The desire to decorate the environment is not only human, but only homo sapiens can transform utilitarian things into art objects. Such a metamorphosis occurred with plaster. Initially, it was made from burnt lime and water and was used to eliminate defects in various surfaces, to level them and protect them from external influences. Over time, the plastic mass has undergone changes and has become a real find for decorative walls and ceilings, allowing you to create unique examples of design art.

One of the types of this material was structural plaster, consisting of a base, plasticizers, pigments and special additives in the form of pieces of quartz, wood fibers, particles of mica or small stones. Depending on the main component, mineral, acrylic and silicone plasters are distinguished. They are characterized by different properties and are intended for decoration of both external and internal surfaces of buildings. Water-based mixtures are odorless and are used for finishing residential premises, while those made with solvents are used for application to building facades.
Characteristics and performance

The mixture based on cement and lime increases the fire-resistant properties of the surface and its air permeability, so that the decorative layer does not accumulate moisture and does not crack over time. The material, which includes acrylic, is resistant to weathering and does not collapse with sudden changes in temperature. Latex structural plaster repels dirt and liquid, it can be used in rooms where humidity levels exceed the norm. The addition of special modifying agents determines the properties that characterize the plaster. The structural surface also depends on the type and size of the granules.
Methods of applying structural plaster
Before applying the finishing layer, careful leveling of the walls is not required, it is only necessary to eliminate the largest defects and depressions that exceed the size of the granules. So that in the future, when changing the design of the room, there are no problems with removing the decorative layer, it is advisable to paste over the surface with special wallpaper or paper. If the coating is applied for a long time, then it will be enough to clean the walls, treat them with a certain primer (depending on the type of substrate) and dry.
Structural plaster is used for exterior and interior decoration of structures made of brick, concrete,drywall, asbestos cement and other materials. It is sold as a solution, which only needs to be mixed thoroughly, and then it can be applied to the prepared surface. Finishing work is carried out in several stages. First, apply the first layer of the mixture with a stainless steel spatula or spray gun, evenly distributing it over the wall. When it dries, the surface is covered with a plastic mixture a second time and treated with a structural roller. Under the influence of air, structural plaster hardens and forms a durable breathable film. Finishing work should not be carried out in direct sunlight, and the air temperature is lower than recommended by the manufacturer of the material.

The decorative effect is obtained by using mixtures of different colors and surface treatment with a structural roller.
Decorative structural plaster can be painted over with special pigments during the preparation of the mortar or water-based paints after the applied layer has dried.
Combining color and texture, you can get unique combinations and embody the most incredible fantasies. This material is appropriate to use to create interiors of any style: from luxurious empire to strict minimalism.