Phlox Tatyana: description of the variety, tips on growing and caring, reviews of gardeners

Phlox Tatyana: description of the variety, tips on growing and caring, reviews of gardeners
Phlox Tatyana: description of the variety, tips on growing and caring, reviews of gardeners

Perennial plant phlox Tatyana belongs to the paniculate group. It is highly resistant to adverse weather conditions. The plant has erect stems about 90 cm high. The leaves are sessile, opposite, oval-lanceolate, elongated. Phlox pleases gardeners with pink flowers with a white star in the central part. This combination looks spectacular, beautiful. The inflorescences of the plant are large - up to 4 cm in diameter. Flowering period - from July to September.

Phlox Tatyana has a high frost resistance, immune to disease. The plant prefers partial shade, but also grows well under the crown of trees.

Phlox Tatiana
Phlox Tatiana


Phloxes are unusual flowers. They add vibrant colors to gardens. Each variety has its own characteristics, but Tatiana's phlox stands out among other species. When the plant blooms, it looks like its white flowers have been tanned by the sun. The raspberry ring at the base gives someplayfulness.

Inflorescences are large, cylindrical in shape, consisting of large flowers up to 4.5 cm in diameter. At the peak of their most beautiful period, they fill the garden with a sweetish aroma.

Judging by the description, Phlox Tatyana belongs to tall varieties. Although its stems reach a decent size, it still gives the impression of a compact bush that looks like a festive bouquet during flowering. Dark green foliage gives phlox a decorative look.


Phlox Tatyana grows ideally on any soil, but it performs best on loam. Adding lime to the soil gives good results.

To get beautiful lush bushes with an abundance of flowers, also recommended:

  1. Prepare the soil in advance for planting. Do a deep dig. Be sure to clean the garden from rhizomes and weeds.
  2. To get Tatiana's phlox like in the photo, you should choose a shady or semi-lit place. Do not place the plant in sunny areas, as they may lose their color.
Phlox paniculata
Phlox paniculata


Phloxes bloom gradually. Every week, new buds open on the panicle, which is why flowering stretches for a fairly long period. Having lived the allotted time, the flower begins to fade, forming a box with 2-3 seeds inside.

The panicled phlox Tatyana has bisexual, five-petalled, tubular, pink-colored flowers with a white core. A strong aroma emanates from the plant in the morning and evening.


Like most of the plants belonging to this family, early species bloom in June and bloom until autumn, including phlox Tatyana. The variety is very frost-resistant, winters well under a thick layer of snow. In winters with little snow, it is recommended that the plant be additionally insulated to prevent freezing. Because of this, in regions with a harsh climate, phloxes are covered with sawdust, needles, spruce branches.

Before wintering, bushes must be pruned. This procedure is performed only after the freezing of the soil around the plant and the death of the aerial part. If the stems are removed ahead of time, then sap flow can lead to root rot.

Panicled phlox Tatyana
Panicled phlox Tatyana

Irrigation features

Phloxes are moisture-loving plants. Lack of water leads to inhibition of the plant, weakening of flowering, shedding of foliage. They also do not tolerate moisture stagnation. Because of this, phloxes do not take root in areas with high groundwater.

To prevent root rot, plants should be planted on loose, drained lands. Bushes develop poorly on clay soil. If the chosen place does not meet these requirements, then drainage must be laid at the bottom of the landing pit, and the soil is diluted with sand and vermiculite. Mulching is recommended on top to retain moisture.

The plant feeds from an area of about half a meter. It can sit in one place for up to six years, after which a transplant is necessary.

Phlox variety Tatiana
Phlox variety Tatiana


In early spring, as soon asthe plant starts to grow, it is recommended to transplant. Cool air and sufficient soil moisture contribute to rapid rooting. You can move and divide the bushes in August, when phloxes are already behind the active growth phase.

