since most of the improvements came to us from abroad, and given the presence of transatlantic inches in the marking, with the light hand of an unknown plumber, technical slang was replenished with a new word. The term "faucet" American 2 "or 1/2"" has firmly entered our everyday life.
The more figured, the more expensive
Such valves are most often equipped with a quick-release threaded connection of two types: with a conical or flat surface of the elements to be connected. The first option is somewhat more expensive, but much more reliable. Cone fittings provide excellent sealing and easymating parts, are made both with rubber seals and without them.

Because of the lower price, the second option is more often used, where the reliability of the connection is ensured only by an annular gasket made of rubber or paronite, clamped between two planes with a hex nut. Over time, the seal sags slightly, and this type of "American" has to be tightened. The seat is determined in inches (for example, an American ball valve is 1 inch, ¾ inch, etc.). Product marking provides information about the size, material of manufacture and conditional pressure.
Ball mechanism device
The ball locking mechanism itself, like everything ingenious, is simple. It is a ball-shaped valve enclosed in a metal case with a through hole equal to the diameter of the pipe. The flow rate is adjusted by means of a lever.

According to the stated specifications, a standard American faucet can be used in the temperature range from -20 to +120°С (but not below the freezing point of the coolant), with a service life of up to fifteen years or 10 thousand cycles. It should be borne in mind that the valve should be used only in two operating states - open or closed. The ball valve is used only as a shut-off valve and is not designed for adjustment. Of course, if the shutter is not completely closed, a disaster will not occur, however, the service life of the device will decrease significantly, in addition, seriouslythe pressure on the valve seals will increase. For regulated flow, other types of American valves are used, for example, a direct regulating valve.
Shape of an American ballpoint pen
Rotary handles for small diameter ball valves are made in the form of a "butterfly", the wings of which, alas, often break off, but with several valves close together, this may be the only option for controlling the valve. Large ball valves are equipped with lever handles, which are much stronger and more convenient to use, and not so long ago they began to produce reinforced "butterflies" with stops on the edges, a very successful improvement.

Modern plumbing is easy
For the installation of a heating system, a 3/4 ball valve with an American connected on both sides of the radiator is most often used, and if you install an automatic thermostat or a direct control valve, it will be possible to regulate the temperature regime already during operation. This method of tying the radiator has already become the standard. In the case of repair or replacement, the dismantling of the heater becomes a matter of ten minutes. It is enough to turn off the taps, unscrew the union nuts and … that's it, the radiator can be removed. At the same time, a huge bonus is that there is no need to drain the coolant from the system, which during the heating period will allow you to keep warm in your home. By the way, all of the above applies equally to the dismantling of a heated towel rail, circulation pump or water meter. For installation inhard-to-reach places, as well as for aesthetic reasons, they use American corner taps, which differ from standard ones only in shape.

How to find the keys to the "American"?
When installing a press fitting, when the "American" is mounted on pipes with internal threads (the same heating radiators), use a hexagon or a special internal key that has the shape of a cylinder with two notches for hooks. You can, of course, tighten the mount with pliers, but if you install more than one tap, it’s better to buy a hexagon, it’s cheaper than a damaged “American” and it’s much more convenient to work with.

So similar on the outside, so different on the inside
The range of materials used in the manufacture of "American" is quite extensive. Stainless steel faucets are considered the most durable, but professionals prefer brass faucets with inclusions of chromium and nickel. Also on the market are cast iron shut-off valves and integrated solutions based on polypropylene and metal. In this case, another positive property of this type of connection is manifested - this is the ability to reliably combine elements of different material (plastic, metal, metal-plastic).
As you can see, quick couplings in general (and "American" with a ball valve system in particular) outperform spurs and classic screw valves on all fronts due to ease of installation, practicality of use and aesthetickind, although they require a more delicate attitude.