Petiole hydrangea: photo, planting and care

Petiole hydrangea: photo, planting and care
Petiole hydrangea: photo, planting and care

For many amateur gardeners, hydrangea appears as a shrub. However, petiolate hydrangea came to the inhabitants of European countries from the Far East. Planting and caring for it is not particularly difficult. The plant tolerates the cold season well, as it grows in the wild in the forests of southern Sakhalin, the Kuriles and Japan. It combines the beauty of green foliage, which changes to golden in autumn, the aroma of many small flowers, the mystery of branched shoots that are exposed in winter.


Hydrangea petiolate is a perennial deciduous vine that has a beautiful flowering. She is able to climb a support to a height of 25 meters using aerial roots and suction cups. If there is no support, the plant will spread along the surface of the earth.

White petiolate hydrangea flowers
White petiolate hydrangea flowers

It was recognized as a cultivated flower in 1865. Since it is less and less common in its natural habitat, it was listed in the Red Book.

Plant appearance:

  • Leaves - ovoid, large, shiny. The color depends on the species, but is more often dark green. Attached tostem with petioles, the length of which reaches eight centimeters. With the onset of cold weather, the leaves turn yellow. Fall off at the end of October.
  • Inflorescences - the diameter of each inflorescence is about 20 centimeters. They consist of many small flowers. Their color comes in three variants: milky white, pink-white, light purple. Cover the entire length of the vine. The flowers are lightly scented and therefore attract bees. Insects use pollen to produce honey.

Adult plant withstands even a frosty snowless winter. It is easily restored, continuing to develop. How to get such a frost-resistant decoration for your garden?

Advice when choosing a seedling

Purchase petiole hydrangea should be from trusted distributors. The fact is that the plant is very similar to the schizophragma. This culture also belongs to the hydrangeas, but does not have an important quality for our continent. She is afraid of frost.

The specialist will be able to see the difference by looking at the inflorescences. But usually non-blooming young seedlings are sold.

Flowering petiole hydrangea
Flowering petiole hydrangea


Due to the fact that the plant feels great in the shade, petiole hydrangea can be planted in any area. But it will bloom profusely only on the sunny side.

It is better to pick up acidic soil. It should be moist, rich in humus. Soil with an alkaline reaction can lead to a lack of iron in the plant. This will make him sick. To keep moisture in the soil, you will need to cover it with a large layer of mulch. Use forthis is better than acidifying coarse organics. For example, bark, shavings, leaf humus.

The seedling should be planted immediately in a permanent place. After a couple of years, it will be impossible to tear it off the support without harming the shoots. The chosen place should not be blown by the north wind.

A pit is being prepared for landing, 40 by 40 centimeters in size. Depth - 50 centimeters. A 10-centimeter layer of drainage is poured into the bottom of the pit. The pit is covered with a mixture consisting of two parts of humus and earth, one part of peat and sand. The root collar should be flush with the ground.

If several seedlings are planted in a row, the distance between them should be 80-100 centimeters. Seedlings are susceptible to weather conditions. In dry times, they must be systematically watered and sprayed with warm water. In cold weather, it is important for them to make light shelter. Three-year-old plants will no longer need shelter. Do not worry if the plant does not bloom in the first years. He needs time to develop.

hydrangea hanging from the wall
hydrangea hanging from the wall


For good development and abundant flowering, any plant needs top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers. For the first time, they are brought directly into the pit before planting. Then the plant is fed during the period of intensive growth. This is usually done at the end of May until the beginning of August. There should be two weeks between recharges.

You can use a mixture of chicken manure, which is diluted with water 1 to 10. It is allowed to feed with complex mineral fertilizer, which includes20 grams of superphosphate, 20 grams of urea, 10 grams of potassium sulfur.

Immediately after planting, the plant will develop a root system, so do not expect a significant increase in shoots. In an adult hydrangea, shoots grow by 50 centimeters per year.

The plant is not able to seek support on its own. He needs help by directing her with the help of a ladder. But do not tie it with ropes. A strong wall, a durable tree can serve as a support. It looks great on arches and arbors. Can create a hedge on the balcony. Old hedges and stone sculptures shrouded in lianas will look mysterious.

If the plant spreads on the ground, it will turn into a dense flowering carpet. This option is suitable for large open areas that do not have time to plant different crops.


In order for the curly petiolate hydrangea to beautifully and evenly cover a given area, for example, an arbor, it needs to cut off the shoots. This is done in early spring. The shoot is cut off over the fifth or sixth bud. New branches need to set the direction of growth. Intensive pruning is not needed if the plant spreads along the ground. If necessary, sanitary pruning should be carried out, which involves the removal of dry branches.

hydrangea in winter
hydrangea in winter


Clianas of petiolate hydrangea attract many gardeners. If desired, it can be propagated independently by cuttings or layering. The cutting method gives 90% survival rate.

Cuttings are cut in the spring. They are placed in sand or a mixture of sand and peat. Before that, they can be treated with a root formation stimulator. Cuttings should be covered with foil. Further care involves regular airing and moisturizing. After a while, roots will appear.

Reproduction by layering is possible. To do this, in the spring or summer, the shoot bends down to the ground and digs in. The soil must be dug up, mixed with sand and peat. Don't forget about drainage. From the part of the shoot that will be underground, it is necessary to remove foliage and other branches. The depth of instillation is only 10-15 centimeters.

By autumn, the young plant can be separated from the parent. But it's still too early to change it. Young hydrangeas should be held in the old place for another three weeks. So she will adapt to an independent life. After you need to cut off the top of the new seedling for the development of the root system. It is ready to land in its permanent location.

A young seedling acquired in autumn is better to plant in a pot. In it, he will spend the winter, being in the basement. The plant must be watered regularly, and planted in a permanent place in the spring.


Petiole hydrangea can be attacked by slugs and snails. They are easy to spot by the eaten leaves and the dried slime they leave behind. You can get rid of pests by sprinkling the soil under the plant with a layer of river sand. For these purposes, special granules are sold in stores.

Other pests include spider mites, thrips, and aphids. You can fight them with insecticides. But during the flowering period, it is better to refrain from procedures so as not to destroybees and other beneficial insects. For prevention, you can treat the plant with special means at the beginning of the season.

Hydrangea can lose its beautiful appearance due to the large amount of humus and lime in the soil. Do not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers so that the plant is not damaged by gray rot or powdery mildew. In general, hydrangea is not susceptible to disease. Much depends on proper care.

Petiole hydrangea on the wall
Petiole hydrangea on the wall


Hydrangea petiolate (curly liana) is not very common in gardens. It is a liana-like shrub that can stretch up along a support or creep along the ground.

Over the years, several subspecies of this original plant have been bred. Two of them are considered the most popular.


The variety of petiolate hydrangea called Cordifolia is small in size. The plant reaches a maximum of one and a half meters in height. It grows slowly. For a year, the shoots are stretched by only 10 centimeters.

The leaves are rounded and about six to eight centimeters long. From above, the leaf plate is painted green, and from below - in a light green or white tone. Fruiting flowers are creamy. It is from them that the aroma of honey comes. Sterile inflorescences are white. This variety is hardy and disease resistant.

petiolate hydrangea in autumn
petiolate hydrangea in autumn


According to some reviews, petiolate hydrangea attracts with its lush flowering, according to others - with bright yellow leaves in autumn days. ForFor lovers of the original color, the Miranda variety is ideal.

The leaves of this plant have notches. The inside is painted green, and the border has a cream or yellow tint. An adult plant reaches a length of five to six meters. The flower diameter is two centimeters. Flowering occurs in late June - early August. White flowers have a light pleasant aroma.

Adult liana hibernates without shelter. In case of severe frosts, only the tips of the shoots can suffer.

Petiole hydrangea "Miranda"
Petiole hydrangea "Miranda"

Application in garden design

Reviews of the winding petiole hydrangea are only positive. This plant retains its decorative qualities at any time of the year:

  • spring - lush green vines;
  • summer - exuberant white bloom;
  • autumn - bright yellow leaves;
  • red-brown stems in winter.

It is important not to plant another species of liana next to the hydrangea so that they do not compete. Ideally, shade-loving plants get along with it. Their task will be to close the empty places under the vine. They also retain moisture. Suitable for these requirements are hostas, astilba, geraniums. Nearby you can plant other types of hydrangeas. During the flowering period, the garden will be flooded with white and a wonderful light aroma. The most important thing is to follow not only the rules of planting, but also the recommendations of specialists in caring for such a plant.
