Blue hydrangea: planting and care. How to care for blue hydrangea

Blue hydrangea: planting and care. How to care for blue hydrangea
Blue hydrangea: planting and care. How to care for blue hydrangea

Hydrangea attracts many growers, both experienced and beginners. The plant is valued for its decorative appearance, unusual leaf shape and lush flowering. It owes its name to the French princess Hortense. Later, scientists named it hydrangea, which translates as "a vessel with water." This emphasizes that the plant needs a lot of moisture. However, the scientific name did not take root among flower growers. The original version is still preferred.

blue hydrangea
blue hydrangea


Hydrangea is most often grown in gardens, but it is possible to keep a flower at home. In total, there are about 80 varieties of this plant. There is also a division by type:

  • paniculate;
  • anabel;
  • large-leaved;
  • stalked;
  • tree-like;
  • pink.

In room conditions, it is recommended to contain large-leaved hydrangea. This is due to the fact that it is less resistant to frost and does not tolerate temperature extremes. Various types of flower are common in the territories of East Asia,South and North America, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands, Japan. China is considered the birthplace of the large-leaved hydrangea. In a warm subtropical climate, the plant can reach 4 meters in height. In colder climates, it can only grow up to a meter. In nature, hydrangea flowers are pink. Today, breeders have bred new varieties with white inflorescences. But the most unusual is the large-leaved blue hydrangea.

Temperature and location

hydrangea blue care
hydrangea blue care

You can often hear from beginner growers that the plant is difficult to maintain. This opinion arises among those people who do not know how to care for blue hydrangea. You should always remember that the flower is thermophilic. In summer, he needs a temperature of 18-20 degrees. If the room is warmer, the plant will begin to shed its leaves. The flower loves fresh air, so in summer it is advisable to take it out to the balcony. However, drafts and cold air currents should be avoided. In winter, the optimum temperature is 4-8 degrees.


In summer, during flowering and active growth, the hydrangea should be placed in partial shade or in a place where the light is diffused. It is best for a flower when the top is lit, and the stem and leaves are in low shade. Blue hydrangea does not tolerate directed sunlight, but strongly darkened places also do not suit her. The flowering period comes later, and there are few inflorescences on the plant. In addition, the lack of lighting causes the blue hydrangea to become weak. It is forbiddenallow the flower to touch the glass. This will cause burns on the leaves.

Humidity. Watering

In the period from spring to late autumn, blue hydrangea requires abundant watering. However, it is important not to overdo it. Watering is done as the topsoil dries up. The water must be soft. Periodically, the plant needs to be sprayed. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to 1 time in 1.5 months. Blue hydrangea is able to tolerate a little dryness, but the earthy coma should not be allowed to dry out completely.


For planting a plant, you can take a ready-made substrate. If the necessary soil was not found in the store, then you can prepare it yourself. To do this, take 3 parts of turf, 3 parts of leafy soil and 1 part of sand. Hydrangea loves acidic soil. The pH should be 4-5.5. The more acidic the soil, the darker the flower color will become.

blue hydrangea how to care
blue hydrangea how to care


During flowering and active growth indoor blue hydrangea requires additional nutrition. To do this, use a complex mineral fertilizer for plants that prefer acidic soils. Feed once a week. 2 g of fertilizer is enough per liter of water. It is worth noting that a large amount of it does not tolerate any plant, including blue hydrangea.

Planting and care. Reproduction. Transplant

There are several types of hydrangea propagation. The simplest and most effective for indoor flower is cuttings. To do this, take the lower young shoots7-8 cm long. They should have 3-4 pairs of leaves. Cuttings should be cut evenly, not at an angle, at a distance of 3-4 cm from the first node. The lower leaves are removed. Planting is done in deep containers filled with a mixture of peat and sand, to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. You can cover the cuttings with a glass cap, but it’s better not to do this, as they can rot.

room hydrangea blue
room hydrangea blue

3-6 weeks are enough for the blue hydrangea to take root. A young plant needs careful care. In the first seven days, it is sprayed up to 4 times a day, then reduced to 1-2 times. After rooting, the plants are transplanted into pots with prepared soil. To make the bush more magnificent, it needs to be pinched in May. Hydrangea will bloom next year.

how to care for blue hydrangea
how to care for blue hydrangea

If the hydrangea bush has grown large, then it is better to plant it. To do this, the plant is divided in half so that both parts have both the top and the root. Hydrangea bushes are planted in a flower pot and fed with fertilizers. Additionally, a root cut is treated with phytohormones.


It is carried out in the spring before the start of the growing season. The essence of the procedure is to remove weak and strongly elongated shoots and old inflorescences. As a result, the plant will bloom better. In addition, new strong shoots will appear. But do not be zealous. Heavily pruned hydrangea does not bloom well. On the shoots, it is necessary to leave from 2 to 6 pairs of he althy buds. After pruning, the hydrangea does not need to be fed. If the hydrangea grows too thick, then some of the shootscan be removed by cutting at the root.

Resting period

Beginner gardeners may be concerned when they notice that hydrangeas are shedding leaves. If this happened in winter, then there is no reason to worry. The flower began a dormant period, which lasts about 3 months. Of course, it is difficult to recognize a blooming beauty in bare branches, but if you wait for the summer, you can be sure that this is the same beautiful blue hydrangea. How to care for a winter flower? This process is very simple. Watering is significantly reduced, but the earthy coma should not be allowed to dry out. Fertilizing is not needed. Until March, the hydrangea is cleaned in a cool dark place. Young plants whose shoots are not woody do not shed their leaves and hibernate without going dormant.

hydrangea large-leaved blue
hydrangea large-leaved blue

Diseases and pests. Ways to fight

Among the pests stand out:

  1. Aphids. To get rid of the pest, you need to treat the plant with a soapy solution. In case of severe damage, you will have to use broad-spectrum organophosphorus insecticidal and acaricidal preparations.
  2. Spider mite. Spraying will help in the fight against it. Water must be used warm. If a positive effect cannot be achieved, then you can use the drugs used to eliminate aphids.

Hydrangeas are susceptible to the following diseases:

  1. Stem nematode. Leaves, stem and inflorescences are exposed to the disease, as a result of which the plant loses its attractiveness. Save the stricken flowerimpossible. It will have to be destroyed to avoid spreading the disease to other plants.
  2. Downy mildew. It appears on leaves and stems as oily spots. Over time, they turn yellow and increase. A yellowish coating appears on the reverse side of the affected leaf. Due to the high humidity and temperature of 18-20 degrees, blue hydrangea is affected by powdery mildew. The care and treatment of the plant consists in treating the affected areas of the plant with copper-soapy water. In 10 liters of water, you need to dilute copper sulfate (15 g) and green soap (150 g).
  3. Chlorosis. Hydrangeas affected by this disease have light-colored leaves with dark veins. A large amount of lime or humus in the soil leads to chlorosis. To return the plant to its previous appearance, you need to dilute potassium nitrate (40 g) in 10 liters of water and water the flower 2-3 times. After 3 days, use a solution of ferrous sulfate in the same proportions.
  4. Hydrangea is very sensitive to light and watering. If the flower lacks moisture, then its leaves will begin to turn yellow and curl. Excessive watering leads to root rot. Most often this happens during the dormant period, when the temperature is significantly reduced. Excess refreshment leads to the formation of light spots on the leaves. With a deficiency, the plant grows slowly and does not bloom.
  5. Quite often, novice flower growers are faced with the fact that hydrangeas wither leaves. There are several reasons for this problem. First you need to find out if the flower receives enough moisture. Perhaps the plant is in direct sunlight. Leavescan wither from a lack of nutrition, namely from a lack of nitrogen fertilizers. If the location is chosen correctly, watering is sufficient and regular feeding is present, then the hydrangea is sick with chlorosis.

The flower can be grown not only on the windowsill, but also on the street, of course, if the climate allows. Hydrangea will not leave anyone indifferent, thanks to its unusual appearance. It is not the most difficult plant to care for. If desired, even a beginner can handle it, and beautiful flowers will be the reward for caring.

hydrangea blue planting and care
hydrangea blue planting and care

Blue hydrangea can also be used in design. Its decorative look will easily decorate any room. The flower is perfect for decorating a themed party or wedding. If you need to create an atmosphere of tenderness and romance, hydrangea will do just fine.
