Kalachik is the popular name for pelargonium. It is grown all over the world and is loved for its unpretentiousness and beautiful flowers.
Types of Pelargonium
The genus Pelargonium combines about 250 species of various plants of the geranium family. Among them are grassy, as we are used to seeing them, and shrubs. A plant called geranium is isolated in a separate genus. But often indoor flower pelargonium is called geranium. The name of the flower comes from the Greek word "pelargos", which means "stork". After all, its flowers resemble the head of this bird. In our country, it is customary to call it a kalachik. This is probably due to the round shape of the leaves.
All numerous types of pelargonium, or kalachik, are conventionally divided into:
- ampel;
- blooming;
- scented.
Ampel grow down, bush grow up.
Zonal rolls - plants with beautiful flowers that can have 5, up to 8 (semi-double) and more (double) petals.
Sometimes it's hard to believe that it's all balls. Flowers (photo) can be of various shapes.

They are collected inhemispherical umbrella. All kinds of colors: from white, salmon, pink to burgundy, almost black. There are not only pure yellow and blue kalachiks. Flowers are often bicolored. In this case, their location may be as follows:
- light inside, darker outside;
- rim around the edge of the petal;
- different petals are colored in different colors.
Leaves can also be plain or with multi-colored zones (that's why the ball is called zonal). They may even be tricolor. Varieties with very brightly colored leaves are distinguished into a separate subspecies. Their colors can be red, brown, yellow, white, purple.
Royal (English large-flowered) rolls of flowers are so large that they reach a diameter of six centimeters. They, like a princess, require special care. In winter, they need to be highlighted, and the temperature should not be higher than 10 degrees, otherwise flower buds will not form. And they bloom only 3-4 months.

Kalachiki of this species are distinguished by maroon spots or dark stripes near the veins on the lower petals.
Angel's rolls have flowers similar to violas. A 30 cm high bush blooms all summer.
Many pelargoniums have a strong smell. Such a flower is called fragrant pelargonium. It blooms with small purple or pink flowers. All its charm is in dissected leaves, which have the smell of mint, lemon, lilac, pine needles, pineapple, roses and many other fragrant plants. Geranium oil is extracted from the leaves of this roll.
AmpelousThe rolls have stems up to a meter long with small ivy-like leaves and colorful buds.

There are also succulent rolls, but they are not common here. They are used in creating compositions in the style of bonsai.
Geranium bush grows in height from 10 cm (miniature) to 60 cm. But it can be higher, reaching 80 cm (airins). There are also microminiature balls, the height of which is less than 10 cm.
The plant blooms in our latitudes from the end of March to November.
Kalachik is a flower that can be easily propagated by cuttings. They are broken off or cut off from the side branches or the top. The length of the handle should be from 5 to 7 centimeters and have at least two leaves. Planted immediately in a permanent place in light soil. The cut point is treated with ash.
You can cut cuttings all year round. But it is better to do it in spring - in March or April, and in autumn - in August and September.
Cutting helps to improve the appearance of the plant. If it is very long, and the flowers are placed only at the top, cutting off the tops causes the growth of side shoots from dormant buds. In the future, they will be covered with peduncles.
Faded flowers are removed so that new ones form sooner.
Kalachik is a flower that does not like heat. It grows best in moderate. During the dormant period, the air temperature in the room should be between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius. In winter - not lower than 8 degrees.
Kalachik is a flower that loves very muchsunlight. Easily tolerates even direct sunlight. This allows you to grow rolls in flower beds. In very strong heat, they are shaded a little so that the leaves do not turn red and do not burn.
Grow well in partial shade. You can create beautiful arrangements using flowers, such as rolls.
Water the plants as the soil dries. Kalachik is a flower that loves moisture, but you should not fill it. In summer, the kalachik is watered more often, during the dormant period much less often. But still, the soil must always be moist.
Excess moisture comes out through the pan. But the drainage in the pot must be of high quality.
Kalachik does not need to be sprayed. He loves dry air.

Kalachiki - indoor flowers. But in the summer they feel better in the fresh air.
And top dressing won't hurt them. It is carried out once every two weeks with a liquid complex mineral fertilizer. You can use the "Bud" tool.
Transplantation is done in the spring. This is done if the kalachik has grown a lot and does not fit in a pot. But you need to take into account the peculiarity of the kalachik: in a wide pot, it grows leaves, not flowers.
Fragrant ball has bactericidal substances. While in the air, they kill many pathogenic microbes and even staphylococcus aureus.
Helps fragrant pelargonium to treat a sore throat. To do this, use an infusion of leaves.
When otitis media, geranium leaves are kneaded and a compress is made on the ear, which relieves pain and reducesinflammatory process.
The same compress, but from more leaves, is applied for sciatica or osteochondrosis.
The smell of a fragrant ball has a beneficial effect on patients with neurasthenia, hypertension, heart and stomach diseases, suffering from insomnia.
But its main purpose is to decorate our lives. As soon as the threat of frost passes, a huge number of rolls of various types and colors appear on the streets of cities.

They are used to decorate balconies, flower beds, discounts.
Why doesn't the kalachik bloom
- This may be because the room is too warm in winter, and the flower cannot enter a dormant state. Therefore, he continues to release leaves, not flower stalks.
- Due to damage by mites, weevils and other pests or gray mold.
- Due to improper watering. From excess moisture, the plant rots and withers. With its lack, the leaves dry up.
- Root damage by fungal and bacterial diseases.
- Very large pot.
Among these causes, diseases and pests are of particular concern. Without their elimination, the ball will disappear.