When transplanting, carefully dig out the bushes. This is done so that the soil remains on the roots. If the bush is too large, then it is divided, and this type of flower should be cut into large pieces so that the phlox has time to gain strength and prepare for wintering.

When planting, make sure that each plant has at least five stem shoots. For such a delenka, a hole is prepared with a size of 20-30 cm deep. The roots in the hole should be loose. Water it abundantly before planting.

After falling asleep with soil, the upper part of the rhizome should be 3-5 cm below the soil level.

Phlox reviews Tatiana
Phlox reviews Tatiana

Features of reproduction

This type of phlox reproduces vegetatively. With the seed method, it may lose its varietal qualities. As a result, plants with other exterior features that differ from the Tatiana species may be obtained. Because of this feature, panicled phlox should be propagated only vegetatively: by dividing the bush, cuttings of axillary layers, leaves, stems. The latter method is suitable for planting throughout the growing season, but experienced gardeners recommend the procedure in the spring or early summer.

For rooting use stem cuttings with two or more internodes. In the zone of the lower node will be formedroots, and in the upper part - new shoots. If you need to propagate a rare variety, but it is not possible to cut the required number of cuttings, then the leaf propagation method is used. To do this, take a young stem, on which there are no buds. Then the cuttings are cut - small pieces with one leaf and a centimeter shoot part.

If you root the leaf cuttings from a stem that has already budded, then the percentage of rooted cuttings will be several times lower.

When choosing the leaf method, at first very small bushes are obtained that require increased attention. They will give a good increase only in the second year of life.

Use axillary layering for rooting. Stepsons with four internodes are taken for reproduction. Before rooting, be sure to remove the first pair of leaves.

The prepared material is planted in seedling boxes, covered with film or glass on top. After about two weeks, roots will begin to appear. This will be seen by the fact that the shoots will start to grow. For rooting, a loose, light soil substrate is used. A mixture of sand and peat is considered ideal. As the seedlings grow, they should be fed and watered.

With the seed method of reproduction, do not forget about stratification. When sowing in early spring, the material for planting is preliminarily kept for at least a week at a temperature not higher than +5 degrees. For natural stratification, seeds are placed directly in the garden in autumn.

Phlox Description
Phlox Description

Soil preparation

There is an opinion that phloxes can grow on any soil and thata fertile layer of 15 cm is enough for them. In fact, everything is not so. Stems, inflorescences, leaves, flower caps consume a lot of nutrients and moisture. With their lack, the bush is formed from thin low shoots with rare and small buds.

To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to choose loamy lands with a neutral pH. To improve the development of phlox, it is recommended to add rotted horse or cow manure, leafy or soddy soil, mineral fertilizers and organic mixtures to the flower garden.

The root system of the plant is powerful, branched, reaching a depth of 25 or more centimeters. The bulk of the feeding roots is located in a twenty-centimeter layer of soil. Because of this, they dig up a bed for a full bayonet of a shovel.

The flower beds themselves are prepared in advance. Before spring planting, the ground is dug up in the fall, and under autumn - in the spring. If the earth is heavy, loamy, then it is diluted with sand, peat, humus, compost.

Panicled phlox
Panicled phlox


According to reviews, Phlox Tatyana perfectly complements the garden. This variety is highly resistant to frost and bad weather conditions. The plant blooms in June, in some regions - in July. Flowering is long, lush.

As experienced gardeners say, this variety needs the same care as other varieties of panicled phlox. The plant is tall, about a meter, but keeps its shape perfectly. Florists note that the bush quickly recovers after strong winds and rain.

According to observations, nitrogen should be applied at the beginning of active plant growth, and withduring the budding period, flowers are fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.


As you can see, the photo of Phlox Tatyana fully corresponds to the description. These are really simple, but surprisingly beautiful flowers that can become a real decoration of your local area. Phlox refers to those types of plants that do not require special care. To achieve abundant flowering, you need to choose the right place for planting, water it on time, and remove faded panicles.