Mosaic plaster stands out among the many modern finishing materials, thanks to which you can create a decorative and original wall covering with your own hands. This ready-made mixture of natural crushed stone and acrylic resin opens up a wide range of possibilities for finishing and decorating spaces for various purposes.

Where and when did it appear
The art of mosaic plaster was widespread in Byzantium and ancient Greece, where it was used to decorate religious and cultural buildings, decorate walls and floors of various buildings. However, over time, it went out of fashion and was forgotten. The next peak of popularity came in the XIII century. At that time in Europe, the so-called Florentine, but, in fact, only slightly modified mosaic plaster was used to decorate both temple and secular buildings. But this variety, which used marble chips instead of stone, was also forgotten. Once again, technologyThe creation of mosaic wall coverings was discovered already in the 18th century by M. V. Lomonosov. In the future, it was in Russia with the help of this technology that panels of various styles were created.
What is it like
Modern mosaic plaster does not have a clear division into types, but it has several features that make it possible to classify this finishing material.
1. Depending on the features of use and external qualities:
- for interior decoration of decorative and architectural decor elements or walls;
- for processing facades of structures;
- Acrylic-based mosaic plaster for plinth.

2. According to the particle size of the filler, mosaic plasters can be divided into the following groups:
- large, the grain size of which can vary from 1.5 to 2 mm;
- medium, whose particles have a diameter of 1.2 to 1.6 mm;
- small - diameter from 0.8 to 1.2 mm;
- fine textured, grain size less than 0.8mm.
3. By type of filler material used:
- granite;
- marble;
- quartz.
4. Depending on the particle staining method. In order for decorative mosaic plaster to be more expressive, crumbs of different colors are mixed in the composition. Both stone grains of various natural colors and specially colored ones are used.

Thanksmaterials that make up the mosaic plaster, it has the following advantages:
- resistance to ultraviolet radiation and the ability to "keep" a given color for a long time;
- the ability to withstand numerous diverse adverse effects of the outside world - thaws and freezing, heat and severe frosts, various precipitation - for a long time;
- vapor permeability of the material - any surface on which mosaic plaster has been applied retains the ability to breathe;
- the ability to lay it on almost any base: brick, concrete, natural stone, cement, foam concrete, ordinary plaster or drywall;
- long service life without loss of appearance;
- the possibility of a wide choice of colors of mosaic plaster, which the owner liked the most or suitable for the interior or exterior of the building, in addition, today many manufacturers produce plastering compositions with the ability to set any color or shade that suits the needs of the designer or customer;
- good elasticity of the material, due to which the compensation of stresses arising under the influence of various external factors.
A few shortcomings
According to most experts in the field of construction, the main disadvantages that mosaic plaster has shown are: the price is quite high, the need for highly professional application to the surface and, accordingly, additional costs of money for hiringspecialist. In addition, some types of this acrylic-based exterior material have a rather low vapor permeability, which is why manufacturers do not recommend using them for insulated structures, such as mineral wool, which must breathe.

A few practical tips
Before applying mosaic plaster, the composition must be mixed. Since natural stone chips are usually used in the manufacture, batches released at different times may have slight color differences. If you buy several packages of such plaster, be sure to check if they are from the same batch: they were released on the same day and have the same serial number. In the event that the compositions were made on different days or in different batches, then to align them by color, experts recommend combining them all in one large container and mixing thoroughly.
It should also be remembered that the size of the stone particles introduced into it must be indicated on the packaging of mosaic plaster, since both the appearance of the resulting coating and the consumption of material depend on their size. The larger the grains present in the composition, the more the mixture will go per square meter.
Issue price
Today, the building materials market has many offers of ready-made mixtures for creating a mosaic plastered surface both inside and outside the house. The average price of a kilogram of mosaic plaster mix produced in Russia, in Moscowvaries from 120 rubles per kg and above. The price is affected by the material and grain size, density and adhesion. For mosaic plaster intended for exterior facade work, important indicators that determine the cost are the water absorption coefficient and frost resistance. In stores you can find compositions at a price of 110 rubles per kg.