Gentian has not yet taken root among our flower growers as a popular flower bed decoration. It is quite rare to find it in a modern front garden. However, this plant is unfairly underrated.
Gentian. Feature
This is a low to medium height herbaceous plant with large flowers very close together, thus creating a blooming cloud. The gentian plant came to us from the wild. It is great for decorating flower beds, edging flower arrangements, and also for ennobling borders. This flower has collected the widest palette of blue shades. No other plant can boast such an abundance of blue, blue and purple flowers. There are about 90 varieties of gentian, among which there are other shades, such as white, pink and yellow.

This is a mountain plant that grows at very high altitudes, from 1200 to 5000 meters above sea level.
Gentian has a long periodflowering, which begins in summer and ends in late autumn. It is quite common in different latitudes of Europe and Asia.
Gentian lush is one of the smallest varieties, no more than 7 centimeters high, with narrow, awl-shaped leaves. There is a blackout in the middle of the bell flower.
Large-leaved gentian are medium-sized specimens reaching 10 centimeters in height, with oval green or purple leaves. The top of the stem is divided into several pieces, providing an even more lush flower mass. The bud itself has a bell-shaped pink color with dark red stripes. This variety of gentian will please with its flowering from September to the end of October.
Chinese-decorated gentian is one of the larger varieties, reaching up to 15 cm in height, with narrow, subulate leaves, bright and rich striped flowers. The color of the stripes can be bright white or pale blue. These are earlier varieties that delight with their flowering from May to August.
Gentian Arethusa is very similar to the variety described above, differing in a palette of flowers that is pale or deep purple and has dark stripes at the bottom. This variety is late flowering, from August to October.

Gentian capitate is a very large variety, reaching 30 centimeters in height, with rose-purple petals that have a dotted pattern along the edge and at the base. Flowering occurs in September-October.
Gentianyellow is the most healing variety, not distinguished by special decorative properties.
Gentian rose flower. Another of the representatives of large plants reaching 50 centimeters, the flowers are pink, solitary, very large, indented along the edge of the petal. It is a hardy crop that blooms from October until frost.
Black-leaved gentian is a small variety. The flowers are large, bright blue, strewn with white dots. Blooms in autumn, September-October.
Gentian hardening. A large specimen, reaching 50 centimeters in height, with pale purple flowers. Flowering period - from August to the end of October.
Gentian. Planting and care
This plant is difficult to grow, it needs the selection of special conditions. Even despite its unique decorative appearance, such a plant as gentian is quite rare in our gardens. Planting and caring for her is quite difficult.

The approach to each variety of gentian is quite individual. Depending on where it grows in natural conditions, it can be both light-loving, preferring sunny places, and shade-loving, not bringing sunlight. But as a rule, the western side and light penumbra are the ideal place for their placement. Also, despite the fact that gentian is a mountain plant, it does not tolerate drying out and adapts well to places with high air humidity, such as natural or artificial reservoirs.
There may also be some difficulties withsoil choice. Gentian prefers the presence of gravel in the soil, and it is also necessary to ensure that the earth is easily permeable, as the plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture.
Propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings or sowing seeds of a plant such as gentian. Planting and caring for seedlings require attention. It is difficult to grow gentian from seeds because the seeds are very small and require moist, well-ventilated conditions with a temperature of 7 degrees Celsius to develop. They germinate only after 1-3 months. If during this period the temperature rises significantly, the seedlings may die. For seed germination, soil is required in the composition of sand and peat, in a ratio of 2: 1. The seeds are not sprinkled on top of the earth, but only watered, due to which they are immersed in the soil layer.

It is much easier to propagate gentian by dividing the bush in the fall. It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to carefully preserve the earthen ball, along with the root system of the plant. So it will take root better and not die.
This plant has healing flowers. Gentian is widely used in traditional medicine recipes. They are especially used in Chinese and Indian culture.
At the moment, in many countries, as well as in Russia, gentian is listed in the Red Book, as it was destroyed in large quantities precisely for the purpose of using it in medicine.
Healing properties
Gentian contains a lot of glycosides - bitter substances that have a positive effect on workgastrointestinal tract, as well as having an antispasmodic effect. The ground part is used in the treatment of gastritis and colitis. Gentian yellow is especially valuable for these qualities.

The roots of plants are also saturated with several types of bitter glycosides, such as amarosverin, gentiopicrin and others. These alkaloids help to suppress coughing attacks, various convulsions, they lower body temperature, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Gentian due to the high content of various alkaloids and acids is used as a decoction in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder and liver. It also has an antifungal effect and is an adjuvant in the treatment of arthritis, gout, heartburn, constipation and scurvy.
Beautiful and useful gentian flower. Planting and caring for it can be difficult, but the plant will heal and delight with its decorative effect. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of planting gentian in your own garden, as the beauty of flowering easily justifies all the effort.