In order for ceramic tiles to serve for a long time and firmly adhere to the surface, you need to pay attention to two important factors: firstly, the quality of the tile itself, and secondly, on the adhesive for ceramic tiles that will be used when laying.

When choosing an adhesive for ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware, you need to consider what humidity will be in the room and on what basis the material will be laid. Also, when choosing an adhesive solution, you should consider the price, availability and ease of use.
The modern market presents various adhesives for ceramic tiles, which are suitable for different facing materials. Naturally, when using universal adhesive mixtures, the tile will easily adhere to the base, but the question arises of how strong and durable such installation will be.
If the laying of ceramic tiles occurs during new construction, then you can choose the adhesive that will ideally fit the selected material and the base. When installing tiles on an existing subfloor orwalls, you need to carefully prepare the surface, and only then choose

Even base - this is a guarantee that ceramic tiles will stick firmly and securely. At the same time, a flat surface will save the consumption of the adhesive mixture. Since most manufacturers indicate that the adhesive for ceramic tiles should be laid in a layer of no more than 5 mm, it is necessary to first check the surface differences and, if necessary, even out any irregularities.
When choosing an adhesive for ceramic tiles, it should be taken into account how much the lined surface will be exposed to moisture. If the installation is done in the bathroom, then waterproofing the room is a must. Otherwise, over time, water will penetrate through microcracks in the joints of the seams, which will lead to the destruction of the adhesive.
The format of ceramic tiles is also of no small importance when choosing an adhesive mixture. Inexpensive adhesives can only be suitable for small-format tiles, no larger than 30 × 30 cm. For large-sized facing material that will be installed in rooms with high humidity, a special adhesive should be selected.

Special attention should be paid to laying the mosaic. This is not a small tile. On the adhesive mixture for it, it must be indicated that this type is used for gluing ceramic and glass mosaics. For such purposes, a special acrylic or cement fine-grained glue is best suited.
Whenfacing ceramic tiles "warm floor" should also select a special adhesive. Since such a floor has constant temperature changes, cheap glue can break down after a while. It is better to use a special improved glue.
If the basis for laying ceramic tiles is a cement screed, then it is best to choose a latex-based polymer cement adhesive. When chipboard or plywood are used as the laying surface, then an adhesive solution with a high coefficient of elasticity is used. For example, polyurethane or epoxy.