Modern manufacturers offer an impressive range of artificial finishing materials with the widest operational and decorative functionality. Nevertheless, a rather serious drawback of such products is their insufficient environmental safety. This leads to the fact that many customers start looking for the most natural solutions for finishing their interiors. The only obstacle to the use of natural materials is the widespread belief that such products are short-lived and have limited technical and design capabilities.
However, there is a product that is equally natural and versatile. This is a cork. Today it is used in various fields and for a wide variety of purposes. Cork is used for sound and heat insulation of rooms, as a substrate for the arrangement of floor coverings (for example, laminate) andin many other cases. What is good about cork material, what are its properties and scope?
Why is cork considered eco-friendly? Yes, because the bark of a tree called cork oak is used as a raw material for its production. The composition of finished products does not include any synthetic substances. This is what makes the cork material exceptionally natural.

Trees, the bark of which serves as raw material for such production, grow in the Mediterranean countries. The largest supplier of all these states is Portugal. The cork oak bark is removed for the first time after the tree reaches 25 years of age. After that, the plant undergoes a process of intensive natural regeneration, because of which it does not die. After 10 years, the bark is again removed from it. It is worth noting that every time its quality becomes higher and higher. Such "harvesting" is carried out regularly every ten years. Given that the lifespan of such an oak reaches 200 years, such processing of each plant can be done about 20 times.

After removing the bark, it is pre-dried in natural conditions, and only after that it is sent to the factory. The production of cork material is a technologically simple process. Finished products are produced after crushing raw materials to the state of granules and their further pressing under the influence of steam. No additional binding elements are used to obtain such products.
The technological process used in the production of cork material is called "agglomeration". The thing is that finished products include two positions. These are black and white cork agglomerates. The first of them is obtained using the bark of the trunk, and the second - the bark of branches.
Bark, as you know, is present in all plants of the tree type. But only this oak has a unique composition that allows the use of recycled fabric for industrial purposes.
The main components of cork tree bark are:
- Suberin (up to 45%). It is thanks to this substance, which is a natural adhesive, that synthetic binders are not used in the manufacture of cork material. According to its molecular composition, suberin is close to fats. It is distinguished by high resistance to oxygen, as well as mineral acids and bacteria. In addition, thanks to this component, the bark tissues are elastic and have a low level of thermal conductivity.
- Lignin (up to 27%). This substance is a complex mixture of aromatic polymers. Together with fiber (cellulose), it is responsible for the strength of the cork and its characteristic pleasant smell.
Besides these two elements, cork contains other components. These are ceroids and polysaccharides, tannins, resinous, tannic and other substances.

The unique feature of the finished cork lies inits honeycomb structure. Each cubic centimeter of this material contains approximately 40 million cells. The shape of each of them is represented by a polyhedron of 14 faces, the inner space of which is filled with a special nitrogen-oxygen gaseous mixture that does not contain carbon dioxide impurities. All cells are separated from each other by intercellular partitions. Thanks to this peculiar structure, cork products have excellent thermal insulation properties, do not let moisture and gaseous substances through.
Positive performance
Based on its composition, cork itself is an excellent natural composite or polymer. Thanks to this, it has a wide range of a wide variety of performance characteristics. Among them are the following:
- Environmental safety. This criterion for a consumer who decides to use cork finishing materials is one of the most important. During the operation of such products, harmful substances are not emitted into the air, because in the pressed layer of fine-grained crushed bark there are no toxic components that play a binding role. In addition, cork does not rot like all other wood materials, and it is “not interesting” to termites, rodents and other pests. It has also been established that such products are able to protect a person from various harmful radiations, including radioactive ones. It has also been proven that cork reduces the impact of geopathic zones by 80%.
- Incombustibility. Cork material, despiteits natural origin, burns very badly. And besides, it does not emit harmful volatile substances into the air.
- Low thermal conductivity. This property of the material is manifested due to the high content of suberin in it and the presence of gaseous fillers. It is these components that reduce the heat loss of the cork to a minimum. By the way, it is this protective mechanism, created by nature itself, that allows trees to endure cold well. Cork thermal insulation materials have a coefficient of thermal conductivity almost the same as that of expanded polystyrene. This property is used in the arrangement of floors. Such coatings practically do not absorb the heat generated by a person's legs through the feet. At the same time, the cork floor is never cold. The choice of such a coating can significantly reduce heating costs.
- Good sound insulation. Thanks to its multi-component cellular structure, cork perfectly dampens noise. For shock sound waves and provided that the material is located on the source side, this figure is reduced by 16-20 dB.
- Hypoallergenic. The structure of the cork allows it not to accumulate on its surface static electricity, as well as dust and other potential allergens.
- Elasticity. Due to the high content of suberin, cork finishing materials have shock-absorbing properties. They bend under the weight of a person, and then take their original shape. However, it is imperceptible when walking. But where a person can pass without any consequences, a heavy cabinet with sharp legs will certainly leaveirreparable dents.
- Good slip resistance. Thanks to this property, cork floors can be used in public areas, on stairs.
- Hygiene. Cork flooring does not require any special care. When dirt appears, wipe them with a cloth or use a vacuum cleaner. Cork is easy to care for due to its anti-condensation properties, which prevent corrosion and mold, as well as protect against steam.
- Strength. The cork floor is not afraid of heels and stilettos. Chairs and armchairs will not leave marks on it. If a heavy object falls on such a floor, the coating will immediately restore its original shape. The sharp claws of pets do not harm cork materials.
- Orthopedic treatment. This property is manifested due to the shock-absorbing qualities of the cork. When walking on such floors, the load on the spine is greatly facilitated.
- Durability. Manufacturers give a guarantee for such products from 10 to 20 years.
Cons of material
In addition to the undoubted advantages, such a product also has some disadvantages. Among them:
- High price. Cork is a natural material, which is why the price for it is higher than for artificial products. Its level depends on the type of coating (agglomerate or veneer), as well as the thickness of the layer.
- Footprints and footprints. Homeowners who use cork flooring often complain about marks left by cabinets and other heavy objects.
- Sensitivity toabrasives. When removing dirt on cork coatings, it is forbidden to use metal brushes, which will certainly leave scratches on them. Such floors are afraid of sand, which is also an abrasive, and rubber, which leaves stains.
- Vulnerable to excess moisture. With a large amount of water, the cork can swell, and after that it will become unusable. According to this property, it is significantly inferior to other floor materials, such as linoleum.
Today, manufacturers are increasingly expanding the production of cork products. That is why on sale you can find a wide variety of panels and tiles, as well as other types of cork products.

Let's consider the main types of this natural material:
- Technical traffic jam. This material is available in sheets and rolls. For sound insulation and insulation, it is placed under the main coating (laminate or parquet).
- Adhesive material. It is produced in the form of cork tiles. As a finishing material for the floor, it is glued over its entire surface. Locking connections for such products are not provided. This type of cork tile as a finishing material for the floor is applied to a special adhesive. It is from its composition that the quality of the coating compounds and the whole work will depend.
- "Floating" floors. They are panels that are connected to each other using special ridges or grooves. Such a floor is not fixed either to the base or to the walls.
In turn, "floating" floorssubdivided into glueless and glued. One or another type is determined by the joining of the panels. Glueless products are attached to each other using special grooves and ridges that play the role of locks. Such a floor can be easily disassembled and, if necessary, can be moved to another room. Adhesive panels have a tongue-and-groove system. Such floors cannot be disassembled.
There are also differences in the structures of "adhesive" and "floating" materials. In the first of them, the cork layer is covered with decorative veneer made of precious wood. To increase the strength of the coating, manufacturers cover such tiles with a protective layer of vinyl or varnish.
Cork products are classified both in terms of quality and cost of the material. The most expensive option is cork oak veneer. It is a solid bark of a tree. Agglomerate has the lowest price. This is a material made from heated cork chips. On sale you can also find such products in which both veneer and agglomerate are present at the same time. This coverage option has an average price-quality ratio.
A kind of technical cork
Such products are used for construction purposes not at all as independent coatings, but as auxiliary materials. By their structure, they are all high-pressure cork chips, formed into rolls or sheets. Consider these types of materials in more detail.
Roll cap
This type is one of the most common forms of technical products. Rolled cork significantly speeds up andsimplifies installation work. It is produced with a standard width of 0.5 m and 1 m. The length of the rolls is 8 m and 10 m. When choosing such a material, in addition to these two parameters, it is necessary to take into account the thickness. Its values can vary between 2-10 mm.

Use this cork material for gaskets. That is why it is called the backing.
Rolled materials are produced by pressing cork chips, to which a small amount of binders is added. It can be crushed rubber or bitumen. Sometimes roll materials are supplemented with a cellulose or textile base.
The use of various substances allows you to expand the functionality of the cork, but at the same time infringes on its positive qualities. For example, a material in which bitumen is included is highly water resistant. However, due to its toxicity, it cannot be used in residential areas.
Sheet cork
This material is an analogue of the roll type. However, already during production, it is cut into separate plates, which have a standard length.

The key criterion when choosing such a material is its thickness. Based on this parameter, separate groups are distinguished within this category:
- Sheet cork. It is a plate of pressed chips, the thickness of which can be in the range from 2 to 12 mm. For length and width, the range is also quite extensive. The surface of cork sheet material has a pleasant texture. That is why such products are used both for sound and heat insulation, and as a finishing layer. This cork material is perfect for walls, ceilings and other surfaces.
- Agglomerate. This is a sheet cork material, the thickness of which is 10-150 mm, and sometimes more. Products are distinguished by a characteristic brownish color, the intensity of which is in direct proportion to the moisture content of the feedstock.
Where is cork used? It is used for decoration of various premises. Due to its ability not to absorb odors and liquids, they sheathe the walls in the kitchen. If you trim a loggia or balcony with this material, then during the summer heat it will be colder here by about 7 degrees relative to the street. In winter, the temperature will be the same amount higher.
Cork is widely used by designers to create a variety of interiors. Such material is often used as a wall covering due to the rich range of textures of finished products, color shades and textures.
Cork is also used for finishing, as well as decorating ceilings. At the same time, the echo disappears in the room and the noise that can reach the next room is reduced. It is cork wall and ceiling coverings that can be found in many recording studios, as well as in movie theaters. When arranging wall and floor coverings from cork in a children's room, the noise from running around and playing games is significantly reduced.
DIY Accessory
A cork board made from a material used for interior decoration can be made from a sheet of brown, white or black agglomerate. In offices, such a product serves as a stand for information sheets, and in houses, children's drawings and photographs, various reminders, calendars, etc. can be placed on it. A cork board can be a great place to keep your keys. In the kitchen, recipe records can be placed on it, as well as information for family members. In the office, such a board is perfect as an accessory for storing stationery trifles. In the children's room, it will be a great stand for the baby's drawings.

You can cut such a board yourself. The accessory, as a rule, has dimensions of 100x70 cm. It is cut out of sheet cork material and decorated around the perimeter with anodized aluminum. Information is attached to this board using ordinary push pins.