In anticipation of the addition of each family will have to face a lot of pleasant troubles, mainly related to the acquisition of everything necessary for the baby. Clothes, toys, a bath, a stroller and, of course, a crib for a newborn, the choice of which should be taken very responsibly, because the child will spend a lot of time in it. There really is something to think about: today a huge number of models of Russian and foreign manufacturers are offered, and the price range is quite significant.

Beder dimensions
The size of a baby crib for newborns is the first thing young parents pay attention to. And only then it comes to other, no less important characteristics. So why is he so important?
Of course, today you can choose almost any size of a baby crib for newborns, but the standard dimensions of a bed in Russia are sixty by one hundred and twenty centimeters. But there is alsothere are many models, mostly foreign-made, that have a length and width of 5 centimeters more. And the transformer beds are even larger. They are more expensive, but they can be used not until the child is three or five years old, but until a teenager.
The size of a baby crib for newborns is significant if the baby is supposed to live in the same room with the parents, and its area cannot be called huge. In conditions where the bedroom and the nursery are a single space, every centimeter counts. Moreover, models with drawers and pendulums require additional space to use them.
It is worth noting separately that mattress covers and bed linen for babies are adjusted to the size of a crib for newborns. So, a sheet with an elastic band is much more convenient than a regular one, because it will not wrinkle, but its dimensions should correspond to the size of the mattress.

What else to look for
If we talk about materials, then cribs for newborns, the photos of which can be seen mainly in all electronic stores, are wooden. And this option can be considered the most preferable. The price varies depending on the type of wood. The most inexpensive models are made of pine. Its drawback is softness, so that traces of the first teeth will certainly remain on its sides. Well, beech models will last a long time and remain in almost perfect condition. Other options: metal and artificial materials.
Qualityassembly should also not be in doubt. Absence of burrs, sharp corners, unreliably fixed elements - standard requirements.

If the area of the room where the crib will be installed allows, it makes sense to pay attention to models that have a storage box under the bed. Extra usable space never fits.
Many parents love cribs equipped with a pendulum that helps rock the baby. It will be horizontal or vertical - a matter of taste. Just keep in mind that its use will require about ten additional centimeters of space.
It is also important that the design of the crib provides for the fixation of the bed in different positions. The newborn does not need high sides, and it is more convenient for the mother to take the baby if he does not sleep on the “bottom” of the crib. But if the child has already learned to sit down or stand up, holding on to the side, the bed will have to be lowered to protect the baby from falling out of the crib.
And a few more words about the design. The already mentioned side should be removable. And, of course, it's good if its height can also be changed.