Types of wallpaper: what to choose?

Types of wallpaper: what to choose?
Types of wallpaper: what to choose?

The world of modern wallpaper is represented by an exceptional abundance of colors, structures and performance. A variety of types of wallpaper for walls are able to satisfy the needs of each consumer! However, a wide range often complicates the choice, and an inexperienced person cannot do without the help of a consultant.

Let's try together to determine what types of wallpaper are best suited for your walls.

Paper. Despite the widespread use of new materials and technologies, traditional paper wallpapers do not give up their positions. Many buyers, puzzled by repairs, give them their preference. Why?

types of wallpaper
types of wallpaper

First, because of their diversity. Paper wallpapers are produced smooth, embossed, with and without a pattern, duplex (double), embossed, with a structural surface. They are coarse-fibered, when a layer of wood chips is placed between two layers of paper, and they involve painting.

Secondly, paper types of wallpaper are natural and do not interfere with the breathing of the walls, which is especially true in sleeping rooms and children's rooms. They have good soundproofing properties.

The third factor in the popularity of paper wallpapers is their relative cheapness. Fourth– ease of sticking.

The disadvantages of paper wallpapers are their fragility (only imported ones last up to 10 years), low strength, impossibility of washing and operation in wet rooms.

Vinyl types of wallpaper appeared on our market relatively recently, but have already gained steady popularity.

Their bottom layer is made of paper (possibly fabric) and covered with a layer of PVC, after which an embossing or pattern is applied to the surface.

types of wallpaper for walls
types of wallpaper for walls

Their main advantage is strength, elasticity and wear resistance. Designed for operation over 12 years. All vinyl types of wallpaper are suitable for rooms with high humidity, they tolerate cleaning with detergents well, and are resistant to fading.

The second advantage is the high decorative effect of vinyl wallpaper. The technology of their production allows you to imitate various materials and get foamed (structural), silk-screen printing (silk is added to the top layer), compact vinyl wallpaper.

Among the disadvantages of vinyl wallpapers are reduced air exchange, the presence of harmful impurities in the top layer, and the difficulty in gluing. Due to the increased elasticity and under the influence of glue, they can stretch when applied to the wall, and then shrink, forming gaps at the seams. They react poorly to changes in temperature and humidity.

Non-woven wallpaper is basically corrugated non-woven material and vinyl coating. This is an attempt to bring together the sustainability of paper and the strength of vinyl wallpaper.

Their indisputable advantage isthe possibility of repeated staining (10-12 times), which partly compensates for their high cost. This type of wallpaper has a significant thickness, due to which small errors on the surface of the walls are invisible. Due to the natural composition "breathe". Easy to stick - applied to a wall moistened with glue, does not form creases and wrinkles, does not bubble.

Various types of liquid wallpaper have recently gained particular popularity.

types of liquid wallpaper
types of liquid wallpaper

These are compositions of various components: cotton fibers, cellulose, silk, dyes and glue. The color scheme is diverse - they can be used both in offices and public places, as well as in residential premises. Special additives in their composition will help to give the walls and ceilings the effect of fabric and even brocade (golden threads). Interesting combinations of different color fragments are possible. Anti-static, do not collect dust, meet modern fire safety requirements.

To apply liquid wallpaper to the surface, it is enough to dissolve the contents of the package in the specified amount of water.
