How and what to grow in a greenhouse?

How and what to grow in a greenhouse?
How and what to grow in a greenhouse?

Today, various vegetables, berries, flowers and much more are grown in summer cottages and on an industrial scale on large areas. And what to grow in a greenhouse with a carbonate cover? Read about it in the article.

What can be grown in a polycarbonate greenhouse?

It has long been believed that only tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers are grown here. But it's not. What to grow in a greenhouse? In greenhouse conditions, the following crops can be obtained:

  • Onions are grown all year round for personal use and for sale. But it should be remembered that the dormant periods during which plants cannot be planted are not the same for different varieties.
  • Champignons are grown in greenhouse areas unsuitable for other crops. This is a profitable business, as mushrooms grow in low light and even in total darkness.
What to grow in greenhouses
What to grow in greenhouses
  • Lilies, roses and other flowers. It is profitable to grow them in a greenhouse at any time of the year, but especially in winter, since there are few competitors at this time.
  • Greens (dill, parsley, celery, lettuce) - it is unpretentious to growing conditions, itcan be compactly placed in the available space. Gives high yields all year round.

Where is the best place to grow cucumbers?

So, what to grow in a greenhouse? Modern technologies make it possible to grow vegetables all year round indoors. The best option for this is a polycarbonate greenhouse. There are no gaps here, the leaves of the plant are protected from direct sunlight, and most importantly, there are all conditions for installing powerful ventilation.

What can be grown in a greenhouse of this kind? Various vegetables, including cucumbers, can grow in this building throughout the year. The main thing is to carry out all the preparatory work before planting seedlings. It should be remembered that cucumbers come from the tropics; at the genetic level, they do not have protection against diseases and pests of our climate.

What can be grown in a greenhouse
What can be grown in a greenhouse

If in the previous year the beds of the greenhouse were occupied by cucumbers that were repeatedly sick, then the soil is completely replaced, and the interior of the structure is carefully treated with chlorine, then whitened with lime.

Soil preparation

How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse? The technology provides for the determination of soil acidity after sanitation of the greenhouse. This indicator should not exceed six and a half units. If more, then lime is added to the soil.

This is necessary in order to create comfortable growing conditions for cucumbers. Vegetables have a poor reaction to soil with high acidity, as it is a favorable environment for the reproduction of harmfulbacteria. How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse? For this, beds are prepared before planting seedlings. It is better to apply manure or compost in the spring at the rate of 10-15 kilograms per square meter.

How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse
How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse

Before planting seedlings, the soil is loosened with a rake, but first you need to evenly scatter a mixture of wood ash and superphosphate over the soil surface at the rate of two teaspoons and two tablespoons, respectively, per square meter.

How to grow vegetables in a greenhouse? Only if all the rules of the technological process are observed, you can get a good harvest. One of them is the saturation of the soil with humus. To do this, the beds are watered with a solution: one capsule of the Energen stimulant per bucket of water.

How to get seedlings?

To grow cucumbers in a greenhouse on an industrial scale, the seedling planting method is more often used. How to grow seedlings in a greenhouse? To do this, the soil mixture is scattered into peat cups and poured with hot water to kill bacteria.

When the soil cools down and becomes warm, dry seeds are pressed into it two centimeters and covered with a film. In the morning you can see the sprouted shoots. When they grow up, and four to six leaves appear on the stalk, the seedlings are planted in a permanent place of growth.

Planting cucumbers

How to grow cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse? To do this, first make beds one meter wide, the distance between them is half this measurement. seedling in eacha row is planted taking into account 40 centimeters one bush from another.

Planting cucumbers is carried out both by seedlings and by seeds. Planting material must be he althy and prepared before sowing. With the seed method, plants do not need to be transplanted, as they are already growing in a permanent place. Their tender roots will not be hurt.

How to grow cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse
How to grow cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Before planting the beds, you need to water and prepare holes in which the seedlings should be placed vertically. The stem is not covered with earth, and the plants do not lean. How to grow cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse? In order for the seedlings to take root faster, after planting, watering is carried out to the very root, the soil must be well saturated with moisture, since the roots of adult plants go deep into it by twenty centimeters. For irrigation, a water solution (one bucket) and the Effekton-O preparation (three tablespoons) are used. Planting is carried out in soil warmed up to eighteen degrees Celsius.

How to form cucumber bushes?

What can be grown in a greenhouse? It can be vegetables, berries of different types, depending on preferences. Some plants need bush formation, while others do not. Greenhouse cucumbers need this procedure, they are formed into one shoot.

A week after planting, the plants are tied to supports. When the stems grow to the very top of the support, you need to remove the top of the shoot. In the lower part of the stem, all the rudiments of the lateral lashes and inflorescences are cut off. If this is not done, the slow growth of the lower ovaries will affectgrowth of the whole plant.

Growing cucumbers in winter

Is it possible to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse in winter? This vegetable feels great growing in a greenhouse with a polycarbonate coating at any time of the year, including during the cold season. We grow cucumbers in a greenhouse in winter, but taking into account some of the nuances of the technological process. Thus, crop varieties pollinated by bees do not bear fruit during this period, so self-pollinated varieties are preferred.

Also keep in mind that winter days are short. In this regard, when choosing a variety, you need to focus on one that can grow in shading and in conditions with low humidity. But in any case, plants need to be provided with sufficient lighting, optimal humidity and nutritious top dressing. Otherwise, you will not see a harvest even from these varieties.

Proper watering of cucumbers in the greenhouse

It does not matter what to grow in a greenhouse, but to get a high yield, you must not forget about watering. Otherwise, in the case of cucumbers, this will lead to undesirable consequences: the vegetables will taste bitter. Watering with cold water leads to the same result, so it needs to be heated.

And better stock up on barrels, put them inside the greenhouse, fill with water, and the issue is resolved. With a lack of water, the leaves will darken, and with an excess, on the contrary, they will brighten. If the leaves turn yellow, it means that the temperature in the greenhouse is high and the plants do not have enough water.

You can grow anything in a greenhouse if you take good care of the plants. Here are cucumbers, you need to water them early in the morning or late in the evening, whenthe sun will set, otherwise the leaves may get burned from direct sunlight. Before the fruiting period, watering is carried out infrequently, once or twice a week, but during it and until the very harvest - daily, at the rate of seven liters of water per square meter.

What soil do you need to grow tomatoes?

Tomatoes are not recommended to be planted in one place for several years in a row, as the soil is emptied, which is fraught with the occurrence of infectious diseases. To reduce the likelihood of their spread, the top layer of soil is removed and carried outside the greenhouse. The remaining soil is disinfected with a solution: one tablespoon of copper sulfate per bucket of water.

How to grow tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse
How to grow tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse

How to grow tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse? For this, a place is being prepared in advance. The best option is considered to be one where the sown area reaches a height of 25 centimeters and a width of 85. The soil should be well-drained, loose and moist, but in moderation. Tomatoes need space, so the distance between the rows should be 90 centimeters, no less.

If you are thinking about what is profitable to grow in a greenhouse, remember: all vegetables are in demand among the consumer, but tomatoes are the most loved and often bought, as their regular use replenishes the missing vitamins and minerals in the human body. Tomatoes grow on soil of any composition, but are preferable to loamy soil, to which peat, manure orsawdust. Vegetables grow well on soil, which includes one part of rotted manure and soddy soil, 0.5 parts of river sand. Superphosphate, potassium sulfate, potassium magnesia, sodium nitrate, wood ash are added to this mixture in the appropriate amounts: 40:20:20: 2: 500 grams.

Planting seedlings of tomatoes

Have you already decided what to grow in the greenhouse? If the choice is made in favor of tomatoes, then you need to know that hybrids are best suited for successfully growing tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse. They are resistant to diseases and have a small bush size, they form into one stem. How to grow tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse? This process begins with planting seedlings in the ground. Of course, it must first be grown. But not everyone does it on their own. Most planting material is bought. Before planting, the temperature of the soil is measured: it should be 13 degrees Celsius.

Plants that have formed flower stalks and a height of 40 centimeters will take root better. If tall varieties are used for planting, the distance between them increases and is approximately 50 centimeters. For short people, 40 cm is enough.

How to grow seedlings in a greenhouse
How to grow seedlings in a greenhouse

FYI: overgrown plants have lower yields. They are planted at an angle, after removing the leaves from the lower part of the stem so that they do not interfere when buried in the soil and do not become a source of fungus spread in the future.

Seedlings are planted in prepared holes: the soil is spilled with a solutionpotassium permanganate with water to eliminate pathogenic microbes, and fertilized with compost. Plants of normal height are carefully placed in a hole in an upright position and covered with earth, which is slightly tamped around the stem and watered. For two weeks, the seedlings are not watered, and fertilizers are not applied to the soil. This is a necessary condition for rooting.

Tomato care

After two to three weeks after planting, the plant bushes are tied to supports. The optimum air temperature is maintained in the greenhouse - 20-30 degrees Celsius, since it is under such conditions that normal growth and fruiting of tomatoes takes place.

In winter, additional heating sources are installed to ensure a constant normal temperature regime. To obtain early fruits, self-pollinated varieties are grown. But in order to increase productivity, plants need help. It is enough to shake the inflorescences, spray the plants, and ventilate the greenhouse. This procedure is performed in warm and dry weather.

Care involves the formation of bushes, which consists in the removal of leaves and shoots. In order not to cause a shock in the plant, in which its growth slows down, strong stepchildren are left, only the weak ones are removed. During the period of fruit set, all leaves located under the inflorescences are cut off.

When watering tomatoes, it is important not to harm them. Excessive moisture not only causes infection, but also worsens the taste. Tomatoes become sour, their fleshiness decreases, they are filled with water.

Feeding starts when the first small tomatoes appear. For this oneonce a week, the soil is watered with a solution of potassium monophosphate. The plant responds well to an overhead spray done weekly in the evening.

How to grow peppers in a greenhouse?

Getting a high yield of vegetables largely depends on soil preparation. It needs to be fertilized with phosphorus and potassium additives, but it is better to refuse fresh manure, since its introduction significantly reduces the yield. It is better to fertilize the soil with compost or humus.

Some gardeners practice growing peppers from seedlings in plastic bags filled with nutrient-rich soil. In this case, you do not need to fertilize the entire soil, but only the one in the bags.

Planting pepper seedlings

How to grow peppers in a greenhouse? This is done in two ways: seedling and seed. The first one is more popular with gardeners, as already strengthened plants are planted in the ground, and they quickly adapt to new conditions.

How to grow peppers in a greenhouse
How to grow peppers in a greenhouse

When the stem of the plant becomes thick and strong, and more than ten leaves appear on it, the seedlings are planted in a permanent place of growth. The height of the bush should be 25 centimeters, and the temperature of the soil in which it will be planted should be 15 degrees Celsius.

First, holes are filled, one liter of water is poured into them. When moisture is absorbed, a plant is placed in the hole and covered with soil so that the first leaves are on the surface of the earth. The soil around the stem is mulched to retain moisture, as the seedlings are watered for a weekit is forbidden. To do this, use sawdust, tree bark, dry leaves or straw. Immediately upon planting, a support is installed for each plant.

Proper care of pepper

The soil around the trunk should always be wet. It should be remembered that excessive moisture is detrimental to pepper. A vegetable needs watering no more than once a week or five days in dry weather. It is good if a drip irrigation system is installed in the greenhouse.

During the flowering period, top watering is unacceptable, as the properties of pollen deteriorate and ovaries do not form. Watering pepper is carried out early in the morning, until the sun has risen. During extreme heat, it can be repeated even in the evening. It is also important to monitor the humidity in the greenhouse, and constantly ventilate the room.

When watering, the main thing is not to harm. In order not to form a crust on the soil surface, experts advise watering one side first, and loosen the other at this time, and vice versa.

Any plant needs to be fed, especially during the growing season. For pepper, potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen additives are especially needed, which are dry and in the form of solutions. Top dressing is carried out before planting the plant in the ground and during the flowering period.
