Weed control in the garden is carried out from year to year by every gardener and summer resident. Weeds are diverse, numerous, and most importantly, tenacious. If you do not systematically take measures to destroy them, they will suppress all cultivated species, while depriving you of the harvest.

The term "weed" is vague and fundamentally misleading. This is the name of all those wild species that are undesirable in the garden. Very many of them are actually useful both for enriching the mineral composition of the soil and for suppressing the number of phytoparasites in it. There are many examples of such plants, for example, the well-known nettle and alfalfa. Instead of exterminating from the garden, it is better to study them more carefully. Maybe there will be an opportunity for a favorable neighborhood of these species with horticultural crops.
As a rule, weed control in the garden is primarily carried out with the help of mechanical weeding. This is the most affordable and cheapest method, besides it is safe for he alth. At the same time, this is the most time-consuming way to eliminate weeds. If aengage in weeding from time to time, without a specific system, then the labor costs will be maximum, but the effect will be minimized.

There is an excellent method by which weed control in the garden will be not only effective and productive, but also easy. Its essence is to prevent weed seeds from getting into the beds. And those that still fall on the ground are forced to germinate before garden crops, while removing them is much easier.
So, weed control in the garden begins in the fall, after the harvest. As soon as the last vegetables are harvested, the beds are covered with an opaque film. Firstly, it prevents new seeds from being introduced into the soil. And secondly, the seeds that have already fallen into the ground begin to germinate rapidly due to the greenhouse effect. Before the first frost at the end of October, the film is removed.

In the spring, when the snow has melted, but the earth has not yet warmed up, the film is returned to its place. Under it, the soil thaws faster, and weed seeds begin to sprout. A week before planting garden crops, the earth is dug up, thus removing all germinated weeds. After digging, the beds are covered again until planting.
Weed control on the lawn, at the fence, between the beds is carried out with chemicals. The main thing at the same time is to destroy the flower stalks so that the seeds do not scatter throughout the garden plot. As a chemical preparation, you can use, for example, "Roundup". At the same time, between the bedsthorough weeding. This has a positive effect on the number of weeds not only in the current, but also in the next season.
So, to prevent garden weeds from clogging your crop, there is no point in forever digging up the earth and littering it with chemicals. It is much easier to prevent their seeds from getting into the garden. Perhaps the described method is the most effective way of mechanical weeding. By the way, you can also scatter mustard seeds on the ground. In the spring they will sprout, and you will not only enjoy the flowering of this beautiful plant, but also completely free the soil from weeds after it is removed